Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/850

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816 POSTAL CONVENTION WITH GREAT BRITAIN. MAR. 20&A1·R. 9, 1856. These amounts may be altered, from time to time, by the respective Post·Otiices, if an alteration be deemed expedient. No charge, whether for registration or other service, shall, nnder any pretext whatever, be made in the United Kingdom or the United States on the delivery of registered letters. ,,0,, ARTICLE V. Upon every registered letter forwarded from the United tscsgwac- Kingdom to the United States, the Post-Office of the United Kingdom °°““"°"· f°'· shall account to the Post-Oiiice of the United States for one half of the amount of the registration fee levied upon the posting of such registered letter in the United Kingdom; and, in like manner, upon every regis— tered letter forwarded from the United States to the United Kingdom, the Post-Office of the United States shall account to the Post·Oiiice of the United Kingdom for one half of the amount of the registration fee levied upon the posting of such registered letter in the United States. mggwndleg ARTICLE VI. All registered letters forwarded from the United Kingtorstobe made dom to the United States, or from the United States to the United “£`_:;,’· ”P“"“*° Kingdom, shall be made up at the respective offices of exchange in a Pparcel separate from the unregistered letters, which parcel shall be tied in the usual manner, and securely sealed by the despatching officer. $,,},,,,,,,,,],,,,,,1. The name of the person to whom each registered letter is addressed, bill to contain the place of its destination, and the amount to be credited to the office to WMV which the letters are forwarded, shall be entered at the respective offices of exchange in a separate letter bill, which shall be made out in the form annexed to these articles. Such letter bill shall not be enclosed in the parcel containing the registered letters, but shall be forwarded in a separate wrapper or envelope, sealed and addressed to the postmaster of the corresponding office of exchange. L,,,,,,. bmshcw ARTICLE VII. Upon the arrival at an office of exchange in the United to be certified Kingdom of registered letters from the United States, and upon the arrival md ’““"“°d· at an office of exchange in the United States of registered letters from the United Kingdom, the postmaster of such office of exchange shall compare the letters with the letter bill, and if they agree, he shall write at the foot of the letter bill, the word " correct," and aiiix his signature and oilicial stamp. The letter bill thus certified must be returned by the first mail to the office of exchange from which the registered letters were received. If any error be observed, the postmaster shall report the circumstance to the General Post-Otlice in London or Washington, as the case may ble, in prder that the error may be investigated through the ordinary c anne . Forms oflet- Amrcra VIII. The letter bills and acknowledgments of receipt for WF biU¤»&¤· the mails exchanged between the two countries shall be made out acp,,,,_ Pp_ 8H_ cording to the amended forms annexed to the present articles, in lieu of 822. the forms (F and G) as originally adopted. ,,9;"*°~ PP- 79*- Aivricnm IX. The present articles shall be considered as additional Tum article, to those agreed upon between the two offices, for carrying into execution gggggléldsggd the convention of December the fifteenth, one thousand eight hundred when ,0 gg, mo and forty-eight, signed at Washington the fourteenth of May, one ctfect. thousand eight hundred and forty~nine, and shall come into operation on Ame, p_ 78E_ the first day of May, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six. Done in duplicate and signed at Washington on the twentieth day of March, and at London on the ninth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six. HORATIO KING. ROWLAND HILL. Approved: James CAMPBELL. ARGYLL.