Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/66

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32 FORTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 16. 1869. Sb<>¤h¤¤<>¤- Goship Bands -—For sixth of twenty instalments, to be expended, under the direction of the President, in the purchase of such articles, in- Goship bands. cluding cattle for herding or other purposes, as he shall deem suitable for their wants and condition, either as huntsmen or herdsmen, per seventh V<>l·xiii.p·682- article treaty October twelfth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, ono _ _ thousand dollars. _ _ _ Ng_;XYIg$;*°¤¤°f Six Nations of New Perle.-For permanent annuity in clothing and VOL ,,,,_ ,,_ ,,6_ other useful articles, per sixth article treaty seventeenth [eleventh] November, seventeen hundred and ninety-four, four thousand five hundred dollars. S`Kl“ll“’“"·· S’KlalZams.-For last of four instalments on sixty thousand dollars, Vol. xii. p. 984. (being fourth series,) under the direction of the President, per fifth article treaty twenty-sixth January, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three thousand dollars. For tenth of twenty instalments for the support of an agricultural and industrial school, and for pay for suitable teachers, per eleventh article treaty twenty-sixth October [January], eighteen hundred and fifty-tive, one thousand five hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty instalments for the employment of a blacksmith, carpenter, farmer, and a physician, who shall furnish medicines for the sick, per eleventh article treaty twenty-sixth October [January], eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three thousand five hundred dollars.. ba'§§lffSm;l;° Tabegaache Band of Utah Indians. —-For sixth of ten instalments for ],,d,,,,,S_ the purchase of goods, under the direction of the Secretary of the In- Vol. xiii. p. 675. terior, per eighth article treaty of October seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and Senate amendment of March twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, ten thousand dollars. For sixth of ten instalments, per eighth article of said treaty, for the purchase of provisions, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, ten thousand dollars. For the purchase of iron, steel, and necessary tools for blacksmith’s shop, as per tenth article of said treaty, two hundred and twenty dollars. For pay of blacksmith and assistant, as per same article of same treaty, one thousand one hundred dollars. For insurance, transportation, and general incidental expenses of the delivery of goods, provisions, andstock, as per same article of same treaty, three thousand dollars.

Otytd · Umpquas and Oalapooias, of Ompqua Valley, Oregon. -— For last of tive

Umplxm (ilmcyy instalments of the third series of annuity for beneficial objects, to be ex- Oregon. pended as directed by the President, per third article treaty twenty-ninth V V°l~ K- P~ 1126- November, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thousand seven hundred dollars. For last of fifteen instalments for the pay of a physician and purchase of medicines, per sixth article treaty twenty-ninth November, eighteen hundred and-fifty-four, one thousand five hundred dollars. For the fifteenth of twenty instalments for the pay of a teacher and purchase of books and stationery, per sixth article treaty twenty-ninth November, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thousand four hundred and fifty dollars. (clgvlflgfgzié · Umpqurzs, (Cow Oreck Band.) -- For sixteenth of twenty instalments b,,,,,, in blankets, clothing, provisions, and stock, per third article treaty nine- V<>rx·p-10‘17· teenth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, five hundred and fifty dollars. Xvalta-\Valta, Walla- Walla, Oayuse, and Umatilla Tribes.—·—For last of five instal-

 ments of second series, to be expended under the direction of the Presi·

VOL X,,_ p_ gw_ dent, per second article treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-Eve, six thousand dollars. For tenth of twenty instalments for the purchase of all necessary millfixtures and mechanical tools, medicines and hospital stores, books and stationery for schools, and furniture for the employees, per fourth arti-