Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/1016

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986 INDEX. Page . Pa c. Process, Prohibited M all-M alter, g iu proceedings to enforce mortgage-lien on provisions concemin g, in the plostsl convenproperty of Louisville and Portland tion with Sweden and orway. . 765 _ anal Company, bow may be served. 45 with France 813 in certain actions against Pacific Railroad Promissory Notes, _ Companies may be served upon any suit by assignee of, in circuit or d.1striot agent of defendant found in Tern- court . ... . . .. .. 470 . tory or district, &.o. . , .. 112 .Promotiem in Navy, such service of, to be held good and suill- olncers promoted to iill vacancies to be oncient. . . . . . . 112 titled to pay of grade from date of in suits against District of Columbia may rank .. . . - . . .. . . 191 - ·be served on any one of the commis- Proposals for Carrying Maile, sinners of the District . .. . . .. 117 to be accompanied by bond of bidder .. 235 issued by Comt of Commissioners of Als- bond to be gpproved by postmaster. . 235 bama Claims, how to be served .. 246 not to be conered unless accompanied by in Utah Territorg, service bf, by marshal,. 253 bond .. .-.- .. . ... . .. 235 service ot, by s eritf . ... 253 ro-advertisement for, when bidder fails to Proclamationa by the President, contract .. . . . ... . .. . 236 cunnnanding turbulent and disorderly per- when contractorfails to perform contract. 236 sons in Louisiana to disperse and re- ,to be accompanied by certlned. checks, &c.236, 237 tire to their homes ,withi.n twenty Proposals for upplus to Indiana, days .. . 841 to be accompanied by certiiied checks, &c.176, 450 declaring that Parliament of Great Britain, Propagattvog Garden, . Parliament of Canada and Legisla- appropriation for fuel for wato11men’s lodges ture of Prince Edwareihs Island have anlyrecuhouse. . ..-. .- . 393 passed laws to carry into effect articles Proaccutingl ttamoys, . 18 to 25 and artic e 30 of the treaty in Utah, egislature may providefor election of Washington .. . . . 842 of, in any county . . . . 258 declaring that international exhibition of duties and authority of. . 253 um, &c., will be held at Philadelphia Prosecutions, - ` from April 19 to October 19, 1876, and under act for establishment of life-saving commending the same to the people of stations to be in district court of .the United States and all nations _ 844 United States . . . .-,. 128 declaring discontinuance of discriminating to be instituted by Attorney—G~e¤era1 respectduties on merchandise imported in ing loss of certain public moneys 146 French vessels from and after October under customs-revcnne laws, duty of district 1, 1873 .- .. . 844 attorney-to conduct, with diligence-, 189 recommending Thu1sday,Novembor 27, 1873, special lindin g of facts required . 189 a day of thanksgiving .. 845 may be discontinued by Secretary of commanding turbulent and disorderly pep- Treasury, when . . . . . 190 sons in Arkansas to disperse, ., for offenso committed in Utah Territory, ‘ within ten dn._ys .. . . 846 how to be conducted .. .. 253 declaring that Parhament of Great Britain Prostitution, ‘ and Legislature of Newfoundland importation of women for purposes of, forliavo passed laws to give effect to ar- hidden , . . . . -. ,,.-., 477 ticlos 18 to 25 and article 30 of the contracts void .. .. ...·. .. 477 ' treaty of Washington .-,... 847 punishment for ..,.. 477 to turbulent persons in Louisiana to dis- ho ding women for purposes ot, in pursuperse. .. - -.. . ... 849 ance of illega importation, punishappointingé Thanksgiving Day. _  : . . . 850 ment for . .. 477 accepting aw of Ottoman Porte osding mint immigration of women imported for purof foreigners possessing immova le poses of, forbidden .. .. .. .-... 477 property in Ottoman Empire .., .. 850 provisions for prevention of such immigrato turbulent persons in Warren County, M1s- _ tion and return of immigrant. . . 417 sissipén, to disperse . ... . 854 Protestant Episcopal Church, convening euate .. . .. 855 act of legislative assembly of District of I’roctoi·, Frederic S. · Columbia relating to parishes ot, oonclaim of, allowecl by commissioners 590 iirmed. . . ... . .. . .. .. 25 Proctor, Samuel S., _ _ _ Protocol, · claim of, allowed by commissioners .. .. 509 of conference held at Washington in 1873 Production of Books and Papers, · between Secretary of State and British in revenue cases provisions concerning 187 minister . .. 842, 847 may be roq_uirc<l y oiilcers of customs in Prooioncckwm, Musa., certain cases .. . . .. . 188 appropriations forimproving harbor at 242, 460 Court of Commissioners of Alabama. Claims Prooiaioncand Clothing, . . - to have power to compel . . 246 appropriations forBureau of.2, 56; 102, 103, 300, 363 claimant fai ing in, on call of opposing Brovost·Mai·shal-Goneral’a Bu/recu, · party, or to account for non-produc- appropriation for completing medical statision, to sufer what judgment ... 249 tics of . . . . . . . . . .. 224 Professor Morse, · Pryor, Henderson, name of stcamship Suifolk changed to . 65 claim of, allowed by commissioners 588 Professors at the Military Academy, Pubucatim; of the Laws, · appropriations for pay of .. . ... 59, 467 appropriations for - ... . .- . . 90,349 assignment of lprofessor of law at.. ... 60 in newspapers to cease after March 4, 1,875. 90 Professors at the aval Academy, · revised statutes not to bepublishedin news- · uppropiiations for psy of .. 57, 300 papers .. . . 115,232