Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/193

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FORTYTHIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. OH. 389. 1874. 163 QUAPAWS. Quupaws. For the education, during the pleasure of the President, per third ar- Vol YU. D· 425- ticle treaty of May thirteenth, eighteen hundred and ~thirty-three, one thousand dollars. _For blacksmith and assistants, and tools, iron, and steel for blackgnith-shop, per same article of same treaty, one thousand and sixty o ars. For one farmer, during the pleasure of the President, per same treaty, six hundred dollars. p our-NAI-ELT Ann oU1L-Lnn-Urn mnxmvs ijé; · For last of five instalments on twentyfive thousand dollars (being GH?5 Xi, P 972 the first series,) for beneficial objects, under the direction of the Presi-’ ' dent, per fourth article treaty of July first, eighteen hundred and fifty- five, one thousand dollars. For fifteenth of twenty instalments, for the support of an agricultural and industrial school, and for pay of suitable instructors, per tenth article treaty of July first, eighteen hundred and fiftyfive, two thousand five hundred dollars. ` For fifteenth of twenty instalments, for support of smith and carpenter shop,.and to provide the necessary tools therefor, per tenth artiglaltreaty of July first, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five hundred o ars. For nfteenth of twenty instalments, for the employment of a blacksmith, carpenter, and farmer, and a physician, who shall furnish medicines for the sick, per tenth article treaty of July 'drst, eighteen hundredand fiftyfive, four thousand one hundred dollars RIVER CROWS. River Crows. For this amount, to be expended for such goods, provisions, and other articles as the President, from time to time, may determine, including transportation thereof, in instructing in agricultural and mechanical pursuits, in providing employees, educating children, procuring medicine and medical attendance, care for and support of the aged, sick, and infirm, ior the helpless orphans of said lndians, and in any other respect to promote their civilization, comfort, and improvement, thirty thousand dollars. noeun-mvnns. R<>s¤o·Riv¤r¤- Forlast of five instalments, in blankets, clothing, farming utensils, and stock, per fourth article treaty of September tenth, eighteen hun· Vol-¤.1>·1019· dred and fifty-three, three thousand dollars. _ · sins Ann roxns on rms Missrssrrri. mgalgsgeiilggsw on For permanent annuity, in goods or otherwise, per third article treaty V°1·“¤· P- 85- of November third, eighteen hundred and four, one thousand dollars. For interest on. two hundred thousand dollars, at five per centum, per Vol. vii, p. 541. second article treaty of October twenty-first, eighteen hundred and thirtyseven, ten thousand dollars. For interest on eight hundred thousand dollars, at five per centum, __ r per second article treaty of October eleventh, eighteen hundred and V°l·V¤»1>·—>96· forty-two, forty thousand dollars, of which sum, one thousand five hundred dollars shall be paid for a physician for the agency, who shall furnish the necessary medicines; Provided, That so much of the appro· Portion may be priation herein made for the Sacs and Foxes on the·Mississippi as shall gszgagggfgggdiz be deemed necessary by the Secretary of the Interior, not exceeding m,,,,,, fifty per centum thereof, may be used, under his direction, for the pur- _ poses of education and civilization: Provided, further, That the Indians P'°“"°· shall consent thereto.