Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/448

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414 FORTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cr:. 54. 1871. E¤8i¤°°*'l¤8- Civil and military engineering: For models, maps, and text-books for instructors, five hundred dollars. ¥‘l¤*¤¤l» M- Natural and experimental philosophy: For pocket-barometer, seventy- Pm°°°Pby' five dollars; for compasses, sixty dollars; for repairs and contingencies, two hundred dollars; compensation to attendants, fifty dollars; in all, three hundred and eightydive dollars. Drawing. Drawing: For pencil models for second class, fifty dollars; colored models for second class, fifty dollars; topographical models for third class, fifty dollars; architectural models and ornaments, twenty-tive dollars; paper, pencils, colors, and brushes, ten dollars ; in all, one hundred and eighty-five dollars. Ethics. Ethics: For text·books, books of reference, and stationery for instructors, fifty dollars. French. French: For text-books and stationery for instructors, twenty-five dollars. Spanish. Spanish: For text-books and stationery for instructors, fifty dollars. 0h¤mi¤¤'y· Chemistry, mineralogy, and geology: For chemicals, including glass, porcelain ware, paper, wires, and sheet-copper, one thousand four hun— dred dollars; for material for practical instructions in photography, two hundred and fifty dollars; for work-bench and tools, and tools for lathe, sixty-tive dollars; for carpenters' and metal work, fifty dollars; for gradual increase of the cabinet, five hundred dollars; for rough specimens, tiles, and alcohol lamps for practical instruction, two hundred dollars; for fossils illustrating American rocks, for daily use in section rooms, one hundred and fifty dollars; for repairs and improvements in electric, galvanie, magnetic, electro-magnetic, and magneto-electric ap~ paratus, tour hundred and fifty dollars; for galvanie battery and lamp regulator, one hundred and forty dollars; for repairs and addition to pneumatic and thermic apparatus, one hundred and fifty dollars; for Voightlandefs camera tube, seventy-five dollars; for Dullmeyer’s rapid rectilinear lens, one hundred and fifty-tive dollars; for Ladd’s dynamomugneto-electric machine complete, one thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars; for additional compensation to attendant, fifty dollars; in all, five thousand four hundred and eighty-tive dollars. Miscellaneous Miscellaneous and contingent expenses: For gas, coal, oil for lighting ”’d °°“'l”g°“°‘ academy and cadets’ barracks, mess-hall and hospital, officcs, stables, and side-walk, four thousand dollars; for waterpipes, plumbing, and repairs, two thousand dollars; scrubbing public buildings, (not quarters,) five hundred and sixty dollars; brooms, brushes, tubs, pails, and wages of scrubbers and cleaners, one thousand five hundred dollars; chalk, sponge, and slates for recitation-rooms, one hundred dollars; compensation of organist oi' chapel, two hundred dollars; compensation to librarian, one hundred and twenty dollars; compensation to noncommissioned officers in charge of mechanics, fifty dollars; compensation to soldier writing in adjutanfs office, fifty dollars; amounting in all to eight thousand five hundred and eighty dollars. Library- For increase and expense of library, books, magazines, periodicals, and binding, two thousand dollars; salary of librarian’s assistant, one thousand dollars, while the office is held by the present incumbent. For contingencies for superintendent, one thousand dollars. For furniture for cadet hospital, one hundred dollars. _ Bmrdofvle For expenses of board of visitors, to wit, board, lodging, and travellm" ling allowances, three thousand dollars. Road:. dmléog rippairing and opening roads and paths, two thousand five hun- 0 ars. Dfill z¤>¤¤¢l· d éior grading, draining, and improving drill ground, one thousand o ars. Water. For increasing the supply of water, rebuilding dam for reservoir at the foot of Crows’ Nest mountain, five thousand dollars.