Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/540

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506 FORTY-·FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. HI. Ch. 114. 1871. Fort Moume. For Fort Monroe arsenal, including gun-yard with new fence, three thousand dollars; repairing two store-houses, one thousand five hundred dollars; painting and repairing public buildings, one thousand five hundred dollars. Fart Union. For Fort Union arsenal, New Mexico: One set of quarters, one thousand five hundred and seventy-five dollars; repairing buildings and grounds, three thousand dollars. _ Fmikford- For Frankford arsenal, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Introducing water into quarters and offices, one thousand dollars; repairing boundary walls and embankments, three thousand eight hundred dollars; repairs to pub; lic buildings, one thousand dollars; repairs to machinery, five thousand dollars. 1¤din¤¤p<>1is· For Indianapolis arsenal, Indianapolis, Indiana: Guard-house and gateway at main entrance, ten thousand dollars; improving grounds and roadways, five thousand dollars; repairs to public buildings, drains, and sewers, six thousand dollars. Leavenworth- For Leavenworth arsenal, Leavenworth, Kansas: Repairing build~ ings, fences, cisterns, and walks, five thousand dollars; painting public buildings, one thousand five hundred dollars; macadamizing roadways, on account of wagon-road leading from Missouri River bridge to the main road to Leavenworth, three thousand dollars; erecting a new magazine for storing ammunition, twelve thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars. New York. For New York arsenal, Governors Island, New York Harbor: Repairs of buildings, quarters, and grounds, six thousand nine hundred dollars. Pikesville. For Pikesville arsenal, Pikesville, Maryland _: Repairs and preservation of arsenal, barracks, quarters, workshops, stables, magazine, and inclosures, two hundred dollars. $¤i¤¤L<>¤i¤- For Saint Louis arsenal, Saint Louis, Missouri: Officers’ quarters on Jciferson Barracks ordnance reservation, eighteen thousand [dollars]. San Antonio. For San Antonio arsenal, San Antonio, Texas: Erecting a St01‘G building for stables, wagon-house, and store-room for forage, harness, and tools, three thousand dollars; repairs of officers’ quarters, office, and painting fences, roofs, and gutters of public buildings,. two thousand five hundred dollars. V¤¤¤<>¤v¤r· For Vancouver arsenal, Washington Territory: Repairs to public buildings and grounds, one thousand dollars. W¤¤hi¤gf¤n· For Washington arsenal, Washington, District of Columbia: Improving magazine grounds, two thousand dollars. Wutsrvliet. For Watervliet arsenal, West Troy, New York: Repairs to buildings, roofs, and permanent sheds, three thousand dollars; repairs to bridges, roads, fences, and inelosing walls, one thousand dollars. Watertown. For Watertown arsenal, Watertown, Massachusetts: Repairs of buildings, grounds, and machinery, five thousand dollars. Contingencies. For contingencies of arsenals: Repairs of smaller arsenals, and to meet such unforeseen expenditures at ars[e]nals as accidents or other contingncies during the year may render necessary, ten thousand dollars. m£;;¤;¤f;_>:`cd · www of Refugees, Iihzedmen, and abandoned Lands. —— For collecmcnllmé uhm: tion and payment of bounty, prize money, and other legitimate claims doued lands. of colored soldiers and sailors, viz.: _For salaries of agents and clerks ; rents of offices, Fuel, and lights; stationery and printing; ohice furniture and repairs; mileage and transportation of officers and agents; telegraph-· ing and postage, eighty-seven thousand Eve hundred dollars. Hgreadpacnés ·For support of Bl¤·eedmen’s Hospital and Asylum at Washington, Dis- Asyltsi g' trict of Columbia, viz. : Pay of medical officers and attendants ; medicines, washington, medical supplies, and rations; clothing; rent of hospital buildings, fuel, _ and lights; repairs and transportation, seventy-eight. thousand dollars: P*'°“8°- Provided, That no part of said appropriation shall he used in the support of} or to pay any of the aforesaid expenses on account of any persons