Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/461

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PORTYTHIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 132. 1875. 431 For sixteenth of twenty instalments, for the pay of each of the head chiefs of the Flathead, Kootenay, and Upper Pend d’Oreille tribes, per fifth article of treaty of July sixteenth, eighteen hundred and nfty-tive, one thousand five hundred dollars. For second of five instalments, (fourth series,) for beneficial objects, v.,i_1g,,._;m;, to be expended under direction of the President, per fourth article of tlreaty of July sixteenth, eighteen hundred and fiftyfive, three thousand o ars. For transportation of annuitygoods and provisions to said Indians, per fifth article of treaty of July sixteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty- tive, one thousand fivehundred dollars. GROS VENTRES. For this amount, to be expended in such goods, provisions, and other Gros vsmss. articles as the President may, from time to time, determine, including transportation thereof, in instructing in agricultural and mechanical pursuits, in providing employees, educating childremprocuring medicine and medical attendance, care for and support of the aged, sick, and infirm, for the helpless orphans of said Indians, and in any other respect to promote their-civilization, comfort and improvement, thirtyfive thousand dollars. _ IOWAS. For interest, in lieu of investment on fifiyseven thousand five hun- Iowas. drod dollars, balance of one hundred and fifty-seven thousand live hundred dollars, to July first, eighteen hundred and seventyiivo, at live per ccntum per annum, for education or other beneficial purposes, under the direction of the President, per ninth article of treaty of May seventeenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, two thousand eight hun- vo], 10,,,1011, dred and seventy-five dollars. KANSAS. For interest in lieu of investment on two hundred thousand dollars, at Kansas. five per eentum per annum, per second article of treaty of January tour- Vol-9.p.842. teenth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, ten thousand dollars. KICKAPOOS. For interest on ninety-five thousand nine hundred and forty-five dol- Iiickapooslars and ninety-five cents, at five per ccntum per annum, for educational and other beneficial purposes, per treaty of May eighteenth, eighteen Vol. 10, p. 1078. hundred and fifty-four, four thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven , dollars and twenty-nine cents. For settlement, support, and civilization of Kickapoo Indians in the Indian Territory, lately removed from Mexico, and such as may be removed hereatter, twenty thousand dollars: Provided, That this may be available on and after the first day of May, eighteen hundred and seventy-five. KLAMATH AN D MODOC LNDIANS. For last of five instalments, to be applied under direction of the Klamath and President, as per second article of treaty of October fourteenth, eight- M°d°° 1“dm“· een hundred and sixty-four, five thousand dollars. V<>L16,p-708. For ninth of twenty instalments, for keeping in repair one saw-mill, one ilouring·mill, buildings for the blacksmith, carpenter, and wagon and plow maker, the manual-labor school, and hospital, as per fourth article of treaty of October fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, one thousand dollars.