Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/282

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252 FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. UH. 465, 466, 467, 468. 1874. Ccmpensution to directed to compensate the said asylum, or the proper authorities mm. $***8 ¤SY*¤m°· malliiig che same, for the care and custody of such insane couvicts,um;i1 their removal or discharge, in such amounts as he shall deem just and reasonable · but no contract shall be made or compensation paid for the care of sucn in ane person beyond their respective terms of impris0n· ment. Conyicts restored Sec. 3. That whenever such insane convict shall be restored to ssmisy,

  • ° _¤¤¤*°Y W. "° *`°‘ after he or she shall have been trsmsterred under the provisions of this
““’“°d *° P“s°”‘ act, he or she shall be returned to the prison or penitentiary fromwhieh

_ _ the transfer was made, provided the term of imprisonment shall not Q“°¤**°¤¤ of 9**** have expired. The questions of sanity in all cases arising under this oct; Wi MW d°°°""m°d‘ shall be determined in accordance with the rules and regulations of existing laws, State or national, on that subject, applicable to the prison, penitentiary, or asylum where such convict shall be confined. Approved, June 23, 1874. -711110 23, 1874- CHAP. 466.-Au not to extend the time allowed for the redemption of cermiri lands 1872,ch. 337, M 1, by the first section of the act entitled "Au act to provide for the redemption and 4, pp. 330, 331. sale of lands held by the United States under the several acts levying direct taxes, and for other purposes" approved June eighth, eighteen hundred & seventywwo, and tm suspend the operation of the fourth section of said act. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _Ti¤w for rcdemp- States of America in Congress assembled, That the time allowed in and by

 gg 12;*1; ggmefgf the first; section of the net: of Ccngressepprovcd June eighth, eighteen

tcm6d_ hundred and seventy-two, entitled "An act to provide for the redemption and sale of lands held by the United States under the several acts levying direct taxes, and for other purposes" be and the same is hereby extended for the term of two years from the first day of June, eighteen hundred and seventy-four. S ale o f u nre- SEcr1oN 2. That the operation of the fourth section of said act; be, and d€°g‘°£ 1°é5°‘j& S““‘ the same is hereby, suspended until the expiration of said term of p°° ° uu ’ °` two years from said first day of June. Approved, J unc 23, 1874. June 23, 1874. CHAP. 467.-An act to authorize the use of gilt letters for the names of vessels. i 1735%**h- I: W "°r Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ’p‘States of America in Congress assembled, That section three of the act Names of vessels entitled •• An act concerning the registering and recording of ships and may bqpaintvd upon vessels," approved December thirty-first, seventeen hundred and ninety- °EY;"}0;€°rg°l]°" °* two, is hereby so amended as to allow the name of any vessel to bo gpainted upon her stern in yellow or gilt letters.

 Approved, June 23, 1874.

Juno 23, 1874 CHAP. 468.TAn act to amend the act entitled “An act to amend an act entitled ‘A11

 act to establish :1 court for the investigation of claims against the United Si:a,tes,’ ”

xi 30_ approved August 6th, 18::6. .0f of ¤<>¤r*¤ Be it emwted py qw Senate and House of Representatives of the United ccucurien 00 ofState.s of Angerzea m Congress assembled, Tha.1: any three judges of the ,;,,,,,5 judges mM_ Court of Claims shell consmute a quorum; Provided, That the concursary to decision of rence of three judges shell be necessary to the decision of any case. °"“s‘ Approved, June 23, 1874.