Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/270

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236 FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 251. 1870. §X°*Eg*l‘1°· Executive.-- For compensation of the President of the United States, rw °° ‘ twenty-five thousand dollars. _ _ Vice-Prssk For compensation to the Vice·President of the United States, erght ·d°“* thousand dollars. _ Secretary to For compensation of secretary to sign patents for public lands, fifteen ¤is;¤_ Md-1>¤*~ hundred dollars. _ °°p,I;v,m ,w.,,_ For compensation tolthe private secretary, assistant secretary (who tary, clerks. shall be a short-hand writer) ; two executive clerks, at two thousand three “*°""“"d·&“°* hundred dollars each; steward, and messenger of the President of the United States, —-thirteen thousand eight hundred dollars. e Gontln max, For contingent expenses of the executive office, including stationery purses. go therefor, four thousand dollars. Departmentof Department of State. ·~— For compensation of the Secretary of State, $*;*3*- of S two assistant secretaries of state; for chief clerk, at two thousand two {,,.y,%°_ °°r°` hundred dollars; one examiner of claims, at three thousand five hundred dollars; eight clerks of class four, additional to one clerk of class four as disbursing clerk eivht clerks of class three three clerks of class two three clerks of classcone; one messenger, at eight hundred and forty doli lars; one assistant messenger, at seven hundred and twenty dollars ; nine laborersé ard four waitcl;(mer;,—{-si1?y—six thotifanddeight fhulndred aréd wenty dollars; two c er s 0 cass our, to ma e in exeso the recor s of the State Department, and one clerk of class three, five thousand two hundred dollars. m%°;:l;`T:,;:;;_°° For publishing the laws in pamphlet Form, and in newspapers of the pers. States and Territories, and in the city of Washington, seventy-five thou- &gV;‘r:*l::°';g sand dollars: Provided, That no laws or treaties shall be published in ,,,,;,];,;,2,,,; in newspapers except those which are of a general nature, which laws shall newspapers. be selected by the Secretary of State; and the same shall in all cases be Secretar of blah · [ Sum to Salim_ published wit rout delay. Pm0r.m¤d;ng_ For proofireading, and packing the laws and documents for the various &¤· legations and consulates, including boxes and transportation of the same, three thousand dollars. &f¤*g;<;T{¢;r{;1d §or itzitiioneryi, furniture, H§tures,da£d relpaigs, Size lthousand dollars. " _ or oo s an maps two thousand ve un re dollars. mm For extra clerk-hireiund copying, ten thousand dollars. ucontingent For contingent expenses, viz.: rent, fuel, lights, repairs, and miscella- P°“*°“· neous expenses, thirty-two thousand five hundred dollars. ·;·m,,m·y p,,. Treasury Departnzent. - For compensation of the Secretary of the Wg5e:? sw`- Treasury, eight thousand dollars; two assistant secretaries of the treasumumtmm ury, at three thousand five hundred dollars each; chief clerk, two thouclerks, Gao. sand two hundred dollars; forty-nine clerks of class four, additional to one clerk of class four as disbursing clerk, thirty clerks of class three, twenty- stx clerks ot class two, twenty-seven clerks of class one ; thirty-two Female clerks, nt nine hundred dollars each; eleven messengers; one assistant messengcnat seven hundred and twenty dollars, and ten laborers — in all two hundred and seventy-one thousand and sixty dollars. i , _Pay otsnpsr- In the construction branch of the treasury -- For supervising architect, Emgm three thousand dollars; assistant supervising architect, two thousand five Src. hundred dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; photographer, twenty- five hundred dollars; two assistant photographers, one at one thousand six hundred dollars, and one at one thousand two hundred dollars ; two clerks of class four, four clerks of class three, three clerks of class one, and one I messenger, —— twenty-seven thousand two hundred and forty dollars. enggrazpgzngt; Supcrmtendenfs Branch ry' the Secretaqfs Office. —— For one captain of Smmmym the watch, one thousand four hundred dollars; one engineer, one thousand

 f two hundred dollars; one machinist and gas-fifter, one thousand two hun-

Dwgywgtggggn, dred dollars; one storekeeper, one thousand dollars; thirty watchmen, at 6,, sev en hundred and twenty-dollars each, and to one of said watchmen, acting as lieutenant of watchmen, two hundred and eighty dollars in addition ;