Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/912

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878 POSTAL CONVENTION WITH FRANCE. Msnou 2, 1857. su ,,_ Sm B.- TABLE showing the Oanditicns on which shall be exchanged, between the United States, Letters sent from the United States and their Terand vice versa.

esiétéé zerseie 2 E is s 5 ~ ·· .. ¤ ·¤ i.. *,.-*3 >r ° = nn Si ·: -¤ 1 Q .2 5*; 3 ·:: ¤ 5- c. -.1 12 ==3 23 _ ge cégzééééi 4. . e- n x': e E g 2 E 5 Designation of the Countries where 0 f E Ei'? g °°’逑l‘2§;‘.‘E’iI§"€,6".i‘PsZ‘£¤‘L'§¢“‘ r»?§,$LZ§§%‘$.3. Lum ·>¤’~¤¤>*¤¤¤*· E g g E gg way0fFrance. gesggé ·¤ .¤ ,, 5 e gg_ s m ¤ ·•a ,;; ¤¤ 2

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E -»· a ,.. .,4 51 as U) Sum Ito Pe paid on eu etter and per each quart r oz. or fraction if American quarter oz. Great Britain, Belgium, the Low Coun- Optional . . To destination . 21 cents. trics, the Gi-and Duchy of Luxemburg, the Swiss Cnutous, the Sardinian States and the German Stetcs (except the Empire of Austria). Denmark, Iénplre of Austria., Serving, Optional . . To destination . 27 " uscsny, tutes of the hum an Duchies of Parma., and Moderns. Rada, _Pol;nd, the Two SK:ilies,gdg.l· Optional . . To destination . 30 " lng Om 0 19060, BXB!] 118. Tufts, Bcyrcut, Tripoli in Syria, Lat; tnkia, Alexamlretta., Masina, Rhodes, Smyrna, Mitylenc, the Dm-dnnelles, Gcllipolis, tonstantinople, Tunis, Teugiers, Pondicherry, Karikal, Yanaon, Mnhé, and Chandemngor, Kingdoms of Sweden ond Norway . . Optional . . To destination . 33 “ Spa.1n,Portugs.l,aud Gibraltar . . . Obligatory . Behubh . . . 21 " Ionian Islands . Obligatory . Trieste ... 27 “ Aden, Enstludien, Ceylon, Mauritius, Obligatory . Seaport of the Indies or 30 " Isle of Reunion, Penang, Singapore, of the sea. of China. to Ilong Kong, Sh¤.¤ghm_, Chinn., Bate- which the English vmiwnud other ccxsntn-ics who`; cuba; packets ply. res n cmu vmutageo sent by Sues. y i Letters from Obligatory . Port of arrival in the 30 " °°,§}’§,‘Q;,“f},°,{§“'},$§ me u. sum. country ordmrmnou. wm ,,,,,,,,;,1,,,,,,, moms my me obupun-y . pm or eepmnm in me 30 " ' U. States. country from which they ue sent. · Moldnvié Wellachia., and Turkey in . . * . . . . 1 . . * . . . . Europe, by wsy of Austria. ’ The postage: on letters which the inhabitants of the U ited State sh ll hm 'th. the inbe thlly paid by the inhabitants cfuoldavin, Wsllscnlz, and Tnurkey, in lzmgpelm KB m