Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/184

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150 FORTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 126, 127. 1870. Wh?" P¤"¤l°¤ the same lands under different rights shall institute separate suits. under {:Q:;°&'§:,1$d° the provisions of this act, such suits shall be consolidated and tried torights,_aud insti— gather, and the court shall determine the ·question of title and grant all g’li:Sd*“`°"°“‘ proper relief as between the respective clzumants as well as between each ' of them and the United States. If the decision Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That if, upon the final hearing of any {*3*% fgvgéff *h° cause provided for in this uct, tho court shall decide m favor of the United Oxrgw ,,p$,§nt States, it shall order such lands into the possession of a receiver to be srocsivcr- appointed by the court, who shall take charge of and rent out the same CBE::!' °r'°` for the United States, until Congress shall by law direct how the same bmi; shall be disposed ot; which said receiver shall emtecute :1 sufficient bond to be approved by the court, conditioned for the faithful performance of his account; duties as such, render at strict account of the manner in which he shall have disclmwed said duties, and of all moneys received by him as 2. receiver as afgresnid, which shall be by said court approved or rejected accordingly as it may he ibund correct or not, and pay such moneys into the treasury of the United States; and he shall receive such reasonable compensation; compensation for his services as said court may allow, and in case of a bow may be failure of said receiver to discharge any duty devolving upon him as fl‘£“J’:ll°d ‘° d° such, the court shall have power to enforce the performance of the same rrdé;},;.,";, by rule and attachment. But if the court shall decide in favor of any $¤ l`¤*'°¤1<>*`¤l¤*m~ claimant, both as against the United States and other claimants, it shall

°,;;,;;sij° so decree, and proceed by proper process to put such successful claimant

sion; in possession of such portion thereof as he may be thus found to be entitled to, and upon the filing of a certified copy of such decree with the i”t>£*:¤* *0 b° Secretary of the Intcrior,l1e shall cause a patent to be issued to the party ’ in whose favor such decree shall he rendered for the lands therein ad- Eitbor party judged to him: Provided, That either party may within ninety days

Yr:£g°*g£" alter the rendition of may final judgment or decree in any suit authorized

pby this uct, curry such suit by appeal to the Supreme Court of the United Jurisdiotionof States, which court is hereby vested with full jurisdiction to hear and

  • 1*** °°“*°· determine the same on such appeal, in the same manner and with the

same efliect as in cases ol' appeal in equity causes from the circuit courts Duty ot’Attm— of the United States: And provided further, That in case the judgment

g'gEI?:°”Ju§" or decree of the court of claims in any such suit shall be adverse to the

ppUnited States, the Attorney-General shall prosecute such appeal within m·8ct0i·ap_ the time above prescribed; and the taking of an appeal from any such peat Judgment or decree shall operate as :1 supersedeas thereof until the final hearing and judgment of the Supreme Court thereon. J. G. BLAINE, Speaker of the House of Representatives. SCHUYLER COLFAX, Woe-President of the United States and President of the Senate. Received by the President, May S1, 1870. [Nora nv rm: DEPARTMENT or STATE. -· The foregoing act havin;}; been presented to the President: of the United States for his approval, and not taving een returned y him to the house of Congress in which it orirrinated within the time prescribed by the Constitution of the United States, has become a law without his approval.] yum, 14, mm CHAP. CXXVII. - An Ae: to establisjhh of Colleemm Dislriel or Willamette, in the Slate ·-——~·-—-—-- o egon. _ Be it enacteet by the Senate and Abuse of Representatives ¢y" the United vtgtlumetto States of America in Congress assembled, That all that portion of the dis· $5,; drfgrlfgc 2:: tri_ct of Oregon, situated above the junction of the Willamette and C0lum— tsbltshedin Ore- bio rivers, and drained by said rivers and their tributary waters, is hereby Z°¤· constituted a collection district, to be called the Willamette district, where-