Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1307

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INDEX. 1 2 3 5 _ Section. Section. DEPARTMENTS-Conunued. DEPARTMENT OF JU8TICE——C·on· Tre¤.s·ury—C0ntinued. tinued. Secretary . 245-267 provisions concerning .. .346-387 Comptroller .. 268-275 general duty of officers of . 361 Audlmr -·-----·----—--—------·----- 276-300 B Officers of, may be sent, to any State to gi,- Treasurer -.-...-...». 301-311 tend to suits ..,__,_________________ 367 Registerz .. . .. 312-315 money requisitions for, by whom signed. . . 369 Commissioner of Customs .. 316-318 traveling expenses of officers of ... 370 Commissioner of Internal Revenue . 319-323 disbursement of moneys drawn for .,,. 371 Comptroller oi CPVWDVY --··-·---·--- - -324-333 1 Sl1lfS lOl' m01'\€y due Post-Office Department Bureau of Statistics 334-342 , to be under control of .. 381 Buwiil of Mlm? --·------------------.. 343-345 l may direct proceedings in equity in debts War (see War Department) ... 158, 159, 214-235 doo Poor Omoo _____________________ 382 Army orgomzstron -... i . 1094-1242 to distribute Statutes and Reports of sul‘€¤l‘€m6¤¢ -----...-- 1243-1260 preme Court to judges _____________ 386, 498 ppyrnd allowance .. 1261-1308 register to be kelpt or diminution _______ 387 lllmfy Academy ----·-···...-. 1309-1341 statement to, by istrivt attorneys of suits Articles 0i_W81` ---..-... 1342, 1343 for moneys due Post Othee ,.,. , ,,,, 775 iDlllt8.rYp¤S0¤ .. 1344-1361 to furnish counsel and advice to heads of Navy (see Navy Department) 158, 159, 415-436 departments _,_____________________ 189 Navy organization .. 1362-1427 DEPOSITS, general provisions relating to officers of Secretary of Treasury may receive gold coin Navy . . 1428-1442 on ,_,.,_,,________,___________ 254 retired 0H5C61E .. l443—1465 ‘ of pay of soldiers with payxnaster on interrank, precedence, promotion, and ad- est ,,___,,_,,___,_,_____________ 1305-1318 Vzmcement . l466—l510 by settlers for survey of townships ._.,____ 2401 Naval Academy . 1511-1528 to he credited to appropriation for survessels and navy-yards .. 1529-1546 , veys; excess returned ______________ 2402 general provisions ... 1547-1555 T to go in part payment for lands ,.,,, 2403 pisy, emoluments, and allowances 1556-1595 1 tax on, in tate banks ,,_,,,______________ 3408 arine Corps ... 1596-1623 Q savings institutions ...,,,,, 3408 Articles for government of Navy 1624 when payable ...,,.,.,,,..,,,,,,,,,, 3409 Post Oice (see Post-Q[7ice Department). . .158, 159 assignee in bankruptcy to make what .. 5059 388-414 , may be ordered by court in bankruptcy . . . 5060 postal service ... 3829-4061 national banks may receive ... 5136 post-offices and postmasters .. 3829-3864 proportion of reserve to be kept on .. 5191 carriers, branch offices, and receiving- may have, in excess of capital .. 5202 boxes .. 3865-3874 not to certify checks in excess of 5208 mail matter .. . . 3877-3895 to pay duty or tax on .. 5214 postage ,,,. , ,__,,,,._,.____,...,,.., 3896-3913 i to make returns of, to Treasurer _______, 5215 postage-stam ps and envelopes 3914-3925 duty or tax on, how assessed and collected registered letters 3926-3929in default of return and payment.5216, 5217 unclaimed, dead, and request letters. .2930-2940 of bullion by mint superintendents 3503 contracts for carrying mail ... 3.941-3963 to be received . 3506 carrying mail . .. 3964-3996 what, may be refused .. 3519 railway service .. , ... 3997-4005 for gold coinage . 3519, 3520 foreign mail-service . 4006-4016 payment for ... 3545 special local and route agents 4017-4026 for surveying public lands, appropriation to money-order system ,..,,,.. 4027-4048 relpay excess of, by ind1vidua1s.p. 728, 3689 accountssnd revenues ..,,,,__,..,... 4049-4061 ; of posta reven les may be made in certain Justice (see Department of Justice) . .158, 159, 346- cases with national banks ... 3847 387 when, with assistant treasurers .. 3848 Interior (seelnlerior Department) .158, 159, 347-440 of money-order funds, where made 4046 Secretary ________________,__,,_.,,_,__ 441-445 DEPOSITARIES OF PUBLIC MONEYB, General Lund Ofiioe _________,,,,,,,.,, 446-461 national banlrs may be designated as depos- Commissioner of Indian Affairs 462-469 ltufles; Hecuflty; dull16S ..·. 5153 Commissioner of Pensions _,_,,__,_,,.. 470-474 to be designated for safe·keeping of money Patent Office .,., -475-496 i under internal-revenue laws ..,,_.,, 3211 superintendent of public documents 477-511 > receipt of, to collector of internal revenue returns office ______,____,__,,,.,__,__, 512-515 , sufficient voucher __,___,_,___,,,,__ 3211 Omoo of Ednongion ___________________, 516-519 g how silver coins to be sent to . 3527 ¥TlCultuI8(80€A llTdl Department) .520-529 may redeem copper, &c., coins. ... 3529 DE ARTHENT 0 JUSTICE, public money in, subject to draft of Treasprovisions common to all executive depart- nrer mted States . 3593 ments (see Department.;) _,_________ 158-196 , may be transferred by Secretary of Treashead of, to keep inventory of property . 197 1 ury from one to any other .. 3640 to fumish biennial list of em loyés .. 198 k of Post·Ofhce Department in, may be Attorney-General tobehead of gee Attorney- · transferred by Postmaster-General . . 3641 General) ___________________________ 346 to keep separate accounts of Post-Office De- Solicitor—Geners1, duties, salary ... 347 psrtment money .. Z 3642 Assistant Attorneys-General ______________ 3-18 { to keep nccurntre entry of sums received, Solicitors, Assistant Solicitors, Examiner of r paid, and transferred., . 3643 Claims, &c., to perform duties under to render accounts of receipts and pay- Attorney-Genersl .·..-..·- 349. 350, 360 ments ----- ; - - - ; - - ; y -_ ----------·--- 3644 ohigf law oloyk and other glo;-ks ___________ 351 to report outstanding liabilities to Secretary rooms provided for ... 352 of Treasury ---------·-------------- 3l0 seal of . . . 353 to my duplwsto checks ----·------------- 3646