Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/14

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xiv LIST OF THE PUBLIC ACTS OF CONGRESS. Page. Dedawtions from sentence of imprisonment. An act to provide for deductions from the terms of sentence of United States prisoners. March 3, 1875 .. 7 .. . . E. 479 Damariscotta. A11 act to c11:m11ge the name of the port of Nobleboro to Damzu·1sc0ttn.. Maron 3, 187.». 480 Gawgcrs of customs. An act uuthoriziéxgéhg appomtmeut of guugers for the customs servxce at the port of Philadclpbiaw March 7 .. . . . . .- I ... . . . . .. .. .; I’crrju Ccuniy, Tannimscc. {hn ang to tir$nsfer the $gu1{ty e%1ge2rr€·, 1 D thefgzztcz of 'fnngsgeeixérom the western to tm mi c e ju ‘ iciar istrict 0 , e n1 re a es in sm an 0. arc . o .. Debts due United States: An act to provide for deducting any debt; due the United States from any judgment recovered against the United States by such debtor. Mereh IQ, 1875 . .,.. . 1. 481 Eaat Pascagoula. An act to make East 1’§;11u, in the State of MISSISSIPPI, a port of dehvery m the District of Pearl River. March 3 1 5 ... -. . . . ----- -. .. .-.. Trees, fences, .§·c., on Govermnemt lands. A11 dat to protect ornamental and other trees on Gbvemment reservations and 0D lands purchased by the United States, and for other purposes. March 3, 1875 . . . ... . . . . . . ... . . Railroads, right of way. An act granting to railroads the right of way through the public lands of the United States. March 3, 1875 .. . .,... ... ... - .. 482 Diplomatic and consular ojiccrs. An act to amend sections one thousand six hundred and seventy-five, one thousand six hundred :1ndseventy-six, one thousand six hundred and eighty-one, and one tgégsand six hundred and eighty-two of the Revised Statutes of the United States. March 3, . Stamps on z}»·&¤é¤é Qhékgf "Ahldéé jb;)-2;,;I1'(£;l;(i-Sé(;fi;>;r1d{l·i1?li);}£t%&` éirééé%i{Jr{§51id`£x$£1¤€13hHd£éd${11 51}}. ggvo of the Revised Statutes of the U nite:]. States in relation to a.iHxing stamps OD brewers’ casks. arch3 1875 . ...,... ..,. .. ,.,, , ,,,,, ,, , ,,,_. ____ ____ ____ 484 Navy. A11 uctyto amend section fourteen hundred and twenty-two of the Revised Statutes of the

 United States relat·i;1g Lo the better government of the Navy. March 3, 1875  ..; .    484

Marzvzgzospgtél iggvice. An act to promote economy and efficiency in the marine—h0spita1 service. arc .1 .. . . . ...,,_,.,.,.. _ ,___ , ___,_,_,_____ _-, _________ , ___,_ _ _______ 485 Consulate at Vjadivustoo/c. A11 uct. to abolish the consulate at Amour River and establish a, consulate P ! 6‘;;hVl=¤g;Yii2¤:§, §L;i¤;i¤i =w·J fqr <>¢1¤ir1>¤¤Hp<>¤<>§i ldngcirgig, 1875. . . ... . Mig? r-' . 2 0 2 s1cer.:un ms ·l`O1`L(S. e ‘ F,, __________ ____ ___, __________ Army. An act approving the action tzdcen by the Segneturv of {Var under the act approved Julv X iiftcentl1, eighteen hundred :1.nd seventy, and to provide for repayment of certain moneys pnid £<; ;;f§it5;c§ 111i?;;;§<B0l§g;>; the Army, as supernumemry, but subsequently re—a.pp0inted by the . ‘ 0 ..--... . .,.-,.,.--.,..-,..__,,_,. ___. .,.. Desert éandsgn éasaqin Cqamliyh Ca${fo;n1颧 A11 act to provide for the sale of desert lands in Lassen

 gu;] y 3, 1 0;·nm,_ 1;,;-gg {_____ _ ________ _ _____________ _ _____ _ ______ _ ____ _ __ _ ____ _ 97

Capnvl, North, O Street, and South Pldshingon Railway Company. An act to inc0rp0ra.te the Capitol 4 _ North O Street, and South Washington Railway Company. Merch 3 1875 ... ..-. ’ 498 District of Columbia. An act for the support of the government of the District of Columbia for-t11e £fc:»1g§¤.r£ n:1nng June thirticsh, eighteen hundred and seventyrix, and for other purposes.

 Mc     _, ____________________ _ ____ _ _ _ ______ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____   __________   ______ 501;-0-

Szta for pubiwébuzlglzngs it §I1m·risb{u·g}1». An act to authorize the purchase of u. site for public build O D 111**8 il ‘3·U‘1S U1`" onnsy vania. M l 3 187* ____________ _ _____ ____

 ordnance. An, act authorizing theageeretaryznf Wen to deliver certain condemned   505

nance to the Joseph Warren Monument Association of Boston Massachusetts for monumental

 purposes. March 3, 1875 .,.,..,__,_____ _ ____   ______   ____ ’    506

ate¢~ia, for public building at Atlanta. An act authorizin th S · t ..-. l in-- ·_-- U"-'- ' g1§g;·;t;011 gr t1f6 S?§;>§i011 of material for the congzrustiofx agilxsblic GbH§f(?i2;1é5;]»€’0AI;i3?I1l£;i

u·.   micn , ·>  -..,..  . ., . . .   .. .       506
°" ""'é21Zé”°32'%£Z3ii’§§1. A£Z£$h"%,“i§}7€`.??K? T’T{‘f‘{Y°?'?‘E?'?Y ??.“}‘° M ****1 W“°°“*“`R“'°’“· “‘ *"° 506

ax an mining, 4*::., circulation. A11 act to authorize the Secretary · - l

 fQ?,‘§°§$L‘8§?"t’1;‘£°i€§T‘i‘E1¥27??{‘}‘T“?}Yf’.`fE’-‘?T‘f’.2°T?’f’E‘.’F‘?‘?i}’?’f‘?}E’F’}?’ °°"’°’”‘“°”g’ M f°r;?§;” rw

Mxteacfsgwé An act to incorporate the trustees of the Louise Home, and O 1 0 ····-- —---· -·-· ---- - ...- .,,, __. ______I Jyagongc Mutual Rc;y»fA880Oia;{m An act to amend the act BQ1E6E2i LX ```` {7- '`'`````````'`` T` 507 . . . . ‘ . . ‘ 1 t tl WL gfggujgf W? A?*"°1“$’“ (E jhfggistflcb of C<>1¤m1>i¤," =mppro·€aa:1CM;;;l1?t¥1I;gd?e?gn€e;¤1i;);n? · snx y—nine. are, .> .. . .. ¤ Board ofAudit of 1mm0f cozumbw AD act to mmm1a`Li1$`£1}}1é'§v`1£LiA`(»"· `'``'````"```` " °08 . . , * _ — *111011 the b d f d t _ 322;:mms&,€:1s#·b1a:::xsi*s;¢;¢;i*t+f;2*ii2*}?tifrm 09 Irzght (E :3:1;; £>;·££aZ1;e;gi %n 3§;;¥;U`?D§i1;§ gh0 right of way througgn te 5 · 4 . cx S]wL~"._b00"w Ana tf th { bh I -n`:-:.-"` ````°`° ."-"T"`."Z"° " '``‘`' ’ 509 Wa,,M,;m;;$ Gcégc»§é€,,n ‘Z$§.‘Z,€Z£Z,T’f li.?'} L%2°é3‘1JZ§L£%°aK"§§‘€?££2F5W2n ££?2%hii’c£?ZfI>;‘ W as in r 0n· · t. . `

   h d d  d  $ ;};§ c0i;f1; ;£v§  Sgércad," approved May seventeenth, exghtecu  

61·0iiA8 L A ·> l"--:-`--"--"-----"`°"" ``°` "°"""""` O

    é ;;v{     {1 ¤.g  & I:§0i/{gif;?;;; Jim gzgrzgg t§1§£>u1ld1ugs and grounds known as the Detroit  

cica `t D‘g·‘ · .. ’ '`'‘'‘`'’ `Z '‘‘‘ ‘··* *··· · ····· ;· ·--·—--— ·’

;;”3 ?£;£  ;;*g;;0£ gllvtumlnvf. An det tp amend an act entrtled "An act to revive with
   xeorpomte the me<11ca1 socrety of the District of C01umb` " ~ d
 July seventh, mgutecn hundred and thirtv-ei··h1; Much 3 1g~·- m" appwve

Wisconsin (jmtm; [gag],-Md (30,,wam/ An Mt .m{h01.i';m' th W- ’ ·'°' ``‘ " "2" ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘‘···‘ 511

 straighten mc Img  f th i   d  d j      g · e ISCODSIU Centra.}Ra-11r0udC0mpizd1y to

uintclaj. dc dd ·’ ' '°" '‘`' ""* ‘ "‘ ··‘‘‘··· ·· ··-- -··-·· 511 wéitih ~X£"Zc€3Q31E????E§’23€Z’é%;,B€}3c?€£1?€?°"i}**§‘§y °f ***8 *"’* ”*“*‘°>’°** Mm ’·» 1***37 Loum in mm Sum £ Mi i ] 4 a I1 yn across the M1ss1ss1pp1R1ver at Saint y ·· -··- ~· -- .- . . .. ...-,.,.,.. . . 511