Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/742

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708 TREATY WITH THE KLAMATH, &c. INDIANS. OCT. 14, 1864. Harney lake; thence due north to tlie-forty-fourth parallel of north lati~ R¢¤¤1‘W·¤i¤¤- tude ; thence west to the place of begmnmg: Prcvzded, That the followmg described tract, within the country ceded by this treaty, shall, until otherwise directed by the President of the United States, be set. apart as a residence for said Indians, [and] held and regarded as an lndnan reserva- B0,md,,,m_ tion, to wit: Beginning upon the eastern shore of the mnddle Klamath lake, at the Point of Rocks, about twelve miles below the mouth of Wnl— ]iams0n’s river; thence following up said eastern shore to the mouth of \Vood river ; thence up Wood river to a point one mile north of the lmdge at Fort Klamath; thence due east to the summit of the mdge tvhicli dxvides the upper and middle Klamath lakes ; thence along said r1dge to a point due east of the north end of the upper lake ; thence due east, passing the said north end of the upper lake, to the summit of the mountains on the east side of the lake; thence along said mountain to the point where Sprague’s river is intersected by the Ish-tish-ea-wax creek ; thence in a southerly direction to the summit of the mountain, the extrem1ty of which forms the Point of Rocks; thence along said mountain to the place. of Indians to re- beginning. And the tribes aforesaid agree and bind themselves that, xmm°"°*{’»*’“du"° mediatcly after the ratiiioation of this treaty, they will remove to said $§§g,:_l° ms"` reservation and remain thereon, unless temporary leave of absence be granted to them by the superintendent or agent having charge of the tribes. xvmgs ps,-sou, It is further stipulated and agreed that no white person shall he per- ¤°* *0 *§m¤l¤ <>¤ mitted to locate or remain upon the reservation, except the Indian superr°S°mm°"; intendent and agent, employes of the Indian department, and officers of POS': P~ 711- the army of the United States, guaranteed [and] that in case persons other than those specified are found upon the reservation, they shall be immenor1ish,&e. diately expelled therefrom; and the exclusive right of taking fish in the streams and lakes, included in said reservation, and of gathering edible roots, seeds, and berries within its limits, is hereby secured to the Indians R. h aforesaid: Provided, also, That the right of way for public roads and railrg tof way . . . . . for railroads, roads across and reservation 18 guaranteed [reserved] to cmzens of the fast, p. 711. United States, um °'f}:QmS by Aarxcna II. In consideration of and in payment for the country States; ceded by this treaty, the United States agree to pay to the tribes convey- ing the same the several sums of money hereinafter enumerated, to wit: Eight thousand dollars per annum for a period of five years, commencing on the first day of October, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, or as soon thereafter as this treaty may be ratified; five thousand dollars per annum for the term of five years next succeeding the first period of five how to be ex. years; and three thousand dollars per annum for the term of five years pended- next succeeding the second period; all of which several sums shall be applied to the use and benefit of said Indians by the superintendent or agent having charge of the tribes, under the direction of the President of the United States, who shall, from time to time, in his discretion, determine for what objects the same shall be expended, so as to carry out the desngn of the expenditure, [it] being to promote the well-being of the Indians, advance them in civilization, and especially agriculture, and to Adam,,,,,,; secure their moral improvement and education. p;y:¤:;:.pa1r;d ·ARTICLE III. The United States agree to pay said Indians the adp0s6s_ dmonal sum of thirty-five thousand dollars, a portion whereof shall be used to pay for such articles as may be advanced to them at the time of signing this treaty, and the remainder shall be applied to subsisting the Indians during the first year after their removal to the reservation, the purchase of teams, farming implements, tools, seeds, clothing, and provis- Mms and Shop, ions, and for the payment of the necessary employes. ¢<>b¤ ¤r<—>¤¤¤d· Amxcma The United States fprther agree that there shall be erected at stutable points on the reservation, as soon as practicable after the ratmcatxon of this treaty, one sa.w—m1ll, 0ue Houriug-mill, suitable build-