Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/943

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POSTAL CONVENTION WITH BELGIUM. Dao. 21, 1859. 909 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT From the qjice at —--·-—-—-— to the ofiee at --—-·-——-—·. MAIL. Of the ·——-—-—, 18-, received the -—-—— by wa of Eugtanrl and of1-;-———·, y .y me 1 e.. (1) Character, name, and nation of the vessel which brought the mall hom Europe to the United tates. Statement by the Verldcatlou by the Belgian; oillce of United States office _ _ _ exo ange. o exc ange. · § I. — Dnpazd letters, do to be placed to the credit of the Belgum 0mm' Number of single Number of single 1] [rue United states (- cms "°°“‘ ”'“‘ per sin crate) . Unpaid letters from Belgium , Countries; to which the United for States serves as an interme- [ diate point (—— cents per 2 single rate) . .. Auolmr. suouur. 8 Letters not prepaid or charged The United Sum Dollars. Gents. Dollars. Cents. with the price of transit sent C mes to hi h'th' mini countries to which sci. °§*,*;m mm'; ° “9,,m;_m_ , rIg*_;;;;,=;gg¤¤ ··¤¤¤i¤°¤*¤¤¤i=·** cna point . “Z° . 5 Newspapers and printed matter _ of every kind not prepaid or The United States . . . . . charged with the price of tran- Countries to which the United sit sent from countries to which States serves as an interme- Belgium serves us an lnterme· diate point ... 6 diate point, for 7 Unpaid letters badly directed by the United States Post-Omce, and returned to that office 8 Unpaid letters resent, addressed to persons who have departed, but have left their address § II. -- Paid ktters, yo. to be placed to the credit of the United Nambe,. of mg], Number of msi, States Office. rates. rates. 91 [ From l'BelgiL;m (-—· cents pcr Letters rc: nic mined states, “***F° '“"° ·s r · 1;. ,1 lg 1; t prepaid_ to destination, and Fr;;gm°°_;;,;;i: M0 J: ;$,m,,:e_ , P“’°°° ***8 diute point (.- cents per 10 j single rate) ... 11 [ From Belgium (—· cents per iblewspapers and printed matter single rate) _ . .. . of every kind for the United From countries to which Bel- States prepaid to destination, glum serves as an intermeand proceeding diate point (-- cents per 12 single rate) . , . Amooxr. smomsr. Dollars. Cenu. Dollars. Cents. 13 P paid letters for countries to Fromlielglum . . 1t rwhlch the United States ssrvesilirom countries to which Bel- , as an intermediate point, and. Elum serves as an interme- 14] promedlng [ Inte point ... 15 Prepaid newspapers and rlnted um _ matter of every kind for? coun- mggmu QD `wthe], pe,- tries to which tho United States glam una M an inmmc, serves as an intermediate point, mu i t 16 and proceeding pon° `'°°` 17 hm directed by the United States Post-Otlioe, and re urnsd office

C'erh:/ied (gy the undersigned Postmaster.