Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1373

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INDEX. 1 34 p 1 . S°°“‘“‘· Secti: z., HISSISSIPIK 3IVER, E‘1‘C.—Cont1nued. i HONEY-0BDEB8—(`o11tinued. vessels navigating above New Orleans ex- ~ bonds of postmasters at money·order offiempt from requirements as to mani- * ces to contain additional condifggts, permits, &q_, A(r¢g_f1876, (eh, 185, tion _______________________________ 3834 inserted at p. 840, njier .. 4349 i MONTANA TERRITORY,

 _ provisions common to all Territories (see

yudicial districts in ... 540 Territories) , 1839-1895 district court, terms of ... 572 establishment and boundaries of .. 1903 <‘1f¢¤}¥ ¢0¤¥'Y» ***1*1118 of 658 council and house of representatives nf ____ 1922 sdioumed terms of . 663 extra sessions of legislature ... 1923 provisions_for_ unfinished business of the justices of peace ini ______________ _ ___ _ 1g2G two districts .. 653-656 probate courts of, jurisdiction of .. 1932 land_d_istncts in .__._,_,,,..,. 2255 appeals from probate to supreme court pmvigiong rg-5pg(·ting pgnginng extended try (if .,_,____ _ ___,,_,,_,,,,__.,.., . . . . 1932 militia of _,,,,_____,__.._,,,_._..,. 4722 penitentiary in, care and custodv of ... 1936 ports of entry, &c., in collection district of maintenance of prisoners by . . .5 ,____, 1937 New OHGSHS ... 2508 contingent expenses of executive departofficers in .. 2569, 2606 ment of, annual appropriation fm-_ _ _ \935 IOLASSES, legislative expenses of, provision for .._,,__ 1940 Seven gallons of mash to represent one gal- salaries of governor, &c., of _______________ 194] IOH of . 3264 mileage of members of legislature _________ 1943 penalty for delivery of, at distillery having seat of government in, how changed .. 1945 no sign 3279 public lands for school purposes in ________ 1946 IONEY, (See(Mn,Forcign( bin,Legal Tcnder, indian agencies, &c., in, continued 1949 National Banlsx, [hired blates Noles.) disbursing officers in, to give securitv . 1951 provisions conceming public money (see Indian superintendent for . I .. 2046 Public Money) ,_,___,_____,____, 3591-3659 surveyor-general for .,,__,,_, 2207 of account to be expressed in decimal sys- salary of ,,,_,_.,,,,.__,_., 2210 tem ... 3563 fifty per cent. addition to certain fees to reg. value of foreign coins, what to be as ex- isters and receivers in .. 2238 presed in . 3564 boundaries of land-district in _______ p_ 413, 2256 erroneously covered into Treasuryin certain Delegate to Congress from, must be a citicases, permanent appropriation for zen of United States .____,______ 1906 refunding ... p. 725, 3689 judicial power in, how vested ...,. 1907 paid into court or officer of, where to be de- jurisdiction of courts in, how limited .. 1866 posited 995 writs of error and a peals in, to Supreme how withdrawn from deposit ... 996 Court of United) States ..,,.._,______ 1900 superintendents of mints to receive ... 3506 district courts in, jurisdiction of, same as unlawful reissue, &c., of bills, &c., of ex- circuit and district courts of United pired corporations as ... 5437 States . . . . . 1910 of United States how kept by Treasurer- . .305-307 judicial districts, assignment of judges, penalties for using, unlawfullydepositing, terms of court in ... 1914 by public officers.3639-365], 5488, 5490, 5497 reservation of tract of public land in, at HONEY-ORDERS, head of Yellowstone River for public system of, established ,__,,,_,,_,,,,.. 4027 park and pleasure ground .,, 2474, 2475 may be exchanged with foreign countries- , 4028customs collection districts in (see Collechow issued ,.,,...,,. 4029 tion D1)3lric‘t8) .. ,2593, 2594 penalty for issuing before payment for 4030 MOBEHEAD CITY (North Carolina), ow issued in absence of postmaster .. 4031 Secretary of Treasury may change port of limit of amount, of; fees for ________,,, 4032 Glltfy T0, fl‘0m B€8llfoTf·, N. C ,.. 2555 applications for _____,___,______,__,______ 4033 MOROCCO, (See Fm-eign Ru/atimzx,) forms of _________________________________ 4034 provision of certain laws extended to, under notice of issue to be sent . 4035 CTG3i3i9S ...--... 4127 good for one year 4036 MORTGAGES» _ mdorgernent nf ___________________,______ 4037 of title or claim to military bounty-land warphnnges in __________________________ _ _ _ _ 4038 mnt before issue void .. 2436 repayment, of ____________________________ 4039 of vessel not valid except, &c., unless rergplgging lng; ______________________,_,___ 4040 corded .. . 4192 in favor of lotteries, payment may be for- record Of, &C -··--- _ -------------------- 4193 hidden by Postmaster-Geneml in cer- on northern frvntrm ...- 4382 win case; ___________________ _ ______ 4041not recorded until acknowledged, &c. ._ 4I93 reports required of postmaster at money- collectors to keep index, furnish certifiorder offices . .----- 4044 °**·m» &° · ··----·--— , ----·—-- ; ------- 419* cost of incidental expenses oi, how paid, - . 4048 chattel, not affected by asngnment in bank- _ pay to pnamunmm for issuing ,... 4047 _ rupwy. when- -, ---···~---·»---·-··· We? unishment for offenses relating to 5463 $-98187*99 HWY dl5Ch*Er€'?`¤ &U -···--·--··-- 5069 Funds Of, what m be _______________ _ ______ 4045 V adjustment with creditors secured by .. 5070 transfer of. . Z ... . · . .4042, 4043 ‘ KUI·$S• _ _ , . _ embezzlmmmt of _________________ _ _____ 4046 lost in military service to he paid for .. 3483 flllsoly making, altering, or pawing with MURDER, _ _ _ _ fmndnienr intent any fg ge, &c_ _____ 5463 by persons in Army in time of war. .p. 23:;, Zwvounts of money-order business how to _ V ML 58v 1342 bgkept by Sixth Auditor ,.. 293 , in Mw ---- _ ·-·---- _ -------- r>· ?77·=m· fi 1624 <‘Opi0S0f m()n9y-order gpcgiint-bgriksof Post- h'lB.lS {OI`, i>y·(ilp]0Il`|B.t1U of5C8i;?, 111 CGTYAII1 0fiipe Department, when evidence. . . 889 1 countries (see Consular enum) ______ 4090 receipts from, to be deposited in Treasury ( upon high seas, wh: accessory before the ,223 gnd 3,(·(;()unt,g there how kept ... 4050 { fact to punls ulent ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ a'