Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1034

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962 'I‘rrLm Lxr.——BANKRUI’1`CY.—Ch. 1. _A¤¢h<>¤·i¤y<>fdi¤- Sm. 4973. The district courts shqll be ulvyuys open for the txunsaction

  • 3* "°“"“ ““d of business in the exe·rqisc_of tlgeir ]urisd1c·u0n as courts of bankruptcy;

J!} and their powers and ]ur1sQ1ction as sugh c0urps_sha.ll be exercised as _? M?-· 1g6M C- well in vacation gs in term·_tupe;_ apd a_]udgc_ sltting at chambers shall 1:6 s.1\.l-I p.5l7. h .1 d h - ’ ’ J. .(;,. ave the same powers and ]ur1sd1c·tion, UIL p mg theg power of keopmg Smith •·- Mmm, order and of punishing any contempt of his authornty, as when sitting ' I. 14 \\ al , 419. m c0ul.t_ I I I • i ‘ _Sc§¤i<>n of the Sue. 4974. A dlStI'1Ct court {nay s1t for fha tmnsa;ction ot bumness in EY'$Y_{9H'P’; _ bankruptcy, at any place withm the drstrwt, of wh1g·h placc_u.nd of the 2 Mar., 1867, e. time of commencing session the court shall hnvq glvcn nohce, as well gi} S- L V- N, P~ as at the places designated by law for holding sessnons of such court, {_ • · . · u Thus section IS a. hteral copy of the first section of the act f @$2 f";';- 18{‘§b°· 2 Much, 1:167,0. 176, v. 14, 517; and me Mz ur 22 June,B1874, " ’’ p'390, s. 2, v. 18, p. 178, amen ed the said first section b the addition of the following proviso: "1*rorided, That the court gaviug charge 0f the estate of any bankrupt may direct that any of the legal assets or debts of the bankrupt, as ccntradistinguishcd from equitable demands, shall, when such debt does not exceed five hundred dollars, be collected in the courts of the State where such bankrupt resides having jurisdiction of claims of such nature and amount." Powemoidistrict Sec. 4975. The district courts as courts of bsmkruptcv shall have full gglgfgnyé <‘°mP€l authority to compel obedience to all orders and decrees gasscd by them ~i—· LJ-_ in bankruptcy, by process of contempt and other ramc ia] process to Hg; §a{;",{8g’;; the same extent that the circuit courts now have in any suit pending 517:therein in equity. D2 re Hirsch, 2 Ben., 493. _ Pvwm of cirvuit Sup. 4976: In case of a vacancy in the officc of district judge in any

   **3 distmct? or_1_n case any district ]udge shall. from sickness, absence, or

ambgmy Of fiis_ other disability, be unable to uct, the circuit judge of the circuit in which mcg jug;-L____ i such d1str1ct IS included méy make, during such disability 01* vacancy, 30 _;,,m,,18;·0_c_ all necessary rules and orders preparatory to the final hanrin§ of all 177, S. 2, v. 16, p. causes m bankruptcy, and cause the same to be entered or issue , ns the ff}- __ i _ case may require, by the clerk of the district court. Sandusky r. National Bank, 23 Wall., 289. Powers of the Sec. 4977. Thcsamejurisdicticm ower andautherity which are hereby mg'B2';fr§_‘;“£ conferred upon the district courtsfn cas:-1s in bankruptcy are also cor]- lumbim fcrrcd upon th0 supreme court of the District of Columbia. when the .., ..l. bankrupt resides in that District. 2 Mar., 1867, 0. 17*, s. 49, v. 14, p. 541. suP;>e~:·e;i0;>fmff|;$ Sec. 4978. The Same jurisdiction, power, and authority which are mg Te‘:_rimriw_ hereby conferred upon the dmmct courts in cases in bankruptcy are also ___? conferred upon tlye spgremc courts of the several Territories when the Ibid. _ bunkntupt res1d¢>s in_e}t er of the T€1‘I‘1tO!’l€S. This jurisdiction may be lj;0 J¤?€;_1*§·éT, ¢· exercised, upon petitions regularly filed m such courts, by 81th8I' of the 1,95 S· » · ·¥’· justices thereof whnle holding the dmtrict court in the district in which 2g Jam 1874, ,._ the pet1tioner or the alleged bankrupt resides. 390, s. 16, 1:. 18, p. 182. 14 April, 1876, c. 62, r. 19, p. 33. Jggmiggzng Sec. 4979: ’I:bc_sqveml_ci1‘cuit cpurps shall have within each district sigmm and pep concurrent jurisdiction with the district court, whether the powers and Som claiming Bd_ jurisdiction of a c1rc·u1t court have been conferred on such district court verse interests. or not, of gll suits at law or {ll gqmty brought by an assignee in bank-

    • 2 MU., 1*%*7, cr ruptcy agupnst any person chumpug an adverse interest, or bz any such

]16’g_ 2'v_l4’p_5]8_ p0!‘S0¤ ¤1g¤·1¤St an 2SSlgIl00, touching any property or rights 0 the bank- Mg Ju??, 18g3i c. rupt transferable to 01* vested in such asmgnce. . ,v. ,p.' ‘ . 22 June, 1874, c. 390, sn. 2,3, r. 18 >. 178. 22 Jun 18"4, .401,s. 2 ·. 18 .195.-81 ' 1-. Mason, 14 Wall., 419; Marshall r.Y{(nox, 16 \Vall.?55ll; 5 re Mssé:-sou; 71 Bank. Q$?;“Bs{{;té>;] r. l;]eckhi1):;i5tB{1nl;é{{Jcg%, B1¥ll;ank r. Bigelow ct al., 92 U. S., 179; ·a . r. amp c a ., . L., 7; amen 1·. Miller, 2 Woods, 564. (_13K;!;?: *0 G"'- _ S50. 498Q. Apppals mav bqtaken from the district to the circuit courts Gr] a _ cases {n equlty, and \Vl'1tS' of error from the; gircuit. courts to the 176, s_ g"v_ 14; p_ _ *SU`i€t €0§1if§_m¤}’ ]’>¢‘ allowed ln 08888 at law, arnsnng under or author- 520- - 1zed by this lxtle. when the debt m·dnm•1ges chime amount to m0l'6 h‘—‘*_q§0,5z{,,;{; ·}~:,0,£; 21}z:nllfi\*e'hundr;;l dollars; and any supposed crzeditpr, whose c!aim is 1 , a ., , 0 p Ol m pa rqectcd, or am assugnce who IS d1ssut1sficd Wlth the