Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/447

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FOBTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 131. 1875.· 417 To settle the claims of volunteers for pay. while serving in the Indian Claim of Oregon war of eighteen hundred and nfty-five and eighteen hundred and fifty- my W’*“h“*€'°° ¤ six, in Oregon and Washington Territories, as per certificate of the v° “°t°°"‘ amounting officers of the Treasury Department, being for the service of the fiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-one·and prior years, three thousand one hundred and ten dollars. To settle the claims of volunteers for services rendered in the Indian war of eighteen hundred and ility-five and eighteen hundred and fifty- six in Oregon and Washington Territories, as per certificate of the accounting officers of the Treasury Department, being for the service of the nscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-one and prior years, dve thousand eight hundred and sixty-six dollars and seventy-four cents. To settle claims certified to be due by the accounting officers of the Sciilern ent 0 f Treasury Department, being for the service of the fiscal year eighteen °]”·'“‘“· hundred and seventy-one and prior years, twelve dollars and sixty-five cents. For contingencies of the Army certified to` be due by the accounting Contingcn ci e s, oilieers of the Treasury Department, being for the service of the fiscal A’“‘Y· year eighteen hundred and seventy-two, one hundred and sixty dollars. For payment of amount certified to be due by the accounting officers Subsisten e e o i of the Treasury Department for subsistence of officers of the Army, °m°°"“· being for the service of the nseal year eighteen hundred, and seventy- one and prior years, one hundred and fifty four dollars and twenty cents. For payment of amount certilied to be due by the accounting officers _M¤<ll°¤l *24*** IM- of the Treasury Department for medical and hospital supplies, and inci- l"*“1°“Pl’l‘°“‘ dental expenses of the medical department of the army, being for the service of the nscal year eighteen hundred and seventy one and prior years, six hundred and ninety-nine dollars and ninety-two cents. For payment of the amount certified to be due by the accounting officers Exiwnses at arof the Treasury Department, for current expenses at arsenals, being for °°““l*’- the service of the fiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-one, thirty- four dollars and twelve cents. For payment of amount certiiied to be due by the accounting officers Ordnance, oraof the Treasury Department for ordnance, ordnance stores, and supplies, “““°° “*°’°°- being for the service of the fiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy- two, sixty three dollars and eighty-eight cents. For payment of amounts certified by the accounting officers of the Frcc<1¤¤¤>u and Treasury Department, to be due for the support of freedmen and refu- r°f“S°°¤- goes, being for the service of the iiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and prior years, forty-nine dollars and sixty-six cents INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. For payment of amount due Louis Dupleix for rent of room in which Louis Dupleix. the archives of the land office at Natchitoches, Louisiana, were kept tor safekeeping, from November first, eigh teen hundred and sixty eight to April sixteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one inclusive, at the rate of twenty dollars per month, being—for the service of the nscal year eight een —hundred and seventy-one. and prior years, five hundred and ninety dollars and sixty-six cents. _ _ _ For the purpose of closing the accounts of certain receivers of public Roo 1 v <> r s <> f moneys acting as disbursin g agents in the several Statesand Territories, 2; Q as per letter of the First Comptroller of the Treasury, being for the serv- ,,g,,,,,,,,_ ice of the fiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-one, four thousand and five hundred dollars. _ _ For the purpose of closing the accounts of certain receivers of public moneys acting as disbursing agents in the several States and Territories, as per letter of the First Comptroller of the Treasury, being for the service of the fiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-two, one thousand and five hundred dollars. L _ For salaries and commissions of registers and receivers of United Registers and States land-offices, for the decal year eighteen hundred and seventy-two, m00W0m- four thousand dollars. Vol. 18, pt. 3-27