Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/548

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476 Trrmz xxxI1i.—DUTlES UPON IMPORTS. Fi s: two and one-half cents per pound. Fifberts and walnuts, of all kinds: three cents per pound. Finishing—powder: twenty per centum ad valorem. _ · Fire-crackers: one dollar per box of forty packs, not exceeding eighty to each pack, and in the same proportion for any greater or less number. Fire-crackers, not otherwise provided fOl'Z thirty per centum ad valorem. Fish-skins: twenty per centum ad valorem. Fruit ethers, essences or oils of apple, pear, peach, apricot, strawberry, and raspberry, made of fusel-oil or of fruit, or imitations thereof: two dollars and fifty cents per pound. Fruits.—~Oranges, lemons, pine-apples, and grapes: twenty per centum ad valorem; limes, bananas, lantains, shaddocks, mangoes, ten pe1· centum ad valorem. But no allowance shall be made for loss by decay on the voyage, unless the loss shall exceed twenty-five per centum of the quantity, and the allowance then made shall be only for the amount of loss in excess of twenty-tive per centum of the whole quantity. Green, ripe, or dried, not otherwise provided for: ten per centum ad valorcm; preserved in their own juice, and fruit-juice: twenty-five per centum ad valorem. Fulminates, fulminating-powders, and all articles used for like purposes, not otherwise provided for: thirty Bper centum ad valorem. Fur, articles made of: Caps, hats, mu s, and tippets of fur, and all other manufactures of fur, or of which fur shall be a component material: thirty-five per centum ad valorem. Fusel-oil, or amylic alcohol: two dollars per gallon. Gelatine, and all similar preparations, not otherwise provided for: thirty-five per centum ad valorem. Glass plates or disks, unwrought, for optical instruments: ten per centum ad valorem. Gloves, kid or other leather, of all descriptions, for men’s, womcn’s or children’s wear: fifty per centum ad valorem. Glue: twenty per centum ad valorem. Glycerine: thirty per centum ad valorem. Grease, all not specified: ten er centum ad valorem. Grindstones, rough or unfinished: one dollar and fifty cents per ton: finished: two dollars per ton. Gum substitute, or burnt starch: ten per centum ad valorem. 8Feb·{1875,¢-36, Gunpowder and all explosive substances used for mining, blasting, 8- Q l8»P·309· artillery, or sporting purposes, when valued at twenty cents or less per 143.,1876, 0. df · t _ d d - dd- · h 290, ,,1 ,p_ 200 poun . six cen s pei poun , an , in a ition thereto, twenty per centum ad valorem; valued above twenty cents per pound: ten cents per pound, and, in addition thereto, twenty per centum ad valorem. Gutta—percha, manufactured: forty per centum ad valorem. Hair.--Bracelets, braids, chains, curls, or ringlets, composed of hair, or of which hair is a component material: thirty-five per centum ad valorem; curled hair, except hair of hogs, used for beds or mattresses: thirty per centum ad valorem; hair of hogs: one cent per pound; human hair, raw, uncleaned, and not drawn: twenty er centum ad valorem; when cleaned or drawn, but not manufactured: thirt per centum ad valorem; when manufactured: forty per centum ad vallorem; hair of all kinds, cleaned, but unmanufactured, not otherwise provided for: ten per centum ad valorem. Hair—cloth known as "crinoline-cloth,” and all other manufactures of hair, not otherwise provided for: thirtv er centum ad valorem; of the description known as "hair-seating," eighteen inches wide or over: forty cents per sguare yard; less than eighteen inches wide: thirty cents per square yar . Hair-pencils: thirty-five per centum ad valorem. Hair-pins, made of iron wire: fifty per centum ad valorem. Hat·bod1es ot cotton: thirty-five per centum ad valorem. Hats, &c., materials for.——Braids, plaits, flats, laces, trimmings, tissues,