Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/624

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590 FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Rus. 4, 5, 6. 1871. ¤<=¤*¤ li¤*<>f list of the navy, to date u-om the twenty-sixth day of March, eighteen mm" hundred and sixty-nine, with the pay of that grade from that date. Approved, January 10, 1871. Jem- 11, 1871- [No. 5.] Joint Resolution providing for pqulgzhing Specifications and DmwingsqfPa¢m¢. Vol. xvii. p. 2. "· Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the publication of the Publication abstracts of specifications and of the engravings heretofore accompany. °f '·P°*¤“?'* °*’ ing the annual report of the commissioner of patents be discontinued after-

g%°l,%°;,'°;.::_ the publication of that portion of the report for eighteen hundred and

ing for patent- sixty-nine, for which the plates have already been prepared; and that, in ge zgszigzigggd lieu thereof, the commissioner be authorized to have printed, for gratuitous Co ies ordistribution, not to exceed one hundred and fifty copies of the complete ¤D¤<=ig<=¤*§<>¤¤ specifications and drawings of each patent subsequently issued, together

ghd;°;¥;,§°,:$ with suitable indexes to be issued from time to time, one copy to be placed

indexes tobeis· for free public inspection in each capitol of every State and Territory, Sm?d wh°” one for the like purpose in the clerk’s office of the district court of each P ’ judicial district of the United States, except when such offices are located in State or territorial capitols, and one in the library of Congress, whicl1 copies shall be taken and received in all courts as evidence of all matters |=¤b¤ Gqrtiiéd therein contained, and shall be certified to under the hand of the commis-

§°::' sioner and seal of the patent-office, and shall be taken and received in all

evidence; courts as evidence, said copies not to be taken from said depositories for m:;**?“l;z*:tl*“ any other purpose than to be used as evidence; and the commissioner of dsp0S}}) exc,,,,, patents is hereby authorized and directed to have printed such additional &¤. _ _ numbers of copies of specifications and drawings, certified as hereinbefbre wgggzgto provided, at a. price not to exceed the contract price for such drawings, pynlm rep me. for sale, as may be warranted by the actual demand for the same; and kb$:§e;°;g>£bl¤° the commissioner is also hereby authorized Ito furnish a complete set of wmpay fm. such specifications and drawings to any public library winch will pay for bindmg,&c. binding the same into volumes to correspond with those in the patent oliice, and for the transportation of the same, and which shall also provide proper custody for the same, with convenient access for the public thereto, under such regulations as the commissioner shall deem reasonable: And Contracts for provided, also, That all contracts for making copies of drawings shall be gg? °rd"°"' made under the provisions of chapter one hundred and fifty-five, section 1ae4,¤h.m;,ge, nine, of act of Congress approved June twentyfive, eighteen hundred V<>l· xm- P- 196- and sixty-Four, which reads as follows: “Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That all lithographing and engraving, where the probable total cost of the maps or plates illustrating or accompanying any one work exceeds two hundred and fifty dollars, shall be awarded to the lowest and best bidder for the interests of the government, due regard being paid to the execution of the work, after due advertisement by the superintendent of public printing, under the direction of the joint committee on printing: Provided, That the joint committee ou public printing be authorized to empower the superintendent of public printing to make immediate contracts for engraving, whenever, in their opinion, the exigencies of the public service will not justify waiting for advertisement and award." APPROVED, January 11, 1871.

 [N0. 6.] Joint Resolution to enable Robert (1 Scbenck, United States Zllinistcr to Great

Aug, P, 411, Britain, to employ a private Amanuensis. Allow xm to Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representative; of the United Rohm ci States of America in Congress assembled, That there be allowed and paid Behenqk, mm,. to Robert C. Schenck, during the time that he may serve as minister of

  • °'*°G*’°¤¢ the United States near the government of Great Britain, the additional