Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/552

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518 FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Suse. III. Ch. 115. 1871. Expenses in- Austin Wiley, former superintendent of Indian affairs, ten thousand five fgwsg A"' hundred and nfty-nine dollars and fifly·four cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary. Psubsisliiug For subsisting seven hundred and forty-seven Ponca. Indians from °“°“ I"d‘“"" December first, eighteen. hundred and seventy, to July first, eighteen bundred and seventy-one, including liabilities for the purpose already ip. curred, fifteen thousand eight hundred and thirty-six dollars and sixty-four cents. Blank books. For blank books, stationery, furniture, and miscellaneous items in the Indian office, fifty-one dollars and ninety-five cents. Patent omee. Patent Office. -- For casual repairs of the Interior Department build- B°P”·""‘ ing, five thousand dollars. Ilxaminer and For salary of one examiner in charge of interferences, and one first ”““‘““i· and one second assistant examiner in the patent office, five thousand nine hundred dollars. Clerks. For five clerks of class two, seven thousand dollars. For five clerks of class one, six thousand dollars. Steam-heating _ For the steam-heating apparatus in the Interior Department building, ‘¥’l’“'“““· sxxlthousand nine hundred and seventy-five dollars. Distributing `or expenses of packing and distributing congressional journals and ggQ5£’:,;‘l’2c_ documents, six hundred and thirty dollars and sixty cents. wmhmon, D For salaries of eight watchman in the general service of the Interior epartment buildinv five thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars. inlégméllwrrpglpé _ Tolenable the Sdhretary of the Interior to pay the freight on the law Wm_ libraries authorized to be purchased for each of the Territories of Idaho, mo, on. zsz. Montana, Utah, Wyoming, and Arizona by the act of July fifteen, eigh- AMG. D- 306- teen hundred and seventy, one thousand two hundred and fifty-five dol- _ I lars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. mgl¤1¤z ¤¤¤¤¤- Mingng stagistics Igor collecting statistics of mines and mining, to be expen e uni er the irection of the Secretar of the Treasur one _ thousand five hundred dollars. y y, oflzfygtghfgi For salary apd commissions of the register and receiver of the land S“,,,,.,m,_ office at Susanville, California, three thousand dollars. Gfmmmont Igor mcidental expenses of said office, five hundred dollars. Hospital for the overmrsent Hvspztalfor the Insane. — To supply the deficiency in the h,,,m,_ appropriatmn to pay salaries and wages for the month of June, eighteen hundred and seventy, and outstanding bills due June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy, three thousand five hundred dollars. _To supply the deficiency in the appropriation for support of the hospital for the current year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, twenty-two thousand dollars. p£_Q:;QQl°°D°‘ ros·r-orrrcn nnrammnnr. The following sums are hereby appropriated for the service of the Post-Oflice Department out of any moneys in the treasury arising from the revenues of said department: -— k,,w:ii:,°Cl°k°' FP? m*’·ll‘l°¤k$» k°)'S, M16 Sfnmps, fifty-five thousand dollars; for ad- ,,,,m,,,_ verusnng, twenty thousand dollars: Provided, That hereafter the lettings mllipmpgrpgts of mail contracts m Maryland and Virginia shall be published in 0110 in_Maryla.nd and negspaper PP]-Y` _ viipggpérs Hm- wmpr additional pay of mne temporary laborers, two firemen, and of1B mm- o . huncéllmétn, gtfone hundred and twenty dollars each, one thousand four pmmm d. e Jun orty dollars: Provided, That their entire pay for the y0u!`

ring dun: thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, is thereby l10i?

Temporary Figs;ig?]t<p;t:n;eO:;p;1pp$dpedfand twenty pllollars each per annum. l k . l' S Ol` W [ 5 0 er S month, one thousand six hundred dollaigim , at cm hundred dollars per th£;;nger3p1p;¤;;y clerks, to be employed as occasion may require, tell