Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/637

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Trruc xxxrv.—(X)LLEC1`ION OF Dl"l`IES.——Ch. ti. 565 Sec. 2914. The standard by which the color and grades of sugar are G1‘¤d<¢¤¤f wwto be rekgulated. shall be selected and furnished to the collectors of such ports 0 entry as may be necessary by the Secretary of the Treasury. 171,s.1,v.T3,p.292. from time to time. and in such manner as he may deem expedient. S1-nc. 2915. The Secretary of the Treasury shall, by regulation, pre- S¤¤¤Pli¤s Of scribe and require that samples from packages of sugar shall be taken by Tha'" g____ the proper officers, in such manner as to ascertain the true quality of 22 Dec.,1870,c. such sugar; and the weights of sugar imported in casks or boxes shall Gi"-16»P·397· be marked distinctly by gre custom-house weigher. bv scoring the figures indelibly on each package. ` Sec. 2916. For the purpose of carrying into effect the classification of S¤¤¤1>l¤·¤f woolwool and hair of amma s, prescribed by Schedule L, Title ‘°DUTIES2 }jQi_1§§ rr-ox Issroars," a sufficient number of distinctive samples of the various 197, s. 1,,v. 14,, pi kinds of wool or hair embraced in each of the three classes named. selected 560- and prepared under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasurv, and duly verified by him. the standard samples of which shall be retained in the Treasury Department. shall be deposited in the custom-houses and elsewhere. as he may direct: which samples shall be used by the proper otiicers of the customs, to determine the class to which any imported wool or hair belongs. Sec. 2917. The standard for vinegar shall be taken to be that strength Standard of vinwhich requires thirty-tive grains of bicarbonate of potash to neutra ize **33*- one ounce troy of vinegar: and all import duties that may be imposed `Q; Ju,,e]72iQ by law on vinegar imdportcd from foreign countries shall be collected 315, s. 6, v. 17, p, according to this stan ard. 237 Sec. 2918. The Secretary of the Treasury may. under the direction of Hydroineuns. the President, adopt such hydrometer as he may deem best calculated to jygxggj promote the public interest for the purpose of ascertaining the proof of 4,v. 4, p. $9. i i `quors: and, after such adoption, the duties imposed by law upon distilled spirits shall be collected according to proof ascertained by any hydrometer so adopted. Sec. 2919. For the purpose of estimating the dutes on importations Ascertainmentot of in, the number of bushels shall be ascertained by weight, instead f_¤_**§‘* °¤ FQ; of bylmeasuring; and sixty pounds of wheat. fifty-six pounds of corn, is July, 1866, c_ fifty-six pounds of rye. forty-eight pounds of barley, thirty-two pounds 201. s. 38, v. 14, p. of oats, sixty pounds of pease. and forty-two pounds of buckwheat, 187- avoirdupois weight. shall respectively be estimated as a bushel. Sec. 2920. In all cases in which the invoice or entry does not contain Expense of the weight, or quantity, or measure of merchandise, now weighed, or }*`°‘¤h‘”8· mf’”“’· measured, or gauged, the same shall be weighed, gauged, or measured m_g`1€"j$j__ at the expense of the owner. agent, or consignee. 30 Julv ,846 c 74, s. 4, v. 9, p. 43.—-Manhattan Gas-Light C0. c. Maxwell, 2 Blatch., Sec. 2921. If, on the opening of any package, a. deficiency of any arti- _P§§=j€¤¢y- _ cle shall be found, on examination by the appraisers, the same shall be S 30 Aug_,1g4gQ certihed to the collector on the invoice, and an allowance for the same 270,s.21,v.5,p.565. be made in estimating the duties. Sec. 2922. The appraisers. or the collector and naval officer, as the Examination of case may be, may call before them and examine upon oath, any owner, ¤“'f1<¢f_§[1<f_j>¢l¤¤¤- importer, consignee, or other person, touching any matter or thing which 30 Aug_, 1g4g1C_ they may deem material in ascertaining the true market-value or whole- 270, s. 17, v. 5, p. nule price of any merchandise imported, and require the production, on oath, to the collector or to any permanent appraiser, of any letters, Belcher ,-_ Lawaccounts, or invoices, in his possession relating to the_same._ All test1- neon, 21 How., mony in writing, or depositions, taken by virtue of this section, shall be 25* tiled in the collector’s office, and preserved for future use or reference, to be transmitted to the Secretary of the Treasury when he shall require the same. Sec. 2923. If any person so called shall neglect or refuse to attend, Fodeitureforreor shall declire to answer, or shall, if required. refuse to answer in writ· $$3gx; i" ing any interrogatories, and subscribe his name to his deposition, or to - -50 Kb produce such papers, when so required by an appraiser or collector and 270_ ,,_ 15,*, 5;,,: naval officer, he shall be liable to a penalty of one hundred dollars; and 564.