Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/304

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274FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I, Ch. 473, 4f74._ {1874. ,

  • _ _J_Iuno_23z·1874. CHAP. 473.eAn act granting thsdighfzgii :3 131;:::;}; gis public to the Ankgu.

' _ `Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqprccerttativea of the United Right o £_ w a y States of America in Oongwzss assembled, That the right off way through

  • l··‘··¤gj¤ v¤l·*·g}¤;;·’¤ the public mms te, and me same is hereby, granted to tho Arkansas

}€¤ij§f,a§"§Q;,P:u§y Valley Railway Company, a corporation duly created under the laws or ` the Territory of Colorado, its successors and assigns, for a railroad and telegraph-line, now partially completed and m operation, from a point on the line of the Kansas Pacific Railway at Kit Carson; thence southward to West Las Animas; thence westward along or near the Arkansas River to Pueblo, a distance of about one hundred and fifty miles, _ ‘ and within said Territory of Colorado. Said right of way is granted to ‘ Wldth of 8******- said railway-company to the extent of one hundred feet in width on each · _ Y · side of said railroad where it may pass through the public. domain and _ . Lund. tm- mtion— military reservation at Fort Lyon, including grounds for stationbuild- _

  • ’“*l‘h¤¢°» &·°- · ings, workshops, depots, machineshops, switches, side-tracks, turn-

. tables, cattle-yards and water-stations, to the amount not exceeding ten . ‘ acres, not mineral-lands, for each station, and for not more than one sta-. _Mny take {num- tion in every ton miles ; together with the right to takes from the public ···=·!*·—·¤¤ 1·¤l>l·<>·¤>-ianus while_ neionging to the United smes,eq1ace¤¤ to ma mgm or m"'"' · . way, stone, earth, and other material necessary for the construction, ·maintenance, and repair of its railway and telegraph: Provided, That ‘ . _ within six months from the passage of this act the said Arkansas Valley Map to be filed Railway Company shall file with the Secretary of the Interior at map, to ‘"““'* °'¥ '”°”‘h°· be approved by him, exhibiting the line of the railroad of said company , Provisos. as the same has been located: And provided fm·ther,' That the right of ` way across the militaryreservation at Fort Lyon, and the depotgrounds . thereon, shall be located and set aside under the direction of the Score-‘ tary of War: Provided, That this grunt of the right of way shall not prevent any railroudcompuny from crossing said Arkansas Valley Bail- _ way Company at grade. - _ · . ·· Approved, Juno 23, 1874. · » _‘ J uno 23, 1874. CHAP. 474.-An act sirpplenientaiy to the not entitled “An act to anthorizojshswub-

ington City und_Point ookout Railroad Companytoexteud amilroud into and _

xvii, [,_ lng_ within the District of Columbia'? approved January 22, 1873.‘ ' . . Be it enacted by the Senate ¢md,,House-ry" Representatives o the Unite:}

 States of America in Congress assembled, That the Washington City and .

·14umOMi Company Point Lookout Railroad Company may enter the city of Georgetown ` —¤_¤»¤»y enter an<i_ccp— with their. railroad, and may construct the same within the limits of said`

 gg1Q"`;:?:;;? 01ty on and by the following route : Beginning at a point on tho northmmm_ P 'eustern boundary line of the District of Columbia ;thence to the mouth

of Piney Branch of Rock Greek, by a route north of the Soldiers Home, _ and avoiding any property of the United States; thence by way of Rock _ . Ureok 1:0 a point nom- its mouth ; thence by way of Water street in _ Georgetown to a point near the northeastern terminus of the Aqueduct Bridge, iusaid city; thence along the Potomac River to the northwestern _ boundary of the District of Columbia, so as to connect with the Wash- Bridge across. the ington and Ohio Railroad, with authority to construct a bridge across P°*°'¤°° Rm'- _ the Potomac River above navigation, upon plans and specifications to be iirst approved in writing by the Secretary of War; and also to construct a branch railroad outside of the limitsof the city of Washington Bunch to mmmto connect its road with the Washington branch of the Baltimore and wm, washington Ohio Rmlroad; Provided, That the location of said routeheroin donned hmuch of Baltimore shall_bo subject to the approval of the engineer in charge of public ·"£0(g;‘::)nR*2}':::&° buildings und grounds: Amd provided further that nothing in this act to be appmwd by shall be so construed as to porjmxt or authorize the Washington City and emgiueen in charge P01Ut LOOk`QIIt 'B»2»I·lZ`OH¢d OOYDPQDY 170 Gilt6P Hp0I]. 0I' USG ally of public buildings and grounds.