Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/604

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570- FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Szss. IH. Ch. 120. 1871. hgglgxghmsgou a°5;l(;1's·1DC81‘6It on the Choctaw general fund,.twenty seven thousand l 4;;,,,2,;,,,,, For interest on the Creek orphans' fund, Eve thousand two hundred GMM; and eighteen dollars. Dslswsm; dmFor interest on the Delaware general fund, nine thousand seven hund and ten dollars. lowes; f For interest on the I0was’ fund, three thousand three hundred and orty dollars. Kaskaskips, For interest on the Kaskaskias, Woes, Peorias, and Piankeshaws’ fund, xg"§;iI]°Q;_‘“’• six thousand and seventy dollars. sham; For interest on the Menomonee? fund, nine hundred and fifty dollars. gg?;?;; d For interest on the Ottawas and Chippcwas, two hundred and thirty cm ww ollars. Poiiiisswsmmios h For interest on the Pottawatomies’ education fund, six thousand seven `undred dollars. Continpent ex- For contingent expenses of trust funds, heretofore and to be hereafter

 mm incurred, three thousand dollars ; and the Secretary of the Treasury is

Bonds to hereby authorized to issue to the Choctaw tribe of Indians bonds of the Ch°<>*¤W¤· United States to the amount of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, as directed by the act of March two, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, Vgcihclg gs entitled "An act malcing appropriations for the current and contingent · · · · cnrplenses of therlndiap department, and for fulfilling treaty stipulations wit various n ian r1 es. mAdditiouw Sec. That the act approved July fifteen, eighteen hundred and wm, eh_ 2% seventy, ‘rneking appropriations for the current aud contingent. expenses ,;,,;,,1,, gqg, of the Indian department, and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes, for_the year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and and seventy-one, and for other purposes," be amended by adding the follpwing section, which was inadvertently omitted in the enrolment of sai act, viz.:-- N0 treat! BP- “Sue. 14. And bei! further enacted, That nothing in this act contained, m&q'“d‘ or in any of the provisions thereof, shall be so construed as to ratify, ' approve, or disaiiirm any treaty made with any tribes, bands, or parties of Indians since the twentieth of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, or atnrm or disaiiirm any of the powers of the Executive and Senate over the subject." K°No contxscthe S20. 3. That hereafter no contract or agreement of any kind shall be hd¥:°u;£;in made bylany person, with any tribe of Indians, or individual Indian ,,,.1,,,,, mad aP_ not a citizen of the United States, for the payment of any money or pnmdby,&¢. other thing of value to him, or any other person, in consideration of services for said Indians relative to their lands, or to any claims growing out of or in reference to annuities from or treaties with the United States, unless such contract or agreement be in writing and approved by the commissioner of Indian adhirs and the Secretary of the Interior; “°%f£¤:€g¤bg¤t and all such contracts or agreements hereafter made, in violation of the void and ,,,,,80,, provisions of this section, are hereby declared null and void, and all making may be money or other thing of value paid to any person by any Indian or tribe, mf;m;3’ or any one else, for or on his or their behalf, on account of such services, 1H excess of the amount approved by the said commissioner and Secretary for such services, may be recovered by suit in the name of the United States in any court of the United States, regardless of the amount in controlyexlgsy, olne hlalffofhwhigh shall be palid to the person suing for the sarrfie, an e o er a s a e ai intot etreasu of the United States or the use of the Indian or gibe by or for wboldtl it was so paid; and the person so receiving said money, and his aidsrs and abetbors, shall, in addition to the forfeiture of said sum, be subject to prosecution for misdemeanor m any court of the United States, and on conviction shall be fined not less than. one thousand dollars, and imprisoned not less than six months, and lt shall be the duty of all district attorneys of the United