Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/179

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FOR'1`Y—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 114. 1870. 145 which xs hereby mede a. crime, or attempt to do so, every such person MY wt hmby shall be d8€}I1€d gmity of a crime, and shall for such crime be liable to §”d°°‘ °"m°° proseeutxon nn tiny court of the United States of competent jurisdiction Seven, p. 488. aud, on c0nv1ction thereof; shall be punished by a. Hue not exceediné five hundred dctllars, or by imprisonment for a. term not exceeding three years, or both, in the discretion of the court, and shall pay the costs of pros eu ion. S20. 20. And be if further enacted, That if; at any revistration of voters Penal for for an election for representative or delegate in the Congress of the "“l”"'f“?"°?'i" United States, any person shall knowingly personate and register. or rggigiggtigg attempt to register, in the name of any other person, whether lieimr °£"°*°¤i dead, or fictitious, or fraudulently register, or fraudulently attempt F5 FA-m°°d°d' register, net haying a lawful right so to do; or do any unlawful act to }’§s¢f;:h·i4?;j secure reg1st;ration for himself or any other person; or by force, threat, menace, mtimidation, bribery, reward, or offer, or promise thereof; or other unlavstful means, prevent or hinder any person having a lawful right to register from duly exercising such right; or compel or induce, by any of such means, or other unlawful means, any officer of registration to admit to registration any person not legally entitled thereto, or interfere in any manner with any officer of re istration in the discharge of his duties, or by any such means, or other uninwful means, induce any officer of registration to·violate or refuse to comply with his duty, or any law regulating the same; or knowingly and wilfully receive the vote of any for-knqvgingly, person not entitled to vote, or refuse to receive the vote of any person g°Af‘*‘jj""“€_"' emitted to vote, or aid, counsel, procure, or advise any such voter, person, mimi:; isisor efiicer to do any act hereby made a crime, or to omit any act, the °°i"°*%8°*_°¤°¤i omission of which is hereby made a crime, every such person shall be u,,;”;,:B`Q§lg§ deemed guilty of a crime, and shall be liable to prosecution and punish- any net hereby ment therefor, as provided in section nineteen of this act for persons 2':d°“ °""“°· guilty of any of the crimes therein specified : Provided, That every regis- what m bg tration made under the laws of any State or Territory, for any State or d¤°*P°d 3 regisother election at which such representative or delegate in Congress shall m;‘g2f"d°' be chosen, shall be deemed to be a registration within the meaning of this act, notwithstanding the same shall also be made for the purposes of any State, territorial, or municipal election. Sec. 21, And be it further enacted, That whenever, by the laws of any Voting m- at- State or Territory, the name of any candidate or person to be voted for ¥::?:’E';'§:;`£f; as representative or delegate in Congress shall be required to be printed, Printed, &q. balwritten, or contained in any ticket or ballot with other candidates or per- ;;;§J;";*;¤b sons to be voted for at the same election for State, territorial, municipal, summa; pH,;,, or local officers, it shall be sufficient prima facie evidence, either for the facie evidence purpose of indicting or convicting any person charged witn voting, or *h*“·&"· attempting or offering to vote, unlawfully under the provisions of the preceding sections, or for committing either of the offenses thereby created, to prove that the person so charged or indicted, voted, or attempted or offered to vote, such ballot or ticket, or committed either of the offenses named in the preceding sections of this act with reference to such ballot. And the proof and establishment of such facts shall be taken, held, and £°£%Y£;’·¤;LW deemed to be presumptive evidence that such person voted, or attempted such baugtdid or offered to vote, for such representative or delegate, as the cese may be, ngggogrtgrn or that such offense was committed with reference to the election of stzch Mm for §?m representative or delegate, and shall be suiiieient to warrant 1J1S conviction, senmuvg O, Byeunless it shall be shown that any such ballot, when cast, or attempted or sm- 0{Tered to be cast, by him, did not contain the name of any candidate for the office of representative or delegate m the Congress of the United States, or that such offense waz not eommxtted with reference to the ‘ r ntative or e e a e. _ degggé ;g S*jg};0;€g; $;?h”h” mam? That 3,,, gmcé? of my _·M¤¤ ¤¤ ,,3;*,;;;:5;:,*::;*;. which any representative or delegate in the Congress of the United States v01.. xv;. Pm;. -10