Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/392

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358 FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 296. 1870. G<>¤°*¤U¤°l· portation of annuity goods and presents, (where D0 Special provision g§QgQ1I‘;’§Y§§°°° therefor is made by treaties,) and for defraying the expenses of removal service. and subsistence of Indians, (not parties to any treaty,) and for pay of necessary employees, twenty-four thousand four hundred dollars. Utah Territory. Mala Territory. ——For the general incidental expenses of the Indian service in Utah Territory, presents of go0d[s],agr1c¤ltural implements, and other useful articles, and to assist them to locate in permanent abodes, and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, fifteen thousand dollars. For the transportation and necessary expenses of delivery of provisions to the Indians within the Utah superintendency, ten thousand dollars. For this amount, to carry out the action contemplated by act of Con- `}8,°*v.9h· lzé gress approved May fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, entitled "An 0Xm`p`act to vacate and sell the present Indian reservations in Utah Territory, and to settle said Indians in Uintah Valley," ten thousand dollars. TW§'°ml¤8 Wyoming Territory.··-For the general incidental expenses of the °m°°ry’ Indian service in Wyoming Territory, presents of goods, agricultural implements, and other articles, and to assist them to locate in permanent abodes, and sustain themselves by [the] pursuits of civilized life, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, twenty . thousand dollars. D°}lY°'Y °*` For insurance, transportation, and necessary expenses of the delivery ?',:"§l,`;i,?;g0€?:° of annuities and provisions to the Indian tribes in Minnesota and Michiand Michigan. gan, ten thousand dollars. Sirrneys and For surveys of exterior boundaries of Indian reservations, and subdi-

X1‘€;g:: °f vidiug portions of the same, and for survey of diminished reserve of the

` Osage Indians, four hundred and forty-four thousand four hundred and ?*°*l¤°· eighty dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary: Provided, That none of this appropriation shall be expended for surveys of Choctaw or Chickasaw lands, unless the same shall be requested by the Choctaw or Chickasaw people, through their respective legislative councils, in accord- V°l-UV- 1*-77*- ance with article eleven of the treaty with said nations, concluded April twenty-eight, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six. For this amount to carry on the work of instructing and aiding the Indians of the central superintendency in the arts of civilization with a. view to their self-support, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, sixty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as he may deem necessary. Interest on Interest on Trust Fund Stocks. --·- For payment of interest on certain mismnd abstracted and non-paying State stocks belonging to various Indian tribes, ' for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy, and deficiencies for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixtynine, on certain Virginia State stocks, as follows : -— 1ming on For interest on certain stocks and bonds belonging to the Cherokee ¤¢¤><>k¤. &¤· b¤~ national fund, eighteen thousand six hundred and two dollars and eighty— zQ§,lg§£,lh° six cents. ` For interest on certain stocks and bonds belonging to the Cherokee school fund, three thousand two hundred and fifteen dollars and seventy- one cents. Ubi¤k¤¤¤W¤: For interest on certain stocks and bonds belonging to the Chickasaw national fund, fifteen thousand one hundred and forty dollars. For interest on certain stocks and bonds belonging to the Chickasaw incompetents, one hundred dollars. Glmtaws; For interest on certain stocks and bonds belonging to the Choctaw gem eral fund, thirty-four thousand seven hundred and fourteen dollars and twenty-nine cents. Greeks. For interest on certain stocks and bonds belonging to the Creek orphans, six thousand four hundred and twenty-three dollars and fourteen , cents.