Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/178

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148 FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. GH. 380. 1874. thold, Sisseton, and I)evil’s Lake agencies, at four hundred dollars per Interpret e r s i ll annum each' . . . s wyoming, One for the tribes in Wyoming, at the Shoshone agency, at five hun. dred dollars. - Um],. One for the tribes‘in Utah, at five hundred dollars per annum. NOW ymcoi Seven for the tribes in New Mexico, namely, two for the Navajo agency, and one each for the Abiquiu, Cimmaron, Mescalero Apache, Southern Apache, and Pueblo agencies, at five hundred dollars each per Abi iii, ,,,0,, 0, annum: Provided, That the Abiquiu agency shall be abolished after De. to he liboiishdi; cember, eighteen hundred and seventy-four. _ _ commas; Two for the tribes in Colorado, namely, Los Pmos and White River agencies, at five hundred dollars per annum each. Nebraska ; Seven for the tribes in Nebraska, to be assigned to such agencies as the Secretary of the Interior may direct, at four hundred dollars per annum each. 1;,,,,,,,.,, Two for the tribes in Kansas, namely, Pottawatomie and Kickapoo agencies, at four hundred dollars each. _ indian Tmim,. Eight for the tribes in_ the Indian Territory, to be assigned as the ’ Secretary of the Interior may direct, at tour hundred dollars per annum each; and six hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, Swim, i i i Z 0 ii to enable the Secretary of the Interior to supply temporary interpreters mimi for the semi-civilized tribes. - wisconsin, Three for the tribes in Wisconsin, namely, Green Bay, Lac Court Oreilles, and La Pointe agencies, at four hundred dollars each. Liiimmm, Four for the tribes in Minnesota, namely, Boise Forte, Chippewas, ’ White Earth, Red Lake and Pillager agencies, at four hundred dollars each. Miciiigiiii, Two for the tribes in Michigan, namely, Mackinac agency, at four ’ hundred dollars each. ` ,;,;,0,,,,, Six for the tribes in Arizona, namely, Colorado River, Pima and Maricopa, Moquis Pueblo, Chiracahui, San Carlos, and Camp Apache agencies, at four hundred dollars each ; making forty-seven interpreters, at _ ibur hundred dollars each; twenty-nine interpreters, at five hundred _T<>*=¤l_ ¤PP¤“¤P¤¤· dollars each; and six hundred dollars for temporary interpreters; in °“’“ f°““t°U"“““‘ all, thirty-three thousand nine hundred dollars. Agency biiiidii,gB_ llugor buildings at agencies, and repairs of the same, ten thousand dol- Vicciim,i0ii_ For vaccine matter and vaccination of Indians, two thousand dollars. Bemis mi Pm_ For presents to and provisions for Indians, nve thousand dollars. .,;,;.,,,,_ For contingencies, including traveling, incidental, current, and con- Oontingent cx- tingent expenses of superintendents and agents, and of their onices, P°¤¤°*- thirty thousand dollars. Apaches, Kiowas, APACHES, KIOWAS, AND COMANCHES. and Comanches. , For seventh of thirty instalments as rovided to be ex ended under 59X°]` Xv’ Pp' °84’ the tenth article treaty of October twerlty-first, eighteen lhundred and sixty-seven, concluded at Medicine Lodge Creek, in Kansas, with the Kiowas and Gomanches, and under the third article treaty of the same date with the Apaches, thirty thousand dollars. For purchase of clothing, as provided in the same treaties, twenty- six thousand dollars. For pay of carpenter, farmer, blacksmith, miller, and engineer, live thousand two hundred dollars. For pay of physician and teacher, two thousand five hundred dollars. For transportation of goods, four thousand dollars: Provided, That who io ,,,,0 the the foregoing stated appropriations for the Apaches, Kiowas, and benentot this appro- Comanches shall be expended only in behalf of those Indians who go priation- and remain upon reservations, and refrain from hostilities.