Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/357

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FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 81. 1875. 327 For interpreters to twelve other consulates in Chinn, J open, and Siam, at Eve hundred dollars- each, six thousand dollars, For marshals for the consular courts in Japan and China, Siam, anc1Tu1·- Mmimis of wukey, including loss by exchange, seven thousand seven hundred d011am, sular coms. For payment of consular officers not citizens of the United States, ten _ Consular officers (3h011S2H1d dollars. not citizens. 1874, c. 275, s. 6; ante, p. 70. For interpreters, guards, and other expenses at the consulates at Con- _ Interpreters, &c., stantinople, Smyrna, Candle, Cairo, Jerusalem, and Beirht, in the m T“*k°5'· Turkish Dominions, three thousand dollars. For loss by exchange on consular service, forty-eight thousand dollars. L o s s b y ex - For contingent expenses of United States consulates, such as station- °h¤¤8°; . ery, book-cases, arms of the United States, seals, presses, and Bags, c0g:_$';f{;§°"°'"S °f rent, height, postage, and other necessary miscellaneous matters, ` including loss by exchange, one hundred and thirtyone thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars. For salaries and expenses of the United States and Spanish Claims U. s. mia Span: Commission, namely: For commissioner, five thousand dollars ; for isb <=l¤i¤>¤ ¤<>¤¤¤¤i¤- counsel, five thousand dollars; for secretary, nine hundred and twelve “‘°“· dollars and fifty cents; for messenger, three hundred dollars; and for rent, fuel, and gas, three thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven dollars and fifty cents; making, in all, the sum of fifteen thousand dollars. For salaries and expenses of United States and Mexican Claims Com- U. sl and Mentimission: For commissioner, four thousand five hundred dollars; for °?"°l***'““°"“‘““*‘ agent, four thousand dollars; for secretary, two thousand five hundred °"°”` dollars; for umpire, three thousand dollars; legal assistant to agent, three thousand dollars ; two translators, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; two. clerks, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; one messenger, six hundred dollars; one assistant messenger, three hundred dollars; and for contingent expenses, Eve thousand dollars; making, in all, the sum of twenty-eight thousand and seven hundred dollars. For rent of prisons for American convicts in Siem and Turkey, and Rent or prisons for wages of keepersof the same, including loss by exchange, four thou- in Smm wd Tw sand dollars. k°Y‘ For rent of prison for American convicts in China, one thousand live Chimhundred dollars. 6 For wages of keepers, care of olfenders, and expenses, ten thousand Expenses. ollars. For rout of prison for American convicts in Japan, seven hundred and J**1’°¤· fifty dollars. _ _ 1 Igor wages of keepers, cure of offenders, and expenses, five thousand Expenses. c o urs. For bringing home from foreign countries persons charged with Bringing homo crimes, and expenses incidental thereto, including loss by exchange, P*i*i°¤¤, 0*1***5**6 nvs thousand scum. ‘“° ‘ ?'"“°· For relief and protection of American seamen in foreign countries, Rshsf of Ammone hundred thousand dollars. ‘ °”° °”m°"' _ 5For expenses of acknowledging the services of masters and crews of R<¤?¤° f¤°¤¤ ¤l¥¤P· foreign vessels in rescuing American citizens- from shipwreck, five thou- ‘"°° ‘ sand dollars. _ _ To meet the necessary expenses attendant upon the execution of the N¤¤¤¤¤li*>Y ¤¤l¤· neutrality-act, to be expended under the direction of the President, pur- R_ S_'TmG INA suant to the third section of the act of Congress of May first, eighteen p.1029. hundred and ten, entitled "An alot fixing the compensation of ministers R.S],291,p.48. and consuls residing on the coast of Barbory, and for other purposes," . twenty thousand dollars. ‘ ‘ For annual proportion of the expenses of Cape Spartel light, on the 1.<g‘;P° SP’“`*°l coast of Morocco, two hundred and eighty/dve dollars. _ 1° ‘ - For allowance to widows or heir of deceased diplomatic and consular Wi¤¤w¤¤¤<1l¤¤i¤·¤ officers for the time that would be nece sarily occupied in making the 3g;°:;3"°’ transit from the post of duty of the deceased to his residence in the 0mm_ °° United States, five thousand dollars.