Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/353

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· FORTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 294. 1870. 319 assigned, shall rank as second lieutenants, providing [provided] such ofli- Gmtlcs by *}**9 oers shall prefer to be so assigned, instead of being mustered out under 3;;i£,l;ri§Y&d°s the provisions of this section; and officers so assigned shall take rank i from the date of their original entry into the service: And provided fur- Chaplains. ther, That no chaplain be appointed to posts or regiments until those on waiting orders are assigried. Sec. 13. And be it furt/zu enacted, That the professors of the United Pay of profes- States Military Academy, whose service in the army and at the academy ’°"S Of the Mm' exceeds thirty-five years, shall have the pay of colonel, and those whose wry Am amy` like service is less than thirty-five, but exceeds twenty-five years, shall have the pay of lieutenant-colonel; and all other professors shall have the pay of major; and hereafter there shall be allowed and paid to said pro- Ten per ¢¤¤t· fessors ten per centum of their current yearly pay For each and every?;·r°;1;;:”tHB,*;y term of five years’ continuous service: Provided, That such addition years’ sgi-vice. shall in no case exceed forty per centum of said yearly pay; and said P’°Vi¤°· professors are hereby placed upon the same footing as regards retirement from active service as officers of the army. Sec. 14. And be it further enacted, That the pay and allowances of Enlisted men, the enlisted men of the army shall remain as now fixed by law until the PW ““‘;._“u°`*‘l‘ thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and seventy-one; and it shall be angst? he used unlawful for any officer to use any enlisted man as a servant in any case g?HS¤¤’¤¤¤¤ by whatever. “”· Sec. 15. And be it jtcrther enacted, That section two of the act entitled Law establish- "An act making appropriations for the support of the army for the year ¤\;s;¤<>s¤<i¤¤r{¤¤¤ ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, and for other pur- of gh; giggaut poses," approved March two, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, be, and \Vashingt<>}i,&c. the same is hereby, repealed.;gl‘éQ”l;’,;l·170 ,2 Sec. 16. And be it yiwcher enacted, That hereafter no officer shall be vOt.’x;»/, p.’4S6: entitled to wear while on duty any uniform other than that of his actual OHMYS 0*1 duty rank, on account of having been brevetted; nor shall he be addressed in;$,l`;E§§`,;ll;f§{m orders or official communications by any title other than that of his actual mnlgdand tg be rank. SO H FCSSG . Sec. 17. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United Officers absent States be, and he is hereby, authorized to drop from the rolls of the army;‘g';‘,,?;‘:g'i:;‘;&2 for desertion any officer who is now, or who may hereafter be, absent 1,,,,,,,6 to bg from duty three months without leave; and any officer so dropped shall df¤Dt>€d fF<>Y¤€h¢ forfeit all pay and allowances due or to become due, and shall not be;gg;£;°,gcX:l°?t eligible for reappointment. Sec. 18. And 6e it further enacted, That it shall not be lawful for any _ Otneers on acotilcer of the army of the United Stateson the active list to hold any civil office, whether by election or appointment, and any such officer accepting acceprgng or ’ or exercising the functions of a civil ofliee shall at once cease to be an h<>ldl¤¤g»*¤_V=}- officer of the army, and his commission shall be vacated thereby. °"°°°mmlSS1°°’ Sec. 19. And be it further enacted, That nothing in this act shall be Qraduates of construed to prevent the assignment to duty, as additional second licuten- g;l;f?;yA,f;d' ants, of the graduates of the Military Academy. assigned, Sec. 20. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of `War shall Armyyeguia. prepare a system of general regulations for the administration of the ¥l<>¤;d*g beggeg affairs of the army, which, when approved by Congress, shall be in force par y’ " and obeyed until altered or revoked by the same authority; and said effect of when regulations shall be reported to Congress at its next session: Provided, approved., That said regulations shall not beinconsistent with the laws of the United Proviso. States. S20. 21. And be it further enacted, That the Secretaries of War and _Studentsin the Navy be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed so to arrange M¤PX“Yd*md_N”‘ the course of studies and the order ofrecitations at the Military and Naval KQ, ,O°§8?;eS Academies that the students in said institutions will not be required to quired to study pursue their studies on Sunday. °° S“"d”y‘ SEO. 22. And be it further enacted, That from and after the passage of