Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/169

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FORTYIDHIRJ) CONGRESS. Sess. I. 011. 388. 1874. 139 meteorological and other necessary instruments; for belegraphiug reports; for expenses of storm-signals, announcing probable approach and tbrcc of storms; for instrument-shelters; forhirqfuruitsdre and expenses of oiiccs, maintained for public usc, in cities or ports receiving reports; for river-reports ; for maps and bulletins, to be displayed in chambers of commerce and boards of trade rooms, and for distribution; for books and stationery; and for incidental expenses not otherwise provided for, being a. deiciency for the fiscal year ending June thirbietb, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, forty-five thousand dollars. To pay Benn Pitman balance due him for transcribing phonographic T,,,,,,,,,,r;1,;¤g notes of the testimony and proceedings of the court of inquiry into the noqes of Bum court operations of the Army under the command of Major-General D. 0. °f “**1““’Y· Buell, in Kentucky and Tcnncsscqduriug the winter and spring of eighteen hundred and sixty-two and eighteen hundred and sixty-three, niuqhundred and ninety dollars and fifty cents. For compensation of the two commissioners appointed from civil life MiU*=·¤‘5'·P1‘i¤°¤ on the military-prison board, under the second section of **An act to b°fg?é cb 249 6 2 provide for the establishment of a. military prison, and for its govern- VOL X;ii 1{ 58,; mcut," approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, while actually on duty; four hundred and sixty dollars; for travcliugexpcnses T¤‘=•·v¢ii¤8 0* of said commissioners and of the Secretary of War under said act, one I"’“°¤· thousand five hundred dollars: Provided, That the duties of mid com- Wham commisswn missionars hall cease after Lho expiration of the current fiscal year. °"¥"'°“• INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. INDIAN OFFICE. For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the sub- Subqisteucc, &<»., sistenqc and civilization of the Arickarees, Gros Ventres, and Maudaus, of €“*°k°§°;f ck'" bo be expended in goods and provisions and other articles, as the Presi- hf£a’fgY‘" “° “° dont may determine, for agricultural and mechanical pursuits, and for · thoypuy of employees up th J unc thirtiath, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, twenty-five thousand dollars. For this amount, or so much thorcuf as may be necessary, to subsisti N”·V¤=1°¤¤· the Navajo Indians, in accordance with the estimate of L. E. Dudley, superintendent of Indian affairs, up to Juno thirticth, eighteen hundred and s0v0nby·four, twenty-tivo thousand dollars. For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay for tha services and expenses of five Indian inspectors, being the diifcrenca Indian iuspmm. between the sum required, thirty thousand dollars, and the amount appropriated February fourteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, {873·_9h·13€é6 6:

  • gwalvo thousand four hundred dollars, seventeen thousand six hundred '° ‘ ""‘* P' 4 ‘

0 ars. - For the first; of mn instalments, to be paid, under direction of the F1¤*>b<>¤d¤- President, to thé Flathead Indians removed from the Bitter Root Valley - to the Jocko reserva,ti0u,iu the Territory of Montana, in accordance with the second section of the act entitled “An act; to provide for the Im cb 310 5 2 removal of the Flathead and other Indians from the Bitter Root Valley WL XJR I; 22% ’ in the Territory of Montana! approved June fifth, eighteen- hundred Payment to bo and soventy-two, Iivo thousand dollars: Provided, That said sum shall g}=¤i¢ oglyhm IH- be paid only to those Indians of said tribe who shall have settled upon 53;*; ‘;hQv}0:fg the J ocko reservation. mmvmon, ` For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the rc- Kiclgnpoos. moval and subsistence, up to July firsts, eighteen hundred and seventy- four, of the Kickapco Indians who have been removed from the borders of Mexico and Texas to tlmlndian Territory, said amount to be expended Amount, now to gragor thb direction of the Secretary of the Interior, twenty-five thousand **6 <¤P¤¤¤¤d· ' O BIS. Y z · For army pensions aud expenses thereof undegithqvarious acts of Army pensions. ‘ Congress, three hundred uhpusaud dollars. And Is `em xs hereby appro-