Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/139

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thousand two hundred dollars; stenographic clerk, two thousand dollars; two law-clerks, at two thousand dollars each; six clerks of class four; additional for disbursing clerk, two hundred dollars; one clerk of class two; one telegraph operator, at one thousand dollars; five copyists, at nine hundred dollars each; one messenger; two assistant mes. sengers; two laborers; and two watchmen; in all, eighty thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars.

Contingent expenses.

For contingent expenses of the Department, namely: For furniture and repairs, one thousand five hundred dollars; for care of and subsistence of horses, one thousand four hundred dollars; repairs to carriages and harness, six hundred dollars; for law and miscellaneous books for the library of the Department, three thousand dollars; for the same for the Office of the Solicitor of the Treasury, one thousand dollars; for stationery, two thousand five hundred dollars; for miscellaneous expenditure, such as telegraphing, fuel, lights, and other necessaries, six thousand dollars; in all, sixteen thousand dollars. Attorney-General to report annually to Congress expenditures of contingent fund of this Department. And the Attorney-General shall hereafter annually report to Congress, in detail, the items, amounts, and causes of expenditure of the contingent expenses of this Department.

Office of Solicitor of the Treasury. OFFICE OF THE SOLICITOR OF THE TREASURY.
Pay of Solicitor, clerks, &c.

For compensation of the Solicitor of the Treasury, three thousand five hundred dollars; assistant solicitor, three thousand dollars; chief clerk two thousand dollars; four clerks of class four; two clerks of class three; three clerks of class two; two clerks of class one; one messenger; and one laborer; in all, twenty-seven thousand and sixty dollars.

Rent of offices for Department of Justice.

For rent of the portion (four floors) of the building occupied by the Department of Justice, fourteen thousand dollars.


For official postage-stamps for the Department of Justice, ten thousand dollars.

Heads of Executive Departments and Bureaus to regulate hours of labor of clerks, &c.

That it shall be the duty of the heads of the several Executive Departments, and of the heads of the respective Bureaus therein, in the interests of the public service, to require of all clerks of class one and above, and of chiefs of divisions, such hours of labor as may be deemed necessary for the proper dispatch of the public business, not exceeding, however, the time for which said Departments are by law required to be open for business, any usage to the contrary notwithstanding.

Officers of United States courts to reside in their respective

Sec. 2. That every clerk of the circuit or district court of the United districts. States, United States marshal, or United States district attorney, shall reside permanently in the district where his official duties are to be performed, and shall give his personal attention thereto; To give their personal attention to official duties. and in case any such officer shall remove from his district, or shall fail to give personal attention to the duties of his office, except in case of sickness, such office shall be deemed vacant: Provided, That in the southern district Office to be deemed vacant, when. of New York said officers may reside within twenty miles of their districts.

Officers in southern district of New York.

Sec. 3. That no civil officer of the Government shall hereafter receive any compensation or perquisites, directly or indirectly, from the treasury or property of the United States beyond his salary or Extra compensation to civil officers prohibited. compensation allowed by law: Provided, That this shall not be construed to prevent the employment and payment by the Department of Justice of Restriction not to apply to district attorneys in certain cases. district attorneys as now allowed by law for the performance of services not covered by their salaries or fees.

Repeal of permanent appropriations for national loan.

Sec. 4. That the act entitled "An act limiting the appropriation of certain moneys for the preparation, issue, and re-issue of certain securities of the United States, and for other purposes," approved May 1872, ch. 197, vol. xvii, p. 156. twenty-third, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, and all other acts and parts of acts making permanent appropriations for the expenses of the 1870, ch. 256, § 2, vol. xvi, p. 272. national loan, except the second section of the act approved July fourteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy, entitled "An act to authorize the refunding of the national debt," are hereby repealed, this repeal to take place on the first day of July next; and hereafter the Secretary of the Treasury shall annually submit to Congress detailed estimates of Estimates to be submitted annually.