Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/252

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222 FORTY-THIRD CON GBESS. Sess. I. OH. 455. 1874. Repairing roads, For repairing roads, buildings, sewers, drains, and grading grounds, M- ten thousand dollars. _ _ f ._ __ _ Artesian wsu. For continuing the bomng of an artesian well, or, 1 artesian water is procured for putting down permanent iron pipes and turbine-wheel, to be run by now of water, to pump up water to the reservoir, five thousand and forty-seven dollars. _ _ _ Machinery. For machinery for shops, for fences, and other s1m1lar neces ames, ‘ four thousand eight hundred and eighty-ve dollars. Repairs sr arse- For repairs of arsenals; For repairs of smaller_ arsenals, and to meet nals. such unioreseen expenditures at arsenals as acc1dents or other contingencies during the year may render necessary, fifty thousand dollars. Military bridge To enable the Secretary of War to provide for constructinga military gross North Piam bridge across the N orflh Plat(tieéBiye1·, at or near Fort Laranue, WyomiV°*·~ T 't fifteen thousand dollars. _ Purchase strand- mite glnrdldhythe Secretary of War to purchase for the United States, of i¤z i¤ W¤¤hi¤S*°¤· the owners thereof, the lot, and buildings thereon, immediately west of · Winde1·’s building, on F street, Washington City, and the house and lot in the rear of %`ud ilmmediatgly acgpinjing tgz Alrmy Me1dE T th st t 'n on ‘i ir y-eig thousand . ' dhllaig, or s1o6$nhcha1?hdregi>tf as mhy be necessary for the purpose: Pro- Proviso. vided, That the coslt of saildthh adjoiniing!1Wmd2r'sfbmlg11;)g gall gat dth't-n t usan dollars an · ecos 0 said ro y · P¤Ym°’%*’ 'l°* *° "° idihcihg th? grni; Me(dical Museum shall not exceed three thousand fave “‘“"‘Q,“'£;1 "°1°P°r' hundred dollars, and that payment shall not be made_ for either lot mm ’until the title thereto is perfect and the property free of incumbrance. Part of Woodlawn It is hereby declared that the northern part of Woodlawn Cemetery, C¤¤¤‘> **0*17 *9 b° in the city of Elmira, in the State of New York, occupied by seld1ers’ g§,‘;';‘§gry°°D?;'t§§?1 graves, zhalldbe ldeemyed a natilozlalbcemewryolgso fair only ttéhagshe msgidé ’ stones o said so iers graves s e renew an main m an_ - graves cared for, under the provisions of law applicable to national cemeteries._ _ .1n1e,en.265, p.15. That section second of an act entitled "An act malging appropriations . . for the support of the Army for the flscal year ending June thirtieth,. eighteen hundred and seventy-five, and for other purposes," passed at .,;,,,,.,1 A,,,,,,,,,,. so the resent session, shall be construed to direct the Third Auditor of certify sums neces- the 'Breasury to certify to the Secretafgy ot£Bt;hebTreasurydth€lsum necessary to ¤ etiis M- sary in the settlement of accounts r s m oats an o er vesse s, g°“$:“&f°“' “°°"““' pending in his office, under the joint resolution approved Lecember °§.,§, fg, s, ieee twenty-third, eighteen hundred and pxty-nine, anrgehgargghltgird, eigbléti 1. ", _. 68.een hundred and seventy-one, and said sum so certi s e excep

}8;T;’<>£ xvii. P· from the operation of the sa.i¢L_sec<;1i11d sectiom
Bntlncgtliinghgregn cor;

"· . _ . . ted shall be construed to e act e presen juris ic ion o e econ gsgozél gdgiggugi gdmptroller of the Treasury in this class of cases: Provided, That the not efected. . Secretary of War is authorized to employ not exceeding thirteen enlisted E¤1i¤*·~>d m¤¤ in men for one year in the Ordnance Bureau. _ _ °’g,';,";';;f £;f,‘;’f,“‘°f To enable the Secrettallry of)W1ar tobbielgixrthle %ubl1catio3 (}fb:i1ll.BO0$t(?13l ,,;,0 wu of umrarecordsof thewarof ere e ion, o o e n10n an 0 e one · b 11* . crate armies the sum of fifteen thousand dollars. And the Secretary of 0Rgi:?’*°» &I§·¤b,§° War is hereby directed to have copied for the Public Printer all `reports, QQ,;;}?;" f°' “ ° letters, telegrams, and general orders not heretofore copied or printed, ' and properly arranged in chronological order. _ Ex ,,,,,,,m,,wm, For continuing experiments withbrceeh-loading cannon, under the · brsseli-lowing can- direction of the Svelcretary of War, the sum of ten thousand dollars 18 ¤<>¤· here y appropriate . Lee’s lfreech—1oad— - For the tpurpose of testingvhlr. Léfgs breecl;-loadinlg gunénlndler the i¤z Sim- direction o the Secretary o ar, sum 0 ten thousand 0 srs is hereby appropriated. · Military prison at To enable the Secretary of War to alter certain stone buildings and Fort L¤¤·v¤¤w¤1‘¤h· make the proper walls and constructions around the same, to at them for a military prison, at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, the sum of twenty- five thousand dollars. .