Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/112

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40 TITLE vu.——DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY.—Ch. 1. C<>¤¤¤3¤<r¤w¤¤¤¤¤¤ Sec. 237 The fiscal year of the Treasury of the United States in all °f me "““lP"*“‘· matters of accounts, receipts, expenditures, estimates, and appropria- ` 2ig_gQé?@ tions, except accounts of the Secretary of the Senate for compensation 207, sn. 1, é, v. 5, p. and traveling expenses of Senators, shallpommence on the first day of 536. _ July in each year; and all accounts of rece1pts and expenditures required 133 gig; }$'2·6‘;‘ by law to he published annually shall be prepared and published for the 3’ jig; lgyiig QQ iiscal year as thus established. The fiscal year for the adjustment of the 226, s. 1,, v. 17,, p. accounts of the Secretary of the Senate for compensation and traveling 486. expenses of Senators shall extend to and include the third day of July. €`<>mmiS¤i<>¤¤ of Sec. 236. The commissions of all officers em(pl0yed in levying or col- ?’m“°ii ‘;l“Pl°Y°$i lecting the public revenue shall be made out an recorded in the Depart- Qui; °° mg re`- ment of the Treasury. and the seal of the Department aiiixed thereto.

  • -15 jqgjg§(f,g_ But the seal shall not be affixed to any such comm1ssion before the same

102, s.4,v. 3, p. 582. has been signed by the President. Accounts of re~ Sec. 239. Separate accounts shall be kept at the Department of the "°lP*·¤ 0* l“*°"““l Treasury of all moneys received from internal duties or taxes in each of W'?"??? -·—-- the respective States, Territories, and collection-districts, and of the 17g0·l‘;'}5°·\l8?§·°- amount of each species of duty and tax that shall accrue; so as to ex- .,39* S'’ ‘ ’p' hibit, as far as may be. the amount collected from each source of revenue, ` ii; Fer,,,1875,p, with the moneys paid as compensation and for allowances to the col- 80, »·. 18, p. 317. lectors and deputy collectors, [ass4·xsm·s and 08::2%-tant aa·m».~=mrw] inspectors, and other officers employed in each of the respective States, Territories, and collection-districts. Accounts of ex- Sec. 2-lll. No account for contingent expenses at any of the Bureaus I?°“‘l'*;"°°‘f""`°“‘ of the Department of the '1`reasury shall be allowed, except on the cer- E"lg°n °xpe°S2 titicate of the superintendent of the Treasury buildings that such expenses W2 iii'; l8g¥i°‘ are necessary and proper, and that the prices paid are just and reasona- -v , . ¤ , . * ble; and the superintendent shall keep a full, ]ust, und accurate account in detail of all amounts expended under the head of contingent expenses for the several Bureaus of the Department of the Treasury. A<·9<>unts of ex- Sec. 2-11. ’l`he expenditure for furniture and repairs for the Bureaus P?:’d‘*“"*é“fg" ff"' of the Department of the Treasury shall be made by the superintendent ill me al" gi of the Treasugy buildings, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the W3 $#1*. l969» <‘- Treasury; an it shall be the duty of the superintendent to keep a just ‘F’· " 15* p" 3u‘ and accurate account in detail of all the amounts paid for the purchase of furniture, and also for the repairs thereof. as well as a full statement of the disposal of the old furniture. "`emporaryclerks. Sm:. 242. No clerk temporarily employed in the Department of the — —·—j— 'l`reasury shall receive a greater compensation than at the rate of twelve _ l2 ·l¤l.>'» 18*0- *`- hundred dollars a vear for the time nctuallv emploved. Se, Wg_

01, S. 1, v. 16, p. ~ · ~ l * I

23g,(g3g_) 3MM__ 1871, c. 113, s. 1, v. 16, p. 483. 3 Mar., 1875, o. 130, a. 2, •·. 18, p. 396. 1{wrictionsupon Sec. :243. No person appointed to the office of Secretary of the Treasury, 0***** of thf D9 or First Comptroller, or First Auditor, or Treasurer, or Register, shall lf‘[tjE'}&(_____ dircctly or indirectly be concerned or interested in carrying on the busi- 2 Sept., 1789,5. ness of trade or commerce, or be owner in whole or in art of any sea.- 12- S- 8» V- l» P· ("· vessel. or purchase by himself, or another in trust for him, any public lands or other public property, or be concerned in the purchase or disposal of any public securities of any State. or of the Lnitcd States, or take or apply to his own use any emolument or gain for negotiating or transactinv any business in the Treasury Department, other than what shall be allowed bylaw; and every person who offends against any of the prohibitions of this section shall be deemed guiltv of a high misdemeanor and forfeit to the United States the penalty of three thousand dollars, and shall upon conviction be 1'8l1lO\’€(l.f1'0ll1 office. and forever thereafter be incapable of holding any office under the United States; and if any other person than the public prosecutor shall give information of any such offense, upon which a prosecution and conviction shall be had, one-half the aforesaid penalty of three thousand dollars, zrhen recovered, shall be for the use of the person giving such informa lOl}- [Sec §§ 452, 2648.] Restrirtirmsupcn Sec. ZH. Every clerk employed in the Treasnr * Department wh0 ":=`:;:€:} 'h° D"‘ carries on any trade or business in the funds or dyebts of the United K - .j,.__. States, or of any State, or in any kind of public property, or who takes