Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/441

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FORTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 38,39. 1871. 407 under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, be surveyed and '!*Z¤<L•¤l>*l*· subdivided to correspond with the public survey, and the council of said Qt,?lj°°d°l° tribe, under the superintendence of the ageqt of the United States, shall make e just and fair allotment of so much thereof (in compact form) as may be required, among the individuals and families composing said tribe, as follows: Each head of a family consisting of four persons shall re- H¤¤dc¤fh¤»· eeive eighty acres of land, and if consisting of more than four persons, at “‘°“‘ the discretion of the council, eighty acres more may be assigned to him or her; each male person above the age of eighteen years, not included in Mules. any family, shall receive eighty acres ; each female person above the age Females. of eighteen years, not a member of any family, and each orphan child, shall receive forty acres; the lands assigned and allotted as aforesaid Lmdstobe shall be held inalienable, and in case of the death of any person, his- or §>¤H°¤¤3l° **1% her right thereto shall descend to his or her heirs, if members of said °wl° °°°°° ' tribe, and if he or she dies without heirs capable of inheriting, the land shall revert to and become the common property of said tribe;. there shall also be set apart and appropriated a. lot, not exceeding forty acres, Commentato be held as common property on which to erect a church, pm-sonage, ¤;'¤;ih°¤ famschool-house, and other improvements necessary for the accommodation·§°;;o g$i ` of said tribe: Pr0vz'dccL That if any female shall marry out of said tribe, female to fo1·· she shall thereby forfeit all right. to hold any of said lands, as if deceased. f°“• ul &°• Sm:. 9. And be it further enacted, That the allotments contemplated Allotments to in the previous sections of this act shall be made, and a certified copy lvzgiidghgm thereof returned to the commissioner of Indian aH`a,irs, within one year ° after the reservation shall have been made and accepted by said tribe; and thereafter the title of the lands described therein shall be held by the Title to be in United States in trust for individuals and their heirs to whom the same g¤°tU¤!°°L L were allotted. The surplus lands embraced in such reservation remain- tgféz, 1,:,,;, ing after making such allotments shall be held in like manner by the after allotments. United States, subject tp be allotted to individuals of said tribe who may not; have received any portion of said reservation, or to be disposed of for the common benefit of said tribe : Provided, That no change or addition No change, shall be made in the allotment returned to the commissioner of Indian ::ii¤¤£g¤¤°¤* affairs, unless the same shall be approved by the Secretary of the In- °"’ ' terior. J'. G. BLAINE, Speaker of the House of Representatives. _ SCHUYLER COLFAX, Wcc·President of the United States and President of the Senate. Received by the President, January 25, 1871. [Nom BY Tum Dm>Am·u1¤1v·r or STATE.—Th& foyegoiug mt having been presented to the President of the United States fox; has approval, bgd not having been returned by him be the House of Congresenn which at omguated within the time prescribed by the Constitution of the United States, has come a law without his approval.] CHAP. XXXIX.—An Act to authorize the Removal of the Cus¢om—Hou•e fiom St. Feb. 8, 1871. Mark’s lo Cedar Keys, Florida. Be ·z't enacted by the Senate and Hama of Representatives of the United Stale: of America in Congress assembled, That the port of entry of the t°€:d:;`rtK3';u collection district of S:. Mark';, in the State of Florida, be, and the same {Gy in the st. is hereby, removed from the town of St. Mark’s to the town of Cedar Hxlgg d Keys in said district, and the said town of St. Marks is hereby made and SL Mme gh., declared to be a port of delivery in said district. pon of delivery. APPROVED, February 8, 1871.