Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1383

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INDEX. 1 3 1 1 _ Section. _ M_ NQBTF CA30LINA—Cont.mued. _ N0'.l'E8—Continued. {Ru circuit courts, terms and special sessions -658, 667, not at not to be paid out _,,_________ 5206 _ _ _ _ 670 of Unitedngtates (see Unled Steuen Notes) 3473 yunes, how summoned tospecxal sewons- 816 3571 3578-3590 3693 3708 4204 tnnsgicpt tofurnivlv books og, for western } NOTICES, y ’ ’ ’ _ 1 nc _ _ ve orce 0 originals . . . 898 1 of trial in civil actions bv either rt . 950 collection districts in (see Colkdwn Dwlricta, I by co-owners of mining` claim topaasclrwiate, _ of Entry) ... _ . . .2555, 2556 ~ failing to contribute share of ex cnse, 2324 life-saving statwn on coast of (see Life-Sac- of application for tent for mining clyaini- . 2325 mg Stalwm) ,.._ .. : . 4249 I by register of landillvffice of application for permanent appropriation to pay mterest to · patent having been made ... 2325 Chem ees0f p. 728, 3689 i by preemption claimant on land not pro- NOBTKIQN, Nogrggggfggy, QB , claimed {0;- me ____________________ 2265 HORTHWESTERN F R ON T - . of pre-emptors on railroad lands .. 2281 IEB8, _ of mming claimant, rate for uhlicatiou of. 2334 accounts of collectors of customs in districts in contested cases proof of? required . 2335 of -------··---------··-... . 2644 of seizures, when, where, and by whom collectors and surveyors to keep on sale published, what to contain .. 3075, 3077 blank manifests and clearances .. 2648 to be made by deputy collector of internal fees for entry of merchandise at custom- revenue for absent persons. . 3173 houses on, and how accounted for . . 2658 . to tax-payers by collector of internal reveenmlled and licensed vessels in trade on,nue .,,,.,,.,.,_,,_,,,, , ..., 3184, 3185 not required to pay entry and ton- in distraint for internal-revenue taxes . 3190 _ nage tax in certain cases W93of sale of real estate for internabrevenue in what \·$ls, boats, and carriages im- taxes ,,,___,__,______________ _ ____ 3197 _ ports may be made in districts of.3096, 3098 1 of personal property of delinquent colprovision for entry of goods in districts on . 3097 l lector of internal revenue .. 3217 report of masters of foreign vessels arriving of real estate of delinquent collector of in waters adjacent to United States. . 3098 . internal revenue ... 3217 merchandise laden at ports in foreign ves- of intention to carry on business of distiller eels to be resbipped to evade trans- or rectifier 3259 portation laws to be forfeited ... 3110 of change by distiller or rectifier .. 3259 masters of vessels loading at ports of, to I of suspension by distiller ...,,,..__,__ 3310 report certain sea—stores purchased, I of resumption by distiller ...,._.,. 3310 and pay duties when due 3111-3113 1 by brewer ...,...,,__,,_ _ ________ 333.5 duties on unpments of certain vemels en-in ease of seizure of property of tobaccogagg in trade on ... 3114, 3115 { peddler , , .,... 3383 masters of vemels, except canal-boats I of seizure and sale in all CSSBS . 3460 licensed to engage in trade on, to pre- of goods for forfeiture under internal-revesent duplicate maniicsts . 3116, 3119 i nue laws of value of $500 or less. par. 4, 3460 their duty when touching and discharg- i of money-orders drawn shall be sent to ing cargo at intermediate ports. . .3117, 3119 postmasters ... 4035 departing rom one district to place in of hea th-regulations to be posted on pasanother where is no customihouse, to senger-vessels .. 4263 file manifest and obtain clearanoe.3118, 3119 I tobe posted on emigrantvessels forbiddin delivery of goods taken from one district to 1 officers or seamen visiting quarters 05 another to bein daytime ... 3120 . emigrants ... . . 4277 steam-tugs on, engaged exclusively in tow- what, to be given by collector of seizure of ing not required to report and clear . 3123 vessel .. _ ... 4 379 Secretary of Treasury to prescribe forms of by national banks, of liquidation .. 5221 manifests, clearances, and oaths for after receiver appointed to wind up .. 5235 vessels in coasting-trade on . 3124 inbaukruptcy matters, ($eeBankrup¢¢-y.) penalty for neglect by masters of vessels of time and place of holding courts .. 4974 engaged in coasting-trade on, to com- of appeals ... _. . .; -. 4981 ply with laws ___________,,__,,_,,,_ 3125 of voluntary applications ... _ 5019 enrollment of vessels navigating waters on- 4318 , of petition y cfedltvm -.-..---·----- 5020. 5026 fees to be collected of vessels navigating to CTP(l1l0T`¤ ..-.---·- ; -·--·--·------· 5032, 5033 waters of ,,_,_.,.,,. 4382-4385 of appointment of assignee- . I .-. 5054 pier-heads on northern and northwestern of meeting for remova of assignee .. 5039 lakes, belongin to United States to · of actions against assignee .. ->056 be marked by fight·House Board . . . 4677 of renle of disputed plroperty . 5063 provisions applying to commerce with con- 1 of examinations of ankrupt 5086 ti uous countries 3095-3129 5 of second meeting of creditors .. ·>092 N0’.IEA.`B.&B PUBLIC, of third meeting ._ ... _  : . . 5093 authorit of, to administer oaths and take of creditors' meetings, how given 5019,5194 acknowledgments in certain cases. . . 1778 1 of divxdends, how given ... I 5102 duty of, on rotest of national-bank notes. . 5226 of ass1gnee's final account, what required. 5096 consular officers and secretaries of legationof special meeting to consider sett ement _ 4 ma perform certain functions of 1750 bytrustces . . ._; .·-. 0103 NOTES, (gee National Bunk;, Fnited Scales of application for mscharge . 5109 Nom.) of application toannulrhscharge 5120 of banks not national, tax on ., 3408, 3409 fees lor publication of .. 5120 of State banks, paid out, tax on _ 3410-3-112 17074 §00'.l‘IA, _ _ _ of town, city, or municipal corporation, tax provision concerning iailing and unladmg on {hog paid gut, ____,_______,____ 3413 of vessels from .,.,,,..,..,,._ ,, , 3129 shipper of to notify carrier ... _ 4281 NURSES (111 Qttny), _ of national hunks (see Ncdioual Banks) - .5151-5189 employment or women as, at hosprtals 1238