Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/482

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452 , FOBTY-THIRD CON GBESS. Sess. II. OH. 13B.' 1875 March 3, l.8‘75. CHAP. 133.-Au act making appropriations for the support of the Army for lhe fiscal -·——-—-——-- year ending June thirtieth, eighteen undmd and S¤Ve¤ty·¤1X,· and for other purpose; Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqvresentatioes of the United Army appropria, States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and tionibr sj6M wd- the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money ·1u the_Treasm·y mg ·’“'-‘° ·’°· 187** not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the Army for the year . ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, as follows: GCor5in ggld ng d Eor expenses of the Commanding Geuera1’s Oihce, Eve thousand 0D6X' S · . 0 airs. Recruiting. For expenses ofrecruiting and transportation of recruits, one hundred No payment for and five thousand dollars. And no money appropriated by this me recruiting beyond, shall be paid for recruiting the Army beyond the number of twenty- &°· five thousand enlisted men, including Igdiixn) scouts argl hospitalstewards. Nothin , however in this act s a e construe toprevent Si§nal_-service enlistments for thegSigna1-Service, which shall hereafter be maintained “°l* *¤“°”h°d· as now organized, and with the force of enlisted men now provided by law. Contingencies. For contingent expenses of the Adjutiint-General’s Department at the headquarters of military divisions and departments, three thousand dollars. signi-smite, For expenses of the Signal-Service of the Army, purchase, equip- &¤- merit, anld repairs of éalecgricl geld-telegraphs and signal-equipments, twe ve thousand ve un re dollars. my or Army. t For paiyévf th? édrmynand fog Etlllowlances to omcers of the Army; for ranspor a ion o iemse ves an eir aggage w en rave ing on i uty 4;,,,,,,,,,1 expense, without troops, escorts, or supplies, and for compensation of witnesses while on court-martial service; for travellixig-expeiises of paymasters’ clerks; for paymsnt pif postage fan letters] and packages, and cost of te cgrams receive an sent y 0 ·'ccrs oft e Arm on Jublie business Actual traveling eleven million four hundred thousand dollars z lhogidedi That hereafter ‘

d¤¤l¤» W only actual travelling-expenses shall be allowed to any person holding

‘ employment or appointment under the United States, except marshals, district attorueys,and clerks of the courts 0i' the United States and their depu}tics; and all altowances for mileages and transportation iu _ _ _ , excess oft e amount actual y paid, except as above excepted are hereby ,,,1;;, declared illegal· and no credit shall be allowed to any of the’disbursiug- ° olfticers of the United States for payment or allowances inviolatiou ol t 1 s provision. S¤b¤i¤¢<¤¤>¤¤· For subsistence of regular troops, engineers, Indian scouts and Indian prisoners, two million four hundred and eighty-four thousand three hundred and thirty dollars, not exceeding three thousand dollars of which Proviso. may be used for subsisting Indians visiting military posts: Provided, That three hundred thousand dollars of the sum thus appropriated may be applied by the Gommissary-General of _Subsistence, prior to the first day of July, eighteen hundred and seventyhve, to the purchase of sub-.

}stence_su;5pl_ies irlrtenéleda for the posts supplied through the Upper

issouri an or 0 er is nt pos s. Q¤z¤r*·¤r¤¤=wt¤¤“¤ For regular supplies of the Quartermastevs Department, to wit: For ”“'“’l'°“· the regular supplies of the Quartermastens Department, consisting of stoves for heating and cooking ; of fuel for officers, enlisted men, guards, hospitals, store-houses, and offices; of forage in kind for the horses, mules, and ozren of the Quartermasterts Department, at the several posts and stations, and with the armies in the field; for the horses of the several regiments of cavalry, the batteries of artillery, and such companies of infantry and scouts as may be mounted, and for the authorized number of officers’ horses, including bedding for the animals; of straw for soldiers? bedding; and of stationery, including blank books ibr the Quartermas·ter’s Department, certificates for discharged soldiers, blank forms for the Pay and Quartermastews Departments, and for _ printing of division and department orders and reports, four million P¤>V1¤¤- two hundred and fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That of this amount a sum not to exceed fifty thousand dollars may be expended before the