Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/145

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FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 334, 335. 1874. 115 CHAP. 334.-—Au act prohibiting the publication of the Revised Statutes of the United J uno 20, 1874. States in the newspapers at the expense of the United States "";"' Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Aonerica in Congress assembled, That the revised Statutes of the Revised _ Statutes United States and no part thereof shall be published in the newspapers ¥"’” *° W P“*’“S”*d at the expense of the United States. ‘“ ““"“P“¥`°’“· Approved, June 20, 1874. CHAP. 335.——An apt making zpppropriations for the payment of invalid and other pon- June 20, 1874. sions of the United States for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred aud"j_`";` seventy-Evo. Bo it cmwted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Gongress assembled, That the following sums be, APPFoP¥§¤¢i0¤_fo¤‘ and the same are hereby, appropriztted, out of any money in the treasury }’°*Y'“°““°* P°g‘?'°““ not otherwise appropriated, for the payment of pensions for the iiscuIJfu0y§3r1§§_ wg year ending the thirtieth of J uno. eighteen hundred and seventy-Eve: ’ For Army pensions to invulids, widows, and dependent relatives, Army D¢¤¤i<>¤S· revolutionary pensions, and pensions to soldiers of the wm- of eighteen m181%9é’h· 68- "°l· hundred and twelve, and for furnishing ertificia,1 1ir·~‘»s or apparatus i§)56,,,j,_ 362, v01_ for resection, with transportation or commutation therefor ; also, v, p. 127. for- compensation to pension agents, and the expenses of the 184*% ¤b- 1*% 9 7, several agencies, and for tees for preparing vouchers and administer- "°{éf,§·¥’$°·13 V0, ing oaths, as provided for by the acts of April twenty-fourth, eight- ix, p_ fw' ` een hundred and sixteen; July fourth, eighteen hundred and thirty- 1z548,ch.8,vo1. ax,. six; May thirteenth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, February twen- P- 210- ' tieth, eighteen hundred and forty-seven; February second, eighteen ,x1S"§,§,h‘ 108* "°L hundred and fortyeight; July twenty-first, eighteen hundred and 1548, ci, 1g0,,,(,i_ iorty-eight· July twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and forty-eight;ix,p.265. February third, eighteen hundred and fifty-three; June third, eight 1§53»¤h·41»*°l·¤<» een hundred and fifty-eight; Julyfourteeuth and seventeenth, eight- p‘ {ggé ch 85 vo, teen hundred and sixty-two; June thirtieth, eighteen XL P_ 50g_` -’ ' hundred and sixty-four; June sixth and July twenty- 1862, eh. 166, vol. xii, p. 566. filth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six; July twenty- 1862, Res- Nv- 70, v¤l_-__¤¤ii,v- seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight; June seven· {ggé {gg gg} ig}, P· teenth and July eighth and eleventh, eighteen hundred 1866; ch; 235; ,,0]; xiv; 5; 230; and seventy; February fourteenth and June eighth, 1868, ch. 264, vol. xv, p. 235. eighteen hundred and seventyone; Feln·um·y` twentieth, 1873- ch- 132, WI- xvi. D- 153- eighteen hundred zmcl seventydswo; and March third, QZ, 3} Q,’g{· gh eighteen hundred and seventy-three; and all other pen- 1871; chj 50; vo]: xvi: of 411: sions provided by law, twentymine million ive hundred 1872, ch. 21, v01. _;vn, 1.: 31. thousand d01mm_ 1873, oh. 234,v0l. xvu, pp. 506-577. For Navy pensions to invalids, widows, and dependent relatives, and Navy pensions. pensions to sailors of the war of eighteen hundred. and twelve, und for WSG? °§’é 3‘*· 9 Sv furnishing artificial limbs or apparatus for resection, with transportation 1g4f I3_ v01_ or coinmutation therefor; compensation to pension-oge11ts,expenses of1X,;,, 126, agencies, and tees for preparing vouchers and administering oaths, ats_ 184§, pb. 155. vol. provided by the acts of April twenty-third, eighteen hundred; Februziry’Xig6j8fg,1 166 W, twentieth, eighteen hundred and forty-seven; August eleventheighteen Xu),, gw_' ’ ' hundred and forty-eight ; July fourteenth m1dseventeeuth,eighteen hun- 1862, Res. No. 70, dred and sixty-two; June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-fom·;v¤1.xn.1».629._ June sixth and July igweuty-fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six ; March X,$S?·.3;· 18** "°]· sec0nd,cigl1teeu hundred and sixty-seven; July twenty-sex*euth,eighteen 1g,,,;,`,,,,; mc, WL hundred and sixty-eight; June seventeenth and July eighth and eleventh, xiv, p. so. eighteen hundred und seventy; June eighth, eighteen woo, eh. 2:as, wi. xiv, p. 2¤}0. hundred and sevent;_y—one; February twentieth, eighteen 132} 0}*- if hundred and seventytwo; and March third, eighteen {8,;,* gg; lg; ,,01; ,;,.,1 lg 15;;: hundred and seventy-three; and all other pensions p1·0· 1870; ch, 21;;, vol. xvi, p. 1Ul. Yidod bylz1w,tour hundred and eighty thonszmd dollars: 1670, ch. 2:23, vol. xvi, p. Provided, That the appropriationu.ioresuid for Navy pen- }g‘;» °{‘· 2;;* fu' sions, and the other expenditures under that head, shall 187,2* gl}: 21; wif xV,i_ of gif be paid from the income of the Navy pension-fum]. 157;;; ci.,934,w1,Xi·ai,i»i»,soo-Z»v7.