Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/514

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480 FOBTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 113. 1871. Judges, ¤\¤rk¤, For compensation of attorneys to-attend to baking testimony, witnegggg,

  • "‘“'°°Y’* &°' and commissioners, three thousand Eve hundred dollmis.

For stationery, books, fuel, labor, and other coutmgcut and miscellaneous expenses, three thousand dollars. Reporting do- For reporting the decisions of the court, clerical lure, labor in prey- ¤i¤i•>¤¤· _ h pm-ing and superintending the printing of the $1Xfh volume of the m. v°1“'“°°‘x°pom of the court of claims, to be paid on the order of the enum, one thousand dollars.

 geymeae of To pay judgments of the court of claims, five hundred thousand

J“ 8’“°° ‘ dollars. Executive. EXECUTIVE. President. For compensation of the President of the United States, twenty-five thousand dollars.

Jl}ee·Px·e¤t- For compensation of the Vice-President of the United States, eight

“· thousand dollars.

Se?x·et:,ry;o For compensation of secretary to sign patents for public lands, fifteen

‘ 9* ““ Pm hundred dollars. °°{>°,Zim, m,,,. For compensation 1:o the private seeretary, assistant secretary (whe my. ¤i¤¤‘k¤» shall be a short-hand wmter), two exccutwe clerks, at two thousand three '°°""d*&°‘ hundred. dollars each; steward and messenger of the President of the United States; thirteen thousand eight hundred dollars. U°¤*¥¤G¤¤¤ For contin ent expenses of the executive office, including stationery °xP°""°' therefor, fouxihousaud dollars.


P¤y <>f Sem- For compensation of the Secretary of State, eight thousand dollars; °"Y* °'°' two assistant secretaries of state, at three thousand ive hundred dollars each; for chief clerk, at two thousand two hundred dollars; ten clerks of class four additional to one clerk of class four as disbursing clerk, nine clerks of: class three, three clerks of class two, eight clerks of class one, one messenger, one assistant messenger, nine laborers, and four watchmen; in all, seventy-four thousand five hundred and twenty dollars. Pumphletlaws For publishing the laws in pamphlet form, add in newspapers of the '·“;*” “°"°P" States and Territories, and in the city of Washington, fifty thousand dolp°“f;m 1,,,,, lars: Provided, That hereafter nd laws or treaties shall be published in M- ¤¤iy w b¤ newspapers except those which are of a general nature, which laws shall Q:?};;:;';:: °h° be selected by the Secretary of State; and the same shall in all cases be Secretary of published without delay. 8*;** Qcgxig For proof-reading, and packing the laws and documents for the various M s` Iegations and consulates, including boxes and transportation of the same, three thousand dollars. stationery, For stationery, furniture, Hxtures, and repairs, Eve thousand dollars. g;b:’°°k' ”“d For books and maps, two thousand five hundred dollars. ` For extra clerk-hire and copying, four thousand dollars. Contingent For contingent expenses, viz.: rent, fuel, lights, repairs, and miscella- ¤¤P°¤¤°¤· neous expenses, thirty-two thousand five hundred dollars. Mexican United States and Mexican Olaims Uommission. —- For compensation

}Qf" °°““”*“‘ of Lge goénxxissioner on the part of the United States, four thousand five

Commissioner, un YB 0 8P8- ¤&¤1>i¤‘¤, ¤s¤¤¤» For compensation of umpire, three thousand dollars. °’ For agent, four thousand dollars. For secretary, two thousand five hundred dollars. For legal assistant to agent, three thousand dollars. 0!•¥k¤» M- For two clerks, at one thousand four hundred dollars each. For two translators, at one thousand five hundred dollars each. For one messenger, six hundred dollars. For one assistant messenger, three hundred dollars. For contingent expenses, dve thousand dollars.