Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/667

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FORTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 44, 45, 48. 49, 50. 1870. 633 district judge for the eastern district of the State of Texas being ten- Wbifn d¤r¤¤s dared and accepted by the President of the United States, the salary now }QQ;飒n;P,;°;`dth° received by said judge shall be continued to him during his natural life, acceptance of payable in the same manner and form as if he actually performed the m "°‘ig“““°“' duties of his office. APPROVED, April 5, 1870. CHAP. XLV.—An Act to amend an Act entitled "An or e ° ‘ 6, 1870. I. At0cha," approved fburteenth February, eig}dcenA}€;nJ;lrec;han§e.g;`);_;;;(¥fv;‘?lexand" Ba it chanted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United VOL xm. P. 595. States of America in Congress assembled, That Alexander I. Atocha shall Al¤¤¤¤d°¤' I- be, and is hereby, authorized, in the prosecution of his claim referred to gz:?: ;°:?(jQ:;g the court of claims by the act to which this is au amendment, to use such in me msucuportions of the evidence taken in pursuance of the rules and regulations mm dgis °]°imof the commission established under the fifteenth section of the treaty of V°l· ix- P- Q38- Guadalupe Hidalgo, and laid before said commission, as consists of the evidcucc of persons since deceased; and the government, in defending m;£°x§;v%’§' against said claim, shall have like rights. And such evidence shall be the same.), received by the court, so far as the subject-matter thereof is competent testimony; and the court shall give it such weight as in their judgment E}Y¤¤¤ of Such under all the circumstances it ought to have. °°°°‘m°“Y° A.Pr1:0vm>, April 5, 1870. CHAP. — ATI Ad foT MG Qf R. P. PGTTOII. April Q 1870 Bc it enacted by the Senate and Abuse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury bc, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to R. P. Parrott Paymeuttok. the sum of twelve thousand one hundred and ninety-eight dollars and P‘ P““°“* thirty-five cents, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, in full payment for building an iron lighthouse at Capo Canaveral, in the State of Florida. APPROVED, April 6, 1870. . . —An Act to authafze the accauntin O o the Treasury lo ad'ust A ‘ 0 CH$zEA§:5u]3; q/'Ezra Gzrler, junizzr, late 00Uect0r%2f n§fat Portland, Maine.] Be it enacted by the Senate and Euse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper accounting officers of the Treasury Department bc, aud hereby arc, authorized to settle and adjust the accounts of Ezra Carter, junior, late collector of Accounts of customs at Portland, Maine, in which the vouchers have been destroyed Em';; W by finc, upon equitable principles, and allow such credits as shall sceyu g33Q3d: just and reasonable from the best evidence the nature of the casa wxll admit: Provided, That the sum so allowed shall not exceed the sum of eight hundred and seventy-five dollars aud ninety cents, by reason of the loss and destruction of his vouchers. Armovmn, April 6, 1870. CHAP. L. --An Act for the Ikliqf of Tobias JZ April 6, 1870· Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in 0'ongress assembled, Thus Tobias J. Kindlgberger, §;£i§ •;;g1¤· or his assigns, have leave to make application to th6 C0mm1SS1OH6Y PF apply §m_ mgm patents for an extension of the letters-patent, for au improvement 111 mu of patent. cider mills, issued to said Tobias J. Kindlebergexufor the term df fourteen years from the twenty-uiuth day of May, m the year eughtecn hundred and fifty-five, and reissued August tyveuty-fouygh, mghtegn hundred aud sixty-six, in the same manner as 1f the pctmou for smd