Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/200

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170 FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 389. 1874. ° Wi¤¤9<>b¤s¤¢¤- cents, at dve per centum, per fourth article treaty of October thirteenth, V°1·*x·°·87**- eighteen hundred and forty-six three thousand seven hundred and sixty- nine dollars and thirty-six cents. For interest on seventy-eight thousand three hundred and forty dollars and—forty-one cents, at live per centum, to be expended, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, for the erection of houses, improvement of their allotments of land, purchase of stock, agricultural implements, seeds, and Ether benceiicial purposes, three thousand nine hundred an seventeen dollars an wo cents. For this amount or so much thereof as may be necessary, to defray the expenses of breaking and fencing eight hundred acres of land for the Winnebago Indians, on their reservation in the State of Nebraska, v,,]_x,,,,p_671_ in accordance with the provisions of the third article of the treaty with said tribe, concluded March eighth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, which shall available immediately upon the passage of this act, three thousand four hundred dollars. Purchase ermnus For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to purf¤·¤¤¤ 0m¤l¤¤· l¤di¤¤¤ chase from the Omaha Indians in Nebraska such quantity of land, not

 °f w“’“°b“‘ exceeding twenty sections, as may he required for the use of the Wing °'nebago Indians in Wisconsin, and for improvements on their reservation, to be appropriated from the residue of the one million one hundred

thousand dollars provided to be set apart for the Winnebagoes by the Ve1.vli,p 545. fourth article of the treaty with those Indians, November first, eighteen How ¤m<¤·¤t1f=~id hundred and thirty-seven : Provided, That such amount as may be paid “° ({!;‘3h“° Ml b°to the Omahas for the lands required shall be applied for their use, app Iunder the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, for general purposes of civilization, eighty-two thousand dollars: Provided, That said C¤¤se¤tofWi¤¤e— Winnebagoes shall consent to said purchase. "“8°°“· For transportation of goods, two thousand dollars Yakama Nation. YAKAMA NATION . For iiftcenth of twenty instalments, being the last of the third series, for beneiicial objects, to be expended under the direction of- the Presiv,,]_ ,;,,1,, 95:; dent, per fourth article of treaty of June ninth, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, six thousand dollars. For fifteenth of twenty instalments, for the support of two schools, one of which is to be an agricultural and industrial school, keeping_ in repair school-buildings, and for providing suitable furniture, books and gdtatioiperyé perlfiftih adrticle treaty of June ninth, eighteen hundred and i, ve ve un re dollars. Igor fifteenth of twenty instalments for the employment of one superintendent of teaching and two teachers, per fifth article treaty of June Sinth, eighteen hundred and fifty-ive three thousand two hundred 0 ars. For fifteenth of twenty instalments, for the employment of one superintendent of farming and two farmers, two millers, two blacksmiths one tinner, one gunsmith, one carpenter, and one wagon and plow maker, per fifth article of treaty of June ninth, eighteen hundred and “"*v·i:ive, eleven thousand four hundred dollars. For fifteenth of twenty instalments, for keeping in repair saw and flouring mills, and for furnishing the necessary tools and fixtures per fifth article treaty of June ninth, eighteen hundred and fifty-five ,1ive hundred dollars. ’ For fifteenth of twenty instalments, for keeping in repair the hospital, and providing the necessary medicines, and hxtures therefor, per fifth grticgeupfltreaty of June ninth eighteen hundred and fifty-ive, three un r dollars. _ For fifteenth of twenty instalments, for keeping in repair blacksmith, tinsmith, gunsmith, carpenter and wagon and plow maker shops, and for provnding necessary tools therefor, per fifth article treaty of June ninth, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five hundred dollars. For liiteenth of twenty instalments, for the pay of a physician per-