Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/130

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58 Trrnr: vn.——DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY.--Ch. 10-11. Seventh. The several collectors shall make quarteryearly returns to the Bureau of Statistics of all the facts and matters whic they are hereby re uired to ascertain. Q°¤·°ll¤8¤`¤·d°*° Sec. 338. The annual report of the statistics of commerce and naviiga.- lr ‘“°l“‘l°d· tion shall state the kinds, quantities, and value of the merclran isa Ig4zia3%856,£i¤. entered and cleared coastwise into and from the collection districts of °- ·"- ·P· - the United States. Monthly resorts Sec. 339. The Chief of the Bureau of Statistics shall, under the direc- °f ”P°"-" W lm` tion of the Secretary of the Treasury, prepare and publish monthly reports p°"°‘ ,. of the exports and imports of the mte States, including the quantities 28 July. 1866.c- and values of goods warehoused or withdrawn from ware ouse, and such 298>°·l3·"·l*•P33°· other statistics relative to the trade alnd industry of the country as the Secretary of the reasury may consi er expe ient. Annual state- Sec. 340. The Chief of the Bureau of Statistics shall also prepare an ment of vessels. annual statement of vessels registered, enrolled, and licensed un er the 28 July, 1866,Q._ laws of the United States, together with the class. name, tonnage, and 298, s. 13,v. 14, p. place of registry of each vesse , and such other information as the Secre- 330 tug of the Treasury may deem proper tp embody therein. A n nual state- ac. 341. The Chief of the Bureau of Statistics shall prepare an annual ¤}€¤¢ of m¢¤'¤h¤¤· statement of all merchandise passing in transit through the United States

  • E;•_*i;_____ to foreign c0untries, each description of merchandise, so far as practicable,

28 July, 1866, c. warehoused, withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, forcxportation, 233% S- l ·V· It P- flor traipsportaltion to other districts, and remaining in the warehouse at ‘ the en o eac tiscal year. Statistics of Sec. 342. The Chief of the Bureau of Statistics shall collect, digest, §§[‘{{¤¤l“l'°¤· _ and arrange, for the use of Congress, the statistics of the manufactures 28July, mee, r-, of the United States, their loca ities, sources of raw material, markets, 298, s. 13, v. 14, p. exchanges with the producing regions of the country, transportation of 330 prod t_ ges h h d`f f d tf th ` · uc s, wa , an suc other con 1 ions as are oun toa act elr prosperity. CHAPTER ELEVEN. BUREAU OF rr: HINT. sec. sec. 343. Bureau of the Mint. l 345. Powers of, and reports bv Director. 344. Salary and expenses of Director. ` MB¤r¤¤¤ of the Sec. 343. There shall be established in the Treasury Department a _ _;__3_873 [ipreautpf thpbM1nt, egnlzracing in_its organization gid uipdexil its control .. e ., ,c. a mm or emauu ac ureo com an all assay-o ces ort estam ing gl. S- L V- 17. l>· of bars, which are now, or which may be hereafter, authorized by llaw. · The chief officer of the sand Bureau shall be denominated the Director of the Mint, and shall be under_the(general direction of the Secretary of the Treasury. He shall be appointe by the President, bly and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and shall hold his office or the term of tive years, meas sponeyorgnoérced gy the President, upon reasons to be communica y 1m e na . Salary and cx- Sec. 344. There shall be allowed to the Director of the Mint an annual P¤¤¤°¤ 0* D*'°<‘°°'· salary of fpur ttrousaud five hundred dollars, payable monthly, and actual "'ii _ necessar rave mg e nses in visitin the d if re t intsa d . - IS}?5 *];;*,18;;: s,; offices, {hr which voudllizrs shall be rendered. I G n m n muy 426. 20June, 1874, c. 328, v. 18, p. 96. . Sec. 845. The Director of the Mint shall have th l` P m s, 4 - _ e genera su rvnuon p°:t:ii,y(i;;$r: of all mints and assay-otiices, and shall make an annual repoiitc to the jg FK;g,éT Secretary of the Treasury of their operations, at the close o each fiscal 181, ,,_ 2, ;_ u_’p_ year, an from time time such a ditional reports, setting forth the 424. gperations and condition of such institutions. as the Secretary of the reasury_ shall require, and shall lay before him the annual estimates for their support. And the Secretary of the Treasury shall appoint the gupiberfo cl;-agus, classified according to law, necessary to discligrge the u nes o san ureau.