Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/310

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280 FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 480, 481. 1874, v excepting the Ritchie mineral and the Richmond coal, the_cost_of which shall not enter into any calculation in making an average, which stewment shall be sworn to before a Justice of the Peace by their Engineer and Secretary, and the advance or reduction of price shall take place on the first of July ensuing. _ ~ _ - · _ _G=¤¤ W l>°, fh" Sec. 12. That the Washington Gas-Light Company shall be authorized '"`l‘°d °°,_D,QsT°; and required to furnish illuminating gas to the government of the Dis- €;:,,°":,g’°;% 3U;};; trict of Columbia within the distance of nfty yards from any of their Sums. mains, on the same terms as to the Government of the United States, , ,and in case of the non-payment of any monthly bills by thesaid District beyondthe period of ten days from the time oi' presentation, the com- Intemt on u n- pany shall be entitled to demand and receive interest thereon from date paid bills. _ until paid. And the said company shall light, extinguish, keep clean, RW lb? 1*21% and repair the Washington City street-lamps at the uniform price of g:,“'Q}’fi,?,';°;,ff,f,,”;1rg forty dollars for each lamp per annum, to burn two thousand two hun- 5.. wusnsugmn. P dred hours per annum, with a six-foot burner on each lamp, subject to any regulation that may be prescribed by the city authorities as to the time of lighting and extinguishing the same, and any extra number of hours to be charged and paid for at the same rate: Provided, That the city of Washington shall furnishywhen necessary, new lanterns to replace old ones, and shall furnish and pay for the reasonable expense of erecting new lamp-posts to replace such as are old, damaged, and unfit _ for use. · - Stoppagc of gas Sec. 13. That if any person or persons, supplied with gas, neglect or £<zf1¤<>¤·P¤Ym°¤° °*` refuse to pay the amount due for the same, such company may stop the _ ' 8* _ _ gas from entering the premises of such person or persons. In no case R¢¤'¤¤<=*·¤°¤ °¤ '°‘ shall the officers, servants, or workmen of the company remove a meter m°"“1 °f "‘°°°"‘ from premises supplied by the company, unless by consent of the consumer, without iirst giving forty-eight hours’ notice in writingby leav- ‘ ing the same at the premises of the consumer; and said removal shall · take place only between the hours of eight o’clock in the forenoon and two o’clock in the afternoon. A°*m“Yb°“1*‘{’°dj Sec. 14. That it shall be lawful for Congress at any time hereafter to {lm0l.l(l6(l, 01I‘C _]t\ _ , . , Pm1w_ a_ cr, amend,_or repeal this act, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. _ _ _ P¤¤;¤lty;<>sfr•r¤d- Sec. 15. That any person who, with intent to injure or defraud any “;‘;"‘ Y ° “‘ “ ‘“ g gas company in the District of Columbia, shall make or cause to be made g ‘ any pipe, tube or other instrument or contrivance, or connect the same, or cause it to be connected with any main service pipe or other pipe for conducting or supplying illuminating gas in such manner as to connect with and be calculated to supply illuminating gas to any burner or orifice by which illuminating gas is consumed, around or without passing through the meter provided for the measuring and registering of the quantity of gas there consumed, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by imprisonment not gxpfeeding six months or by fine not exceeding two hundred and nfty , o ars. . _ P’l°° *° M ““i*· SEC'. 16. That the price which may be charged 1or as b ah Gas- ,€$,’:,,.s1f° M1 °°° Light Company in the District of Columbia shall be uiiform arid the same to all consumers and any reduction made in the price or cost to any person or persons, except to officers of the company, shall furnish e legal right on the part of any other person or persons to demand gasat the same cost or price. - Approved,. June 23, 1874. ` June 23, 1874. CHAP. 481.·—An act extendin therightufwa he fore anted t W Valley Railroad Company $hl'(§1gh the? arsenal g1?ounrd?g.t Pil%b¤Jgh,t;ed]:s§;;§1i:?y Au? hm R ML Be it enacted by tile Senate and House of Rqlresenmtives of the United wm, ifomplémy may State: of America m Oongresc assembled, That the Allegheny Valley extend its t r 2, 0 k Railroad Company be, and it is hereby, authorized to extend 1tS tracks over certain gmuna over and occupy the ground between the present track and the Allenear `llnited States IIXSQDR .