Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/954

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920 POSTAL CONVENTION WITH BELGIUM. JULY 31, 1863. D°°¤'9°¤*¤*7 3. Fo1·_ documentary manuscripts, corrected pr00l`s, and samples of mrzggscggtxm merchandise, 20 cents in the United States, and one franc in Belgium. gcc. l 4. For journals and all other prints, embracing articles not otherwise

l°t_‘;""’*l“ ““‘1 enumerated, the standard single rate shall be fixed by the despatching deprmpartment, limited nevertheless by the maximum rate of 4 cents in the

United States, and of 15 centimes in Belgium. And each department shall communicate to the other, in advance, the rate it shall adopt, and any subsequent change it shall make therein. Combined Anrrctm XII. Ot' the combined rate of international letter postage L“t‘“¤h°`" ’“d° hereby established, 3 cents represents the interior single rate of the p` United States, and 15 centimes the interior single rate of Belgium, comprising therein the cost of conveyance across the English Channel. The remainder of the combined rate is assigned to the payment of the cost of sea conveyance, and of intermediate transit, by whatever route the mails _ may be conveyed. bngglxf; Egd°*‘ ARTIGLE XIII. _Articles_ under band described in the third and fourth ,-cgi5mm_ paragraphs0f Article IV. of this convention, may be registered in either country for despatch to the other, upon payment of the registration fee of 10 cents in the United States, and of 50 centimes in Belgium, in addition to the prepayment of the regular postage. Emi d¢¤¢=-}‘¤- Anrictm XIV. In order to simplify postal accounts between the de- $$2 ;°w:’§2;' pnrtments as much as possible, and to prepare the way for their ultimate all postages, Src. abolition, each Post Department shall retain to its own use all the postal l‘°°“°°‘“i rates and charges, which it shall collect, whether by virtue of prepay- 0f¤!:¢;ip¤vk¢;¤S¤ ment or post-payment; and each department shall pay the cost of con-

  • _ ‘ veyance of the mails which it despatches as far as the frontier of the

lnggaisgéggar- country of destination. It is also especially provided that the cost of in— {md land com termediate ocean and land conveyance of the closed mails shall be iirst dcveyance. frayed by that one of the two departments, which shall have obtained from the intermediaries the `most favorable pecuniary conditions of such conveyance, and any amount so paid by one department for account of the other shall be reimbursed. t M°ll“l°l° m"*‘ Aivrxcnn XV. It. is distinctly agreed that all msilable articles ader exempt from d _ d f. , an-Y oxher _ resse rom one country to the other shall be exempt in the country of ¢¤¤rg¤¤· destination from any rate or fee whatever, beyond the charges established by this convention. FM ¤¤¤¤¢*- Amicm XVI. Correspondence exclusively relating to the postal serviele shall be transmitted on both sides without any postal charge there or. present and Amsrcmc XVII. Correspondence of allkinds erroneously transmitted,

;$°‘°d or wrongly addressed, shall be proymptlyyreturned io the despatching department. Articles which shall have been addressed to persons yvho

have departed from the place of destination leaving their address, shall be forwarded or returned, as the case may require, elmrged with the postage which the addressee would have been required to pay on deivery. Iiettgrs and Amxcm XVIII. Letters, all registered articles, and all documentary

T;i:":’(;`s‘l,;‘f"' manuscripts, which shall not be delivered to their address, shall be rei;,.md_ to bg Stored to the despatching department. Any of these articles which may

¤`¤¤¤¤‘¤¢d· have been forwarded by one department to the other, on account. shall be restored and credit taken for the amount originally charged by the de- Other mail spatching office. But samples of merchandise, newspapers, prints of all

 kinds, and all mailable articles not excepted, which cannot be delivered

(Mme,, Qmhm to their address, shall remain at the disposal of the receiving department, six months. .provi,ded they shall not be reclaimed by the sender or addressee within six months from the date of their despatch. lfrohibited ARTICLE XIX. Neither Post Department is required to make distrimglilgtxgwm-bution, within its jurisdiction, of any articles the circulation of which shall be prohibited by the laws in force in the country of destination.