Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/895

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'l`rru¤ XLVHI.—·COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION.—Ch. 6. 823 passengers, at the time of leaving the last port whence such vessel shall 3 Mu'-. 1855, c- sail, we l secured under deck, for each enger, at least twenty pounds ”· 6· "· 1°· P- of good navy bread, fifteen pounds of rice, fifteen pounds of oatmeal, ' ten pounds of wheat-flour, hfteen pounds of pease and beans, twenty pounds of potatoes, one pint of vinegar, sixty gallons of fresh water, ten pounds of salted pork, and ten pounds of salt beef, free of bone, all to be of good quality. At places w ere either rice, oatmeal, wheat-flour, or paso and beans cannot be procured, of ood quality and on reasonable terms, the quantity of either or any of gre other last-named articles may be increased and substituted therefor; and, in case potatoes cannot be procured on reasonable terms, one pound of either of such articles may be substituted in lieu of five pounds of potatoes. The masters of suc vessels shall deliver to each passen er at least one·tenth part of such provisions weekly, commencing on the day of sailing, and at least three quarts of water daily. Sec. 4261. lf the passengers on board of any such vessel in which the Penalty for failprovisions and water shall not have been provided as required by the “¥"?"°P"°‘”d" P'? preceding section, shall, at any time, be put on short allowance during ’; any voyage, the master or owner of any such vessel shall pay to each 3 MM-, 1855. <·- passenxr put on short allowance, the sum of three dollars for each and gig! “· 6· "· ]°· l‘· every my such passenger may have been fput on short allowance, to be ' recove in the circuit or district court o the United States. SBC. 4262. It shall be the duty of the master of every vessel employed Distribution of in transporting passengers between the United States and Europe, to P'°VlSl°¤¤· cause the food and provisions of all the passengers to be well and prop- 3 Mu, 1855, (._ erly cooked, dail ·, and to be served out and distributed to them at reg- 213, s. 6, v. 10, p. ular and stated hours, by messes, or in such other manner as shall be 717- deemed best and most conducive to the health and comfort of such passengers, of which hours and manner of distribution due and sufficlent notice shall be given. Every master of any such vessel who willfully fails to furnish and distribute rovisions in· the quantity and cooked in the manner re uired by this Title shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars, and imprisoned for a term not exceeding one year: The enforcement of this penalty, however, shall not affect the civil reqponsibility of the master and owners to such passen ers as may have su ered from such default. Sec. 4263. The master ogany vessel employed in transporting passen- Discipline and gers between the United States and Europe is authorized to maintain healtheood discipline and such habits of cleanliness among passengers as will 3 M,,,,, 1855 (4 tend to the preservation and promotion of health; and to that end he 213, s. 7, v. 10: p. shall cause such regulations as he may adopt for this purpose to be 718- posted up, before sailing, on board such vessel, in a place accessible to such passengers, and shall keep the same so posted up during the voy- age. Such master shall cause the apartments occupie by such passengers to be kept at all times in a clean, healthy state; and the owners of every such vessel so employed are required to construct the decks and all parts of the a tments so that they can be thoroughly cleansed; and also to providldad safe, convenient privy or water-closet for the exclusive use of ever one hundred suc passengers. The master shall also, when the weather is such that the ssengers cannot be mustered on deck with their bedding, and at suchuother times as he ma deem necessary, cause the deck occupied by such passengers to be cieansed with chloride of lime, or some other equally eiiicient disinfecting agent. And for each neglect or violation of any of the provisions of this section, the master and owner of any such vessel shall be severally liable to the United States in a penalty of fiftgy dollars, to be recovered in any circuit or district court within the juris iction of which such vessel mayarrive, or from which she is about to depart, or at any place where the owner or master may be found. Sec. 4264. The collector of the customs, at any port at which any ves- Inspection ofpgs. sel so employed shall arrive or from which any suc vessel shall be about senger vessels. to depart, shall appoint and direct one or more of the inspectors of the wg? customs for such port to examine such vessel, and report in writing to 213,s.9,v.'l0,p.'i18. -03--57