Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/508

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474 1`ORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. SESS· III. Ch. 110, 111. 1871. L¤¤i¤i¤¤¤_¤¤d souri River Railroad Company, a corporation existing under the laws gf

 the State of Missouri, be, and is hereby, authorized to construct and

may construct, maintain a bridge over the Mississippi river at the city of Louisiana, in &°· l¥Il¥°.°"?" said State of Missouri.

?,?,,l§ gg?} Sec. 2. That said bridge shall be a lawful structure, and shall be mc-

Bridgis tobe ognized and known as a post-route, upon which also no higher charge

u?;"£‘$ shall he made for the transmission over the same of the mails, the troops,

mw, and the munitions of war of the United States than the rate per mile UWM- paid for the transportation over the railroad or public highways leading to the said bridge; and it shall enjoy the rights and privileges of other post-roads in the United States. Sgpans. Seo. 3. That if the said bridge shall be made with unbroken and continuous spans, it shall not be of less elevation in any case than fifty feet { above high-water mark, as understood at the point of location, to the bottom chord of the bridge; nor shall the spans of said bridge over the main channel of said river be less than three hundred and fifty feet in Piers. length, and the piers of said bridge shall be parallel with the current of Dmwbridgcs: said river: And provided, also, That if the same shall be constructed as a drawbridge, the draw or pivot shall be over the main channel of the river ut an accessible navigable point, and the spans not loss than two hundred feet in length in the clear; and the piers of said bridge shall be parallel with the current of the river, and the spans shall not be less than ten feet above high-water mark to the bottom chord of said bridge : Pro-

  • ¤b¤ °P¤¤¤d vided, also, That said draw shall be opened promptly, upon reasonable

rom tl . - · P P y signal, for the passing of boats. Act may be Seo. 4. That the right to alter or amend this act, so as to prevent or °l*°'°d· remove all material obstructions to the navigation of said Mississippi river by the construction of bridges, is hereby expressly reserved. Almrilway Sec. 5. That all railway companies desiring to use the said bridge g‘;'_f,'g’;‘é':;j§;%,m shall have andlbe entitled to equal rights and privileges in the passage of muse stri ge. the same, and m the use of the machinery and fixtures thereof, and of Terms and all approaches thereto, under and upon such terms and conditions as shall °°¤dm°¤*· be prescribed by the district court of the United States for the district in which said bridge is situated upon bearing the allegations and proofs of the parties, in case they shall not agree. mB§]<}z¤ ovfr Sec. 6. That at bridge may be constructed over the Missouri river at ,.,:8, or within nine miles of the town of Glasgow, in Howard county, Mis- Glasgow}. souri, by the said Louisiana and Missouri River Railroad Company : SIMM- Provided, That the said bridge shall he made with unbroken and continuous spans, and shall not be of less elevation in any case than fifty feet above high·water mark, as understood at the point of location, to the bottom chord of the bridge; nor shall the spans of said bridge over the main channel of said river be less than three hundred and fifty feet in Piers. length, and the piers of said bridge shall be parallel with the current of the river; and shall be subject to the same terms and restrictions as contained in this not for the construction of the bridge at Louisiana, Missouri. Approved, March 3, 1871. March 8, 1871. CHAP. CXI. -—An Act relating to Records ofUre Courts ¢y" the United States. Bc it enacted by the Senate and Muse of Representatives of the United post records States of America in Congress assembled, That whenever the record of gc-l‘;‘},€·',l}‘:§‘,:"’·:,· any judgment, or decree, or other proceeding of any judicial court of the sufm gouru United States shall have been or shall hereafter be lost or destroyed, any

¤¤>;8l>p_ g¤Sp1i¤d party or person interested therein may, on application to such court, and

JPY_" ° on showing to the satisfaction of such court that the same has been lost cr destroyed without fault or neglect of the party or person making such application, obtain an order from such court authorizing such defect to be supplied by n duly certified copy of such original record, where the same