Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1252

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1 180 INDEX. Section._ SMU01- 1sANx1w1>·rcY·c0nt1nn<»d. Q BANKBU?T¤7-C¤¤*¤¤¤¤d· assignee—Continue<1. 1 courts-Lontinued. _ subsequent proceedings of ...- - - , ln T*?mY0’*”” - - ·; ········ , ······ . · · · : · · *98* to give notice of all meetings ..- 509* m dlstflch`} not m Organlzcd c"`°mt*·, settlement of accounts of, prior to final d}SU’1_0t ]¤dt!€ to €’X€¥`€i$€ POWUS Oi 4 (11,-g,1nm1 ___ ___ V ____ circuit court . _ .. 4988 discharge of, from liability, when ... 5096 authority to compel obedience to orders W mv retain funds for expenses and corn- _ and decrees --------· _ -------» - ----- 49m ' pensatjou _____________ _ __________ _ 5009 circuit judge, powers of, lll absence, G10., <·<>mmissi·ms ¤l!<»w~··i to 5100 _ qi district Judge. . - - z - -, . .; . 497** need not proceed till expenses secured -. 5100 l in District of Columbia, jurisdiction of V-- to pay rlividends to creditors ... 5102 g _ supreme court T . .: .. . 49m to convey estates to trustees, when .. 5103} in Territories, jurisdiction of supreme _ in partncrsiiip proceedings, by wiwm courts . 4%* chosen _.,,,...,,_,,,,,,,,.,__, 5121 proceedings on appeals (see Appeal.; in case of bankrupt corporations 5122 above) 4980-1989, 5011 payment by, of fees to messenger ... 5126 general orders, what may befollowed . , _ 4990 recovery_ by, of property, or value con- Supreme CO\1rt may rescind, vary, or tryed in preference 512* frame, &c . 4990 of property, or value, fraudulently trans- to be !‘€p0Ft€d to CGD2T9H -... 4990 ferr-pd _________________________ _ _ _ _ 5120 what deemed commencement of proceedof penalty from creditors illegally se- 1HgS .. 4991 curgti _____________________________ 51:11 proceedings to be deemed of record . 4992 suits by and against, concurrent jurisdic- d0<‘k€i3 of pl‘0t‘€€di¤gS .. 4992 tion of circuit. courts in. . ... 4979 to be 0p€l'1 to p111I11C i!lBp€l‘ii011 ... -1992 may appeal from decision allowing claim- 4980 copies of records to be evidence .._., 4992 to have notice of appeals to circuit court. -1981 minute-book of proceedings by register to to plead or answer in appeals from decis- be kept by clerk of €‘Ol1!"€ ... 5000 ion allowing or rejecting claim .. 4984 how evidence may be taken 5003 execution not to be awarded against 4984 court may direct reference to take, &c. . . 5003 costs against, how allowed .. 4905 production of books and papers .. 5002, 5003 register not to be _____,_________,,_,,__ -1990 court may compel attendance of witnesses, copies of orders and schedules to be fur- &c . 5003, 5005 uislietl to .. 4998 proceedings in case of witness refusing to receiving illegal fees ... 5012 answer before register . . 5006 bankrupt, petition for benefit of, bv . 501-1 issues contested before register, to be in may be required to attend and submit to writing and decided by judge ... 5009 examination ,,...,.. 508040851 any party may take opinion of district subject to order of court, and to execute judge, on what matters .._.. 5010 instruments ... 5104 submission of questions to judge by agreewaivcr of suits against, by proof of debt. . 5105 ment in special cases ..._,,,,_,, 5011 discharge of proceedings 5105 penalty on officers of court receiving illesurrender of judgments . 5105 gal fees, &c ...,,,,_,._,,_______ 5012 stay of suits and execution against .. 5100 debts provable against estate, how proved. 5067- excinption from arrest unless ... 5107 5085 to tile schedules ..___,____ 501-1-5017, 5030, 5031 due estate, provisions for collection of .5047-5006 may amend schedules ..._. . ... 5020 bankrupt and others may be required to penalties for fraudulent acts by, ennmer· attend and submit to examinations ated .. 51312 concerning ,,..,,_______________ 5086-5089 clerks of courts to keep record and docket definition, of "assignee," "creditor," "marof proceedingxs ., 4992, 5000 shal," "person," "oath," as used in duties of, as to witlidraxval of papers ,.,.. 5082 bankruptcy ________________ _ ______ 501:; penalties for violations of law by 5012 number of days when referred to in law, compounding claims .._ 5001 how reckoned _____________________ 501:; corporations, proceedings in bankruptcy discharge, application for ___,___,___,___ 5105 of .. . ·... 5122 notice to creditors _.,_. , ,____,_________ 5109 to what companies provisions apply r 5122 grounds for opposing or annulling .. 5110 petition of corporation or creditors .. 5122 specifications by creditor opposing, and utiicers of, provisions relating to require- trial ______________________________ 51}] 11191118 of d€l)(0I‘S apply to .,..., 5122 anqets, amouiit of required fm- ___________ 5112 fraudulent preferences and conveyances what majority of creditors inav assent to_ 5112 _ by 5122 , final oath of bankrupt _______ j __________ 511:s distribution of aswts ... 5122 * when to be granted ____________________ 5114 discharge not granted to, &c .,.. 5122 i {grin of certificate Of ___________________ 5115 prior proceedings agniinst, in State courts. 512:; l in page of nnqnnri },an1.m1pr,-V ___________ 5115 courts, organization, jurisdiction, &c . .—1972—5013 ‘ liabilitv of other persons not released . , . 5118 original jurisdiction of district courts, effect of discharge in release of debts 5119 par. 18, 563 debts created bv fraud, embezzlement, or district courts to be always open .._. 4973 defalcatioir as pubiic officer not rejnqigrq in (·h3n1l)1»rg_ pq“·rrs of __________ _ 4973 legged by ____ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _____ 1 _ _ ____ 51lT sessions, time and place of, how desig— certificate of-discharge conclusive . 5119 mited : ._ ... 4974 not to be granted to co··po··ations 5122 courts of [ mted States to have exclusive proceedings for contesting validitv and jurisdiction of matters in .. par. 6, 711 for annulment of . . . i i 5120 i¤*iS<*i<·ti··¤ ·>t <·i¤¤¤i¢ ¤<>¤r¤ --------»··· 630 distribution and dividends8r;a`Jr{nZ§ if. ciyrqjit poo"? to have cgrtaiu (·()11(~1]"·(>nt (wgruputp _ _ _________ _ _ _, ____ j` _______ 4998 J¤¤~<l¤·¤¤<>¤¤ ------------------·-- 4979. 4980 in me of distinct iiaiitirtis. _____________ 5074