Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1291

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INDEX. 1257 Navy, (continued.) . V . w be; {bum! q1mliHpd, bcforc nppoiub Natifnflztnzndou rice f Umm or pwmumm _ _ I i I · H I . l 536 Navy Yards p 0 ...‘.. 838 mnfyul consuucwrs, reimive rank ,,pP,·0p,Z;m0¤S {0, at 0 , . .` .. . . . 536 Boston 362, 321 ·-327 508 526 '53

. . . . ·· · · , , — 3

2;ii12E1LT`i‘YT`¥ ff’{‘??T‘{?‘f’T? ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ f?? €I°°"¥"‘ "*"2· ”*"*”· 59** **2** · **3* nn} n.1;am·.1 ZCIIZZZZ ws ”° ““"d‘ "”°2· 322 ‘““’· 5*1526 · 21¤£<¤5c*•é1;l;H¢ ·1¤¤` corps of the navy, how r New Y¤:k.so2, 322 - 327, sus, me - gg; I I  : .>36 Norfolk 302, 322-327 508, 526-538 cxiqpggv . . . i. 53b, 537 1’ens¤cnla._.302,.322 -327T 508, 526- 538

 2. T .. ‘f. f?  Y‘T€‘T""’· 537 1"”‘“"‘*"°""‘· ‘ ‘3°“· 3”`”"· "°“· Ts

ofii ms 1101 to he reduced in rank, Su: 537 Pgrfgm _ · 3 rmceden :0 of uiii wm of swf? corps .. 587 Wasi¤in?ag;30?0(?3\32g?§2(;8,5?Jg6 02%:, engzh of serxicc, how rsaimatnA 537 l I ’ ’ ’ 535 chic? of baieuu may be nppoinud from Lraylor, John, and Company, w me ran . . .. . . 537 account F ` stat? orii -0r-s K0 hnve no additional right Mbrewka, S on to be Settled.- I D ’ · ·` I ·```690 w qzaarpers 537 swoads establish i . cmain, tu be exempt from sea dury, lioouiadnry line be:w;edn,;ud 1g2i;;;,?;] 465 ex·-epi, &c. ._ ... 537 tablmlied, when, &c . 98 rank of reurcei officers of the mulnai, jurisdictions of State and 'I`1 rrirory. 92 pay, and engineer c0rps,¤1i11s, pro- surveys and tranzibr of plums papers f¤¤¤ors, and c·0nstru¤·1:0rs. 537 &c ,.. ., ...93 pny no:1n1:ma.~cd . 537 act for relief of pw-cmpninu scuk-rs in... 188 chiefs of vcrfmn bureaus (0 have what I certain pm-em‘p1i0n scmlcrs in, to have rank and Li.Ie .. 537i one year fiom passage of av: to make psy ofchiefs of bureau 537 i proof and payment. . .. . ..,.. 188 rank of staffofiicers now on retired lis:. . 537 I cxpcnses of officc of surveym·-general comm md ng ofiircrs of vessels of war 1 and of land smveys in. .2-15, 293, 499, 501 2nd nwui stations to take p·<-xzedencc, appropriation for salary of district at- ·c . ... 537 mrney of . ... . . . . . . 517 line officcr may be detailed as aid, &c. to Nebraska and Iowa, comm andin g ofiirers 537 appropriation for survcym-general in, and rank nm! precuciunce . . 537 cicxks . 245 ordi;-i ut'. zu be as Hom commanding A thr ren: of office of 293 0 cer . 538ces riuhn of s:aH` officers in such cases .. 538 egibund on board vessels seized and dcinstructions for —hip+ of the United States, tained fin being engaged in li'l·‘ Af¤·ica.n €lD;{:O}'€d l0 prevent the African s1a.vc_ N h [shy: ij2t1G, how to be disposed 011.778, 780 11*2.1 L: .. 779 et er un s,` e, Nang IJi»pm1nzvn!. See Serrelary of t/1e Nagy. postal cunvcnlinu hctwccn tho d`iici.ncy appropriations thr .. 83, 30, 521 United States and, of S1-piembcr 26, qucnions of mw inning in the adminis- 1867 . 1063 trariun of the, cxcepc, &c. to be sen: to correspondence to he exchanged 1063 the Auorncy-Gcncml . ... 163 to embmcc what . 1063 not to Ci’llpil)yCOllflS€l at the expense cflices for exchange cimmnils .. 1063 of the United Smres. 164 arrangements for despatch of mails 1063 disbursing officers of the, to be allowed com of transpormtnon ..., 1063 ccrmn e1~e11i:= ...,.. 166 stsmuard weight for single rate of possapp:·up1iation>; for the, and for bureaus of age . Z . . . . 1063 the ... 248, 249, 302, 492, 493, 508, 526 rule of progression .. l06B fin- unvv vards and stations · 302 rates of postage 1063, 1064. {br 2l\'i1iEI\t of ncccssa ex srs mics when direct. steam lines shall be - P · ry p° · 1064 mcurn-d by committee on rctrcnvh- established ._ ... · ... _ . mum in iaivcsrigacing 0011t1‘8.rts of prepayment ut posmgc opnonal on ordxlilél for s·c:1m machinery. 313 nary letters _ .. I . . . 1064 for blllid ng 01-cupxcd ny.: . 493 mmpuisory nn registered ctters antor consrrucuon ior building for 494 other mail muxtcr, except or 1 pay of chiefs or bureaus in . 334 nary letters. . _ 1064 s0lic.t0r and naval judge ndvccnze, pay of 248 proceedings yhgn pcsmges are unpm no be known hercnf:er as naval soli- or are 111811fi1c¤emly pmd Z . . . 1064 citor . . . 162 registered correspondence and regmer lvdly Invalid Pmshms, fee. .. . ... •.,. . ... appropriations for . . ,.. 222, 400 ·whm; may reg?t,er0 .. .( 1064 Bvaiy ({_/7‘Icw·s, · basis {nr rez11ls1c10n 0 }l:Cl;i\XU sxés. . compinims of] fhr being unjustly passed rcguinuons for despmc 0 c0r T:)64 1065 M, i3?)§°;—J3£ ‘° *"’ 3* °“,i‘;‘;;1;e,z;1;1;,;4n;:ne;1;;;,1111111]..* mn ·· . 1 appropriations for payment 0£ .. 222, 400 not to gcccdl {K1; efécct m lengt}? lgg; to be paid Hom navy pension {und., .222, 400 nom to prou 3 . wvé Bsumatcs of cluums and payments to to pay customs ll y P · was be made . .. 222 unc .