Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/134

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62 T1r1.1·: vm.-—DEPAR.TMEN'l` OF JUSTICE. the same could not be performed by the Att0rney:Genera1, or Solicitor- General, or the officers of the Department of Justice, or by the district attornevs. Appointmentand Sec. l%66. Every attorney or counselor who is specially retained, under will 0* ¤P°¤l¤l ¤*· the authority of the Department of Justice, to assist m the trial of any l‘]""°l"’°Y$’i"T“E‘?[ case in which the Government is interested, shall recexvea commission 22 June, 1870, c. from the head of such Department, asa special assistant to the Attorney- 150- S- 17- V- l6» P- General, or to some one of the district attorneys, as the nature of the I6? appointment may require; and shall take the oath required by law be taken b(y the district attorneys, and shall be subject to all the liabilities _ _ im se upon them by law. Intcrestofbnnted gg; 367, The Solicitor-General, or any officer of the Department of §£,l§f;£0l:,€:;l';g J ustice, may be sent by the Attorney—General to any State or District in m¤d'10_ the United States to attend to the interests of the United States in any 22June, 1870, cl suit pending in any of the courts of the United States, or in the courts {gg, s. 5, v. 16, p. of any State, or to attend to any other interest of the United States. ,Aic¢<>¤n!¤ of div- Sec. 368. The Attorney-General shall exercise general supervisory “"°*h;j*°£“°?’s· powers over the accounts of district attorneys, marshals, clerks, and mlm S’_ °° i other officers of the courts of the United States. 22J¤nc,1870, c. 150, s. 15, v. 16, p. 104. _@]l¤E>f]§·_ Sec. 369. The Attorney-General shall sign all requisitions for the 22;,,,,,,, 1810,;; advance or payment of moneys appropriated for the Department of 150, s. 15, v. 16, p. Justice, out of the Treasury, subject to the same control as is exercised YM- op like estimates or accounts by the First Auditor or First Comptroller 0 the Treasury. [Soo ss sow-mos. wo.] T'*“'¥lg8 6X; Sec. 370. Whenever the Solicitor-General, or any officer of the Depart- {’,$;'°I‘;°é;¤;’,m‘;F,:j'_° ment of Justice, is sent by the Att0rney—General to any State, District, -—-ii-A or Territory, to attend to any interest of the United States, the person ,5g2s·l;':fié8*%;· so sent shall receive, in addition to ·his salary, his actual and necessary ’’ ‘ ’p'expenses while absent from the seat of Government: the account thereof to verilied b * atlidavit. Disbursement of Sec. 371. All moneys drawn out of the Treasury upon the requisition m¤¤¢y¤· of the Attorney General shall be disbursed by such one of the clerks in ` T Jimi; ,J,‘c’ the Department of Justice as the Attorney-General may designate. 150, s. ll,,v. 16,,pi I6?. Recorrisiormerly Sec. 372. The Solicitor of the Treasury shall have charge, within the Emfentjylgggyttlzi tlzpparénggqtlgféjiarsgigq, of the Ipapers, and rpcqpds former? apperh T _ mn _ c agen 0 e reasury, or 0 e superin en ence F B _:mjuIy_—— _ of the collection of outstandinq) direct taxes and internal duties which ,5§°¤·2“l_·4l8·*2·,z· have been transferred to him y the act of May twenty-nine, eighteen 2é j.·é,,_`_ {gig, cj hundred and thirty, and remain in his charge; and of the seal adopted 61, q, 2,_y,9, ,),35, for the office of the Solicitor of the Treasury. _lT1¤b1l¤ty of rl1_¤· Sec. 373. Whenever the Solicitor of the Treasury receives information

]‘;;“:'Y from a collector of duties that such collector has delivered any bond for

,0,. Huh_ duties to a district attorney for suit, the Solicitor of the Treasury shall Ym‘_ @10 C nlrake snqh entry thereof as that the attorney may duly appear chargeable . 1 · therewit , unti the amount has been i to lthe United States, or he ]°3’E`3"`4`p'4l4` has obtained judgment thereon and demewd execution to the marshal, _ _ or otherwise been duly discharged therefrom. mE’::‘:)';°:j;?r,g{ SEQ. 3c!. '1 he Solicitor of the Treasury shall make constant and strict ,,,l:’,,m,‘,g and COL exammatnons and comparisons of the reports made by collectors of bonds 1,,cq,r,rgX,m1,,,,,d,, for duties delivered by them to district attorneys for suit, and of the delwc for suit, returns made by district attorneys of such bonds so received by them. 29 May, 1830, c. 153, s. 3, v. 4, p. 414, F¤lF¢ reports of Sec. 375. Whenever it appears that any collector has made return of ll l. . • . . * . · I . . .

 dd ""`°‘"°’ anyibpnd asl ip Sl1ll1,€l' deijvered for Zqit, which jp not, at the time, in suit,

-. - . s.- or e were or sui , or as return any bon as in suit for the whole ]5§9sl§¤{f·4li:)$‘lj]:- amount thereof, when (part thereof has been paid th him, or as in suit for

  • * ‘ * · · more than is actually ue thereon, the Solicitor of the Treasury shall,