Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/4

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iv LIST OF THE PUBLIC RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. Page Rizmrs and Harbors Apprepr1`atz'0n. An act making an appropriation for ihe improwrement of livers and lmrl><>rs, lor the fiscal your ending J unc thirticth, eighteen hundred and sixty-mne, uml the year ending June tllirrieth, eighteen hundred and seventy. April 10, 1869, ch, 19. 44 Judge Arluacu/es of the Army. An act to declare and fix the status of judge advocates of the nriuy. April 10, 1869, ch. 20 . . . . .. . . . Z. . t. . 44 New .1I¢·.riuo. An act to repeal an act of the legislature of New Mexico imposing at capxtuuon mx on bovine cattle. April 10, 1869, uh. 21 .. . .. 44 Judicial System. An act to amend the judicial system of the `United States. April 10, 1869, ch. 22 ... . . . 44 ]|[arrIul lVonz·n in the Distric! of Columbia. An act regulating the rights of property of mnrried women in the District ol' Columbia. April 10, 1869, ch. 23 ... . 45 Lam] Grams to A’aIuzma. An not to renew certain grants of land to the State of Alabama. April ll), l8.39, ch. 24 .. . . .. 45 Af/O7'7`l{W-(,5/’)l<’f(ll. An act concerning the Attorney-Gcncml. April 10, 1869, ch. 25 46 Lil!/c Huck mul Irbrz Smith Rui/road Company. An act to extend the time for nhc Littlc Rock und Fort Smith Rdilroml Company to complete the first sbction of twenty miles of said road. April ll), 1869, ch. 26. .. . ..,.. 46 Land Grunf /br u, l?llI.l?`0'|d and Telegraph Line. An ncl: to umcnd an act entitled "An act granting lruule xo nid in tho construction cfu railroad and telegraph line from the Ccntml Pacific R.¤ilru:ul, in Californian, to Portland, in Oregon," approved July twemy»fiv0, eighteen hundred uml sixty-six. April 10, 1869, ch. 27 . . 47 Port of Ifzmy/, Supm·1`m· /J1'sh·ic!. An act to discontinue Sault Ste. Marie as a Port of Entry in the Superior elislrirt, and to establish l\lmquette in lieu thereofi April 10, 1869, ch. 28. .. 47 1*-'ll1‘)l1'lll}'(’ for the Pr<·s1`rIenl`s House. An act making available an appropriation heretofore made liar furniture for the presidential mansion. April 10, 1869, ch. 29 . . 47 Past·Rcads. An act to establish ccrtnin post-roads. April 10, 1869, ch. 30 ... 48 RESOLUTIONS. [N0. 1.] Rmnoving Buildingsfiom Ciipitol Grounds. A resolution authorizing the removal of the public stables, steam suw—mill, and other buildings from the Capitol grounds. March 23, 1869 .. . .. . ..t.. 51 [N0. 2.] OlIll.SSl`UIl {rr Euro/ment of Ol·L‘I.l E£I'])(’7lS(’S Appropriation Act. —Pqymenf 10 B. A. Shepherd. llomt 1·¤·sol1xu<>n tu supply an omission in the enrolment. of the “Act makin;; appropriations ior sundry Qvil expenses ft; tho government for the year §nding Juno thirlicth, eighteen nunrlrc nn seventy, nm or other purposes approved lurch third eighteen hundred and sixty-ninc. March 24, 1869 .. I . . 51 [No. 3.] Cunsu/ur Hwa. A resolution relative to consular fccs. March 26, 1869 .. 51 [No. 4.] gryhthvncsrs. A resolution in rclutR>n to lighthouses on the const of Oregon. March 26, 18G* ... 51 [No. OIlIi<HlO}lS in Enrolment of certain Appropriation Acts. Joint resolution to supply omissions in thu enrolment of vermin npproprimon acts, approved Murcll third, eighteen hundred uml Sl>LQ‘·llll10. March :29, 1860 . . .. . ... .. 52 [No.;;.] C‘llsg»:a·lI¢»·:s%az Ijrmgm-. Joint resolution to facilitate the construction of the customiousu nt. u.n;;¢n·, l nine. April 3, 1869 .. . ... 52 [No. 7.] (}ut·m·:nncu! Baile//nys at Fart T allen. A resolution relutinv to 0 * · t b 'ld` s ls • Fort 'l.`0ttl·n, l).•kom Territory. April 6, 1869 . . . . . ll. 52 [No. 8. 1§:llisl¢{rl.lIr·n of tlxe Aqmy. A resolution respecting the pay and allowances of enlisted muu in t ic army. pri 6, 1869 ... 52 [No. 9.] S¢:!Im§on Sh¢w·ne5L,mz{s in Irumxe. A resolution for the rclicf of settlers upon the nbscn uc mwucu lun is in (zmsns. pri 7, 1869 ... 53 [No. lO.] Ruiliviul I3:·¢`¢lqe mw rim Qhio Ih`rr·r. Joint resolution nutlrorizing tho building of a i·;ulr<m·l lJl'l(lg‘0 over the Ohio river nt 1’zulu<:nh, Kentucky. April 7, lB(i9 I . . 53 [No. ll [ Azpiuizut-G;c=m·raI’s €<v;>:irt;rg·:1%£0i11t resolution concerning vacancies in the adjutantgeneral s e cpur mcm. pri , .. 53 QN:;. 12.] Yiruzsyfér q/'Ap)2rr>pr1`rzi£r1ns f»r PnI»lic Prinfing. Joint resolution uuthorizing the tra.rsfer of rcrtuln appropriations hc·rut0fore muclc. April 10, 1869 . 54 [No. 13.] BurIingtan and }lHssouri Ilivcr Rui/road Comprmy, A resolution in relation to the Burlington und Missouri River railroad brunch of the Union Pacific railroad. April 10, 1869. . 54 [No. 1»§ l 5·m £fg£o;L€ ingvr§ Shfmllriirilzelmag. i*\ 5cscgg1gion respecting the retirement of ‘ · - · · . . Ol zvman. pri , . . .. 54 [No. {§;igdiers’ Boumzes. A resolution for the protection of soldiers and their heirs. April , v . . . . . ... 54 [N0. 16.] qorlnge sake and Lake Superior Ship Q'anal. A resolution cxhending the time for the comp ction 0 the Portage Lake and Lake bupenor slup canal. April 10, 1869 .. 55