Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/340

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306 FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Suss. II. Ch. 292. 1870. b°P°id b°*°°'° be conveyed to any party entitled thereto under any of the acts in-

°Q:",g§$:?°° oorporating or relating to said company, there shall first be paid into the

treasury of the United States the cost of surveying, selecting, and convey- iu5g1e same, by the said company or party in interest. d h A Miscellaneous. zscellaneous.—— For an examination and survey un ert e irection Tg:;?; *:2 of the President of the United States, of the routes bf Tehuantepec and and Nicgug ,_ Nicaragua, in order to ascertain the practicability of u ship canal at these ¤‘¤¤t¤¤ for Ship places between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, thirty thousand dollars. °“§';kmm°n To meet expenses to be incurred in the prosecution and collection of eng collection of claims due the United States, twenty-five thousand dollars, to be disbursed $}°;“t;3‘§;°£‘° under the direction of the Attorney-General: Provided, That appropria- [};,,,,,,,,°;p;,.0_ tions for salaries and pay of oiileers and others heretofore employed in priations trans- other departments and now employed in the Department of Justice, are °"°d ‘° hereby transferred to the said Department of Justice, to be disbursed in iepmment M accordance with the law organi inv the me st.' e. Z SR . _uP§’ °f<t;l‘gk¤ For compensation of clerks, and for additional compensation to the

.:,:,.y°Z€T,::;_ same, in the office of the Secretary of the Treasury, twemy·two thousand

ury. Eve hundred dollars. Saggnsul at pm h T0 pay salary of the consul at Port Said, Egypt, two thousand dol- 1 - rs. 1).,;-.,,,;,,, of For the payment of the necessary expenses incurred in defendinv suits spits for segzurg against the Secretary of the Treasury, or his agents, for the seizbre of Qblfsfoxgg ““ captured and abandoned property, and for the defence of the United property. Stage; respe; of such dpr0p;artythindthetrourtf 0: cliipns, sixg thomsan dollars o expen e un er e irec ion o the orney— enera. . _Smusu¤¤ qt For contihuing the collection of statistics of mines and mining, to be 3::**** md m"*· laidllaeféme Congress, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary ' of the reasury, ten thousand dollars. B Geologicai For continuing the geological survey of the Territories of the United ““’°Y‘ ?tzntes by Professior Hayden, under the direction of the Secretary of the ntcrior twenty- ve-thousand dollars. { Lnvytgrrgrry To eriuble the Secretary of the Interior to provide e law library for QQ0g2s_ " "' each of the Territories of Arizona, Idaho, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming, Pm Pius the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars, respectively, is hereby ’appropriated. P£?>LP§¤;?b°S_ To pay Paul S. Forbes the balance due him under contract with the ` ’ Navy Department for 0, stezmr-engine for the Algonquin, twenty-seven thousand three hundred and thirty-tluree dollars. Hon?-i¤ Ames; T0 pay Horatio Ames the amount now due him for wrought-iron rifled guns made by him for the navy by order of the bureau of ordnance, and tested end accepted by them, seventy-two thousand and sixty dollars and thu·ty-exght cents. LSL2z0g5E- mm _ I0 enable the Secretary of- the Treasury to psy Jacob P. Leese, as- °fTh;mMgO_ BXQDBQ of Thomas O. Larkm, m conformity to a Judgment of the court Larkin; of claims, rendered December twenty-four, eighteen hundred and sixty, less the nnterestand the sum paid on account, viz. : the balance of three thouselndihlyieliupcllied an;} thirty-gour dollars and thirty-Eve cents, which sum s e in u satis action 0 all demands against the government for said acco t. h£;”;{d$b];g· To pay_I·i1e]nry S. Halluday and Dyes T. Parker the sum of seven ·p_ p,,;,,,, thousand sax hundred and forty-two do lars, in full satisfaction of an judgment in rem recovered in the district court of the United States for the southern district of Illinois, on the seventh day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. m:*31r£H;=*:1¤¤ To enable the Secretary of the Interior to pay for services rendered BLM"", 5g6u_ by employees at the Flevhead and Bleckfeet agencies, in the Territory of' gzogxxlpapggg Montana, and for supplies furnished and for tr=1vel[l]ing and incidentel · egcpenses of agents during e period of about four years, commencing m sglgleen h;r&d_;·e<l_ and sixty-five, ten thousand eight hundred and forty-five s an y- our cen s.